relating to the composition of the Sexual Assault Survivors' Task |
Force. |
SECTION 1. Section 772.0064(d), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(d) The task force is composed of the following members: |
(1) the governor or the governor's designee; |
(2) a representative of each state agency that has |
duties relating to the prevention, investigation, or prosecution of |
sexual assault or other sex offenses or provides services to |
survivors, including: |
(A) the office of the attorney general; |
(B) the Health and Human Services Commission; and |
(C) the Department of Family and Protective |
Services; |
(3) the executive director of the Texas Commission on |
Law Enforcement or the executive director's designee; |
(4) the presiding officer of the Texas Forensic |
Science Commission or the presiding officer's designee; |
(5) the division director of the law enforcement |
support division of the Texas Department of Public Safety with |
authority over the Crime Laboratory Service or the division |
director's designee; |
(6) the president of the Texas Association of Crime |
Laboratory Directors or the president's designee; |
(7) the president of the Texas District and County |
Attorney's Association or the president's designee; |
(8) the president of the Texas Emergency Nurses |
Association or the president's designee; |
(9) the president of the International Association of |
Forensic Nurses Texas Chapter or the president's designee; |
(10) [(9)] the president of the statewide |
organization described by Section 264.409, Family Code, or the |
president's designee; |
(11) [(10)] the president of the state sexual assault |
coalition, as defined by Section 420.003, or the president's |
designee; |
(12) [(11)] a representative from a law enforcement |
agency appointed by the steering committee described by Subsection |
(c); |
(13) [(12)] a sexual assault nurse examiner appointed |
by the steering committee described by Subsection (c) to represent |
the interests of health care facilities that perform sexual assault |
forensic exams; |
(14) [(13)] an adult survivor of child sexual abuse or |
the parent or guardian of a survivor of child sexual abuse; |
(15) [(14)] a survivor of adult sexual assault; and |
(16) [(15)] other members considered appropriate by |
the steering committee described by Subsection (c). |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |