relating to civics instruction in public schools, including certain |
instructional requirements, civics training programs, and the |
essential knowledge and skills for the public school foundation |
curriculum and social studies curriculum. |
SECTION 1. Sections 21.4555(b) and (c), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) A civics training program developed under this section |
must include training in: |
(1) the essential knowledge and skills for the social |
studies curriculum related to civic knowledge adopted under Section |
28.002(h-2); |
(2) guided classroom discussion of current events in a |
way that prioritizes unity, understanding, and collaboration, as |
appropriate for the grade level and consistent with the |
restrictions under Section 28.0022; |
(3) strategies for incorporating instruction on civil |
discourse, as defined by commissioner rule, into classroom |
discussion of current events under Subdivision (2); |
(4) classroom simulations and models of governmental |
and democratic processes, including local governmental processes |
and structure, consistent with the requirements and restrictions of |
Sections 28.002(h-2) and 28.0022; |
(5) [(4)] media literacy, including instruction on |
verifying information and sources, identifying and responding to |
logical fallacies, identifying how journalism and governmental |
transparency can inform the public and promote civic engagement, |
and identifying propaganda, as appropriate for the grade level and |
consistent with the restrictions under Section 28.0022; [and] |
(6) [(5)] strategies for incorporating civics |
instruction into subject areas other than social studies; and |
(7) identifying optional, nonpartisan volunteer |
opportunities that are consistent with the requirements and |
restrictions of Section 28.0022 to encourage students to connect |
with their community through civic engagement. |
(c) The commissioner by rule shall establish: |
(1) the grade levels at which a teacher provides |
instruction to be eligible to participate in a civics training |
program. In making the determination, the commissioner shall |
include grade levels for which the State Board of Education makes |
significant revisions to the essential knowledge and skills for the |
social studies curriculum under Section 28.002(h-2); and |
(2) a list of approved volunteer opportunities that |
meet the requirements of Subsection (b)(7). |
SECTION 2. Sections 28.002(h-1) and (h-2), Education Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(h-1) In adopting the essential knowledge and skills for the |
foundation curriculum under Subsection (a)(1), the State Board of |
Education shall, as appropriate, adopt essential knowledge and |
skills that develop each student's civic knowledge, including an |
understanding of: |
(1) the fundamental moral, political, and |
intellectual foundations of the American experiment in |
self-government; |
(2) the history, qualities, traditions, and features |
of civic engagement in the United States; |
(3) the structure, function, and processes of |
government institutions at the federal, state, and local levels, |
including the division of powers between federal and state |
governments and the legislative process in this state; and |
(4) the founding documents of the United States, |
including: |
(A) the entirety of the Declaration of |
Independence; |
(B) the entirety of the United States |
Constitution; |
(C) the Federalist Papers, including the |
entirety of Essays 10 and 51; |
(D) excerpts from Alexis de Tocqueville's |
Democracy in America; |
(E) the transcript of the first Lincoln-Douglas |
debate; |
(F) the writings of the founding fathers of the |
United States; |
(G) the entirety of Frederick Douglass's |
speeches "The Meaning of July Fourth for the Negro" and "What the |
Black Man Wants"; and |
(H) the entirety of Martin Luther King Jr.'s |
speech "I Have a Dream." |
(h-2) In adopting the essential knowledge and skills for the |
social studies curriculum for each grade level from kindergarten |
through grade 12, the State Board of Education shall adopt |
essential knowledge and skills that develop each student's civic |
knowledge, including: |
(1) an understanding of: |
(A) the fundamental moral, political, |
entrepreneurial, and intellectual foundations of the American |
experiment in self-government; |
(B) the history, qualities, traditions, and |
features of civic engagement in the United States; |
(C) the structure, function, and processes of |
government institutions at the federal, state, and local levels, |
including division of powers between federal and state governments |
and the legislative process in this state; and |
(D) the founding documents of the United States; |
(2) the ability to: |
(A) analyze and determine the reliability of |
information sources; |
(B) formulate and articulate reasoned positions; |
(C) understand the manner in which local, state, |
and federal government works and operates through the use of |
simulations and models of governmental and democratic processes; |
(D) actively listen and engage in civil |
discourse, including discourse with those with different |
viewpoints; and |
(E) participate as a citizen in a constitutional |
democracy by voting; and |
(3) an appreciation of: |
(A) the importance and responsibility of |
participating in civic life; |
(B) a commitment to the United States and its |
form of government; and |
(C) a commitment to free speech and civil |
discourse. |
SECTION 3. This Act applies beginning with the 2025-2026 |
school year. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |