relating to the purposes for which the Texas Water Bank and the |
Texas Water Trust may accept and hold water rights. |
SECTION 1. Section 12.028(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Consistent with Section 11.0235(b), Water Code, and the |
department's duties and responsibilities, the department shall |
encourage and facilitate the dedication of water rights in the |
Texas Water Trust through lease, donation, purchase, or other means |
of voluntary transfer for conservation or environmental needs, |
including for the purpose of maintaining or improving: |
(1) water supply management; |
(2) instream flows; |
(3) [(2)] water quality; |
(4) [(3)] fish and wildlife habitat; and |
(5) [(4)] bay and estuary inflows. |
SECTION 2. Section 15.703(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The board may take all actions necessary to operate the |
water bank and to facilitate the transfer of water rights from the |
water bank for future beneficial use including but not limited to: |
(1) negotiating a sale price and terms acceptable to |
the depositor and purchaser; |
(2) maintaining a registry of water bank deposits and |
those water users in need of additional supplies; |
(3) informing water users in need of additional supply |
of water rights available in the bank; |
(4) encouraging water right holders to implement water |
conservation practices and deposit the right to use the conserved |
water into the bank; |
(5) establishing requirements for deposit of a water |
right into the water bank including minimum terms for deposit; |
(6) purchasing, holding, and transferring water or |
water rights in its own name; |
(7) establishing regional water banks; |
(8) acting as a clearinghouse for water marketing |
information including water availability, pricing of water |
transactions, environmental considerations, and potential buyers |
and sellers of water rights; |
(9) preparing and publishing a manual on structuring |
water transactions; |
(10) accepting and holding donations of water rights |
to meet conservation or environmental needs, including water supply |
management, instream flow, water quality, fish and wildlife |
habitat, or bay and estuary inflow needs; |
(11) entering into contracts with persons to pay for |
feasibility studies or the preparation of plans and specifications |
relating to water conservation efforts or to estimate the amount of |
water that would be saved through conservation efforts; and |
(12) other actions to facilitate water transactions. |
SECTION 3. Section 15.7031(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The Texas Water Trust is established within the water |
bank to hold water rights dedicated to conservation or |
environmental needs, including water supply management, instream |
flow [flows], water quality, fish and wildlife habitat, or bay and |
estuary inflow needs [inflows]. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |