relating to the frequency of the notice provided to a retail |
electric customer by certain electric utilities. |
SECTION 1. Section 17.003(d-1), Utilities Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(d-1) An electric utility providing electric delivery |
service for a retail electric provider, as defined by Section |
31.002, shall provide to the retail electric provider, and the |
retail electric provider at least quarterly shall [periodically] |
provide to the retail electric provider's retail customers together |
with bills sent to the customers, information about: |
(1) the electric utility's procedures for implementing |
involuntary load shedding initiated by the independent |
organization certified under Section 39.151 for the ERCOT power |
region; |
(2) the types of customers who may be considered |
critical care residential customers, critical load industrial |
customers, or critical load according to commission rules adopted |
under Section 38.076; |
(3) the procedure for a customer to apply to be |
considered a critical care residential customer, a critical load |
industrial customer, or critical load according to commission rules |
adopted under Section 38.076; and |
(4) reducing electricity use at times when involuntary |
load shedding events may be implemented. |
SECTION 2. Section 17.005(f), Utilities Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(f) A municipally owned utility at least quarterly shall |
[periodically] provide with bills sent to retail customers of the |
utility information about: |
(1) the utility's procedure for implementing |
involuntary load shedding; |
(2) the types of customers who may be considered |
critical care residential customers, critical load industrial |
customers, or critical load according to commission rules adopted |
under Section 38.076; |
(3) the procedure for a customer to apply to be |
considered a critical care residential customer, a critical load |
industrial customer, or critical load according to commission rules |
adopted under Section 38.076; and |
(4) reducing electricity use at times when involuntary |
load shedding events may be implemented. |
SECTION 3. Section 17.006(f), Utilities Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(f) An electric cooperative at least quarterly shall |
[periodically] provide with bills sent to retail customers of the |
cooperative information about: |
(1) the cooperative's procedure for implementing |
involuntary load shedding; |
(2) the types of customers who may be considered |
critical care residential customers, critical load industrial |
customers, or critical load according to commission rules adopted |
under Section 38.076; |
(3) the procedure for a customer to apply to be |
considered a critical care residential customer, a critical load |
industrial customer, or critical load according to commission rules |
adopted under Section 38.076; and |
(4) reducing electricity use at times when involuntary |
load shedding events may be implemented. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |