relating to the terminology used in statute to refer to the |
partially landlocked body of water on the southeastern periphery of |
the North American continent. |
SECTION 1.01. Subtitle D, Title 4, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Chapter 452 to read as follows: |
Sec. 452.001. FINDINGS AND INTENT. The legislature finds |
that language used in reference to the partially landlocked body of |
water on the southeastern periphery of the North American |
continent, commonly referred to as the "Gulf of Mexico" is |
inaccurate and outdated. It is the intent of the legislature to |
establish preferred terminology for new and revised laws by |
requiring the use of language that accurately describes this region |
of the North American continent. |
REQUIRED. (a) The legislature and the Texas Legislative Council |
are directed to avoid using the term "Gulf of Mexico" in any new |
statute or resolution as sections including as sections including |
that term are otherwise amended by law. |
(b) In enacting or revising statutes or resolutions, the |
legislature and the Texas Legislative Council are directed to |
replace, as appropriate, the term "Gulf of Mexico" with the term |
"Gulf of America." |
SECTION 1.02. Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Sections 325.0128 and 325.0129 to read as follows: |
STATUTORY LANGUAGE. (a) As part of its review of a state agency, |
the commission shall consider and make recommendations regarding |
the statutory and regulatory revisions necessary to use the phrase |
"Gulf of America" instead of "Gulf of Mexico." |
(b) As part of its review of an agency, the commission shall |
consider and recommend, as appropriate, statutory revisions in |
accordance with the Gulf of America statutory language initiative |
under Chapter 452. |
PROMOTION. The executive commissioner of each state agency or |
commission shall ensure that the agency or commission use the term |
listed as preferred under the Gulf of America statutory language |
initiative in Chapter 452 when proposing, adopting, or amending the |
commission's or agency's rules, reference materials, publications, |
and electronic media. |
SECTION 2.01. Section 47.051(2), Agriculture Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Coastal waters" means all the salt water of the |
state, including the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
that is within the jurisdiction of the state. |
SECTION 3.01. Section 251.742(b), Alcoholic Beverage Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) This section applies only to a municipality that: |
(1) has a population of 15,000 or more; and |
(2) is located in two counties one of which: |
(A) has a population of 340,000 or more; |
(B) contains a municipality in which at least 85 |
percent of the county's population resides; and |
(C) borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 4.01. Section 15.0181(a)(5), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(5) "Inland waters" means the navigable waters |
shoreward of the navigational demarcation lines dividing the high |
seas from harbors, rivers, the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, and |
other inland waters of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, |
Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, or Indiana or of |
Florida along the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] shoreline of |
Florida from the Florida-Alabama border down to and including the |
shoreline of Key West, Florida. The term does not include the Great |
Lakes. |
SECTION 4.02. Section 18.033(a), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) In a dispute between the State of Texas and an upland |
owner of property fronting on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
and the arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the |
boundaries of the State of Texas, the maps, surveys, and property |
descriptions filed in the General Land Office in connection with |
any conveyance by the state or any predecessor government by |
patent, deed, lease, or other authorized forms of grant shall be |
presumed to accurately depict the boundary between adjacent upland |
owners and the state-owned submerged lands. |
SECTION 4.03. Section 21.021, Civil Practice and Remedies |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 21.021. APPLICATION. This subchapter applies to a |
county that: |
(1) is part of two or more judicial districts, that has |
two or more district courts with regular terms, and that is part of |
a district in which a county borders on the international boundary |
of the United States and the Republic of Mexico; |
(2) borders on the international boundary of the |
United States and the Republic of Mexico and that is in a judicial |
district composed of four counties; |
(3) borders on the international boundary of the |
United States and the Republic of Mexico and that has three or more |
district courts or judicial districts wholly within the county; or |
(4) borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and |
that has four or more district courts or judicial districts of which |
two or more courts or districts are wholly within the county. |
SECTION 4.03. Section 78.052 Civil Practice and Remedies |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
EMERGENCY. This subchapter applies only to damages for personal |
injury, death, or property damage arising from an error or omission |
of: |
(1) a nonprofit fire department providing services to |
respond to marine fire emergencies under contract to a governmental |
unit, if the error or omission occurs in responding to a marine fire |
emergency: |
(A) on the navigable waters of this state; |
(B) in any place into which a vessel enters or |
from which a vessel departs the waterway leading to that place from |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or the Gulf Intracoastal |
Waterway; |
(C) on property owned or under the control of the |
governmental unit; or |
(D) at the request of the governmental unit in |
the interest of public safety; or |
(2) a fire fighter providing services described by |
Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 5.01. Section 1, Chapter 311 (H.B. 558), Acts of the |
55th Legislature, Regular Session, 1955 (Article 5421b-1, Vernon's |
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1. All or any part of the Public Lands belonging to the |
State situated in and under the bed of Caddo Lake and the |
tributaries thereto and all or any part of such lands adjacent |
thereto shall be subject to lease for mineral development by the |
Commissioner of the General Land Office to any person, firm or |
corporation in accordance with the provisions of existing or future |
laws pertaining to the leasing and development of all islands, |
salt-water lakes, bays, inlets, marshes and reefs, owned by the |
State within tidewater limits, and that portion of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of Texas, and all |
unsold public free school land, both surveyed and unsurveyed, in so |
far as same are not in conflict herewith. |
SECTION 5.02. Section 1, Chapter 10 (H.B. 134), Acts of the |
47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 5421c-4, Vernon's |
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1. The School Land Board, created by House Bill No. 9 |
of the Forty-sixth Legislature (being Title: Public Lands, Chapter |
3, of the General Laws of the Forty-sixth Legislature, 1939,) is |
hereby authorized to grant and issue easements or surface leases to |
the United States of America in accordance with the conditions |
hereinafter set out, on any island, salt water lake, bay, inlet, or |
marsh within tidewater limits, and that portion of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of the State of |
Texas, to be used exclusively for any purpose essential to the |
National Defense. |
SECTION 5.03. Section 1, Chapter 287 (S.B. 454), Acts of the |
47th Legislature, Regular Session, 1941 (Article 5366a, Vernon's |
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1. In each case in which an oil and gas mineral lease |
has heretofore been granted or may hereafter be granted by the State |
of Texas on an area covered by the coastal waters of the State or |
within the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and in which the War |
Department of the United State refuses to grant a permit to the |
lessee or owner of such lease to drill a well thereon for oil, gas or |
other minerals (the area included in such lease being within the |
navigable waters of the United States) and in the event the primary |
term of such lease should expire during the period of time in which |
the War Department of the United States may continue to refuse to |
issue such permit, then and in such event the primary term of such |
lease is hereby extended for successive periods of one (1) year from |
and after the end of the original primary term of such lease while |
and so long as the War Department may continue such refusal to issue |
to the lessee or to the owner of such lease a permit to drill for |
oil, gas or other minerals, on the area covered thereby; provided, |
that in order to make such extensions effectual the lessee or the |
owner of such lease shall, during each of the annual periods during |
which the primary term of the lease is so extended, apply to and |
seek to obtain from the War Department a permit to drill a well for |
oil, gas or other minerals on the area covered by such lease and be |
unsuccessful in its attempts to obtain a permit, or, if successful |
in obtaining a permit, commence operations for drilling a well upon |
the leased premises within sixty (60) days after obtaining such |
permit; and provided further that the lessee or the owner of such |
lease continues to pay the annual renewal rentals at the rate |
provided for in such lease for the period of time involved in such |
extensions. Should such lease be so extended and should the War |
Department at any time while such lease is still in force and effect |
issue a permit to the lessee or to the owner of such lease to drill a |
well thereon for oil, gas or other minerals, such lease shall |
continue in force and effect if the lessee commences drilling |
operations upon the leased premises within sixty (60) days after |
obtaining such permit, and so long as the lessee or the owner of |
such lease shall continue to conduct drilling or mining operations |
thereon, or if oil, gas or other mineral be discovered thereon by |
the lessee or the owner of such lease, so long as oil, gas or other |
mineral is produced from such leased premises. Should the |
production of oil, gas or other mineral on said leased premises |
after once secured, cease from any cause, such lease shall not |
terminate if the lessee or owner of such lease commences additional |
drilling, reworking or mining operations within thirty (30) days |
thereafter or if it be within the original primary term of such |
lease, commences or resumes the payment or tender of rental on or |
before the rental paying date, if any, next ensuing; but if there be |
no rental paying date next ensuing, the lease shall in no event |
terminate prior to the expiration of the primary term. |
SECTION 5.04. Section 1, Chapter 314 (S.B. 326), Acts of the |
56th Legislature, Regular Session, 1959 (Article 5337-2, Vernon's |
Texas Civil Statutes), is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 1. The Commissioner of the General Land Office is |
hereby authorized and empowered, acting for and on behalf of the |
State of Texas, to execute any and all grants of easements in, on, |
and across all unsold Public Free School Lands, and in, on, and |
across all islands, salt water lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and |
reefs owned by the state within the tidewater limits, and in, on, |
and across that portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of Texas, to Nueces County Water Control |
and Improvement District Number 4 for right-of-ways for pipe lines |
and for the installation of all works, facilities, and appliances, |
in any and all manners incident to, helpful or necessary for |
securing, storing, processing, treating, transporting, and selling |
an adequate supply of fresh water; provided, however, said Nueces |
County Water Control and Improvement District Number 4 shall pay |
the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) as consideration for the granting of |
each easement. |
SECTION 6.01. Section 155.001(2), Education Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Commission" means the regional planning |
commission, council of governments, or similar regional planning |
agency created under Chapter 391, Local Government Code, whose |
membership includes the most populous county that borders on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or on a bay or inlet of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 6.02. Section 155.003(c), Education Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The commission and advisory committee may cooperate, |
coordinate, and share information with a governmental entity or |
postsecondary educational institution in another state that |
borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 7.01. Section 107.106(a), Family Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county: |
(1) with a population of less than 500,000; |
(2) that is contiguous to the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and that borders the |
United Mexican States; or |
(3) that borders a county described by Subdivision |
(2). |
SECTION 8.01. Section 490I,0110(b), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The broadband development office board of advisors is |
composed of 10 members, appointed as follows: |
(1) two members appointed by the governor, including: |
(A) one member to represent the Texas Economic |
Development and Tourism Office; and |
(B) one member of the public with experience in |
telecommunications or broadband service; |
(2) three members appointed by the lieutenant |
governor, including: |
(A) one member who resides in an urban area; |
(B) one member to represent the public primary |
and secondary education community; and |
(C) one member who resides in a county that: |
(i) is adjacent to an international border; |
(ii) is located not more than 150 miles from |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(iii) has a population of more than 60,000; |
(3) three members appointed by the speaker of the |
house of representatives, including: |
(A) one member who resides in a rural area; |
(B) one member to represent the health and |
telemedicine industry; and |
(C) one member to represent the public higher |
education community; |
(4) the comptroller or the comptroller's designee; and |
(5) one nonvoting member appointed by the broadband |
development office to represent the office. |
SECTION 8.02. Section 1431.015(b), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter or a |
rating requirement prescribed by Chapter 1371, an issuer located |
within 70 miles of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or of a bay |
or inlet of the gulf may authorize the issuance of an anticipation |
note or other obligation in the event of an emergency. An |
anticipation note or other obligation issued under this section is |
an obligation under Chapter 1371, but is not required to be rated as |
required by that chapter. |
SECTION 8.03. Section 1475.051, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
subchapter applies only to a county adjacent to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 8.04. Section 1478.001, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 1478.001. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter |
applies only to a county that: |
(1) is located on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
and |
(2) has within its boundaries an island susceptible to |
development for recreational purposes for the use and benefit of |
the residents of the county. |
SECTION 8.05. Section 1502.057(c), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The board of trustees having management and control of a |
utility system located in a county contiguous to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] and bordering the United Mexican States may impose |
and collect the charges authorized under this section for services |
provided by the utility system. |
SECTION 8.06. Section 1502.070(a), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Management and control of a utility system may be vested |
in: |
(1) the municipality's governing body; or |
(2) a board of trustees named in the proceedings |
adopted by the municipality and consisting of not more than: |
(A) five members, one of whom must be the mayor of |
the municipality; |
(B) seven members, one of whom must be the mayor |
of the municipality, if the municipality is located in a county |
that: |
(i) contains a municipality with a |
population of at least 500,000; and |
(ii) is located on an international border; |
or |
(C) seven members, one of whom must be the mayor |
of the municipality, if the municipality is located in a county: |
(i) with a population of at least 375,000; |
(ii) that is located on an international |
border; and |
(iii) that borders the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 8.07. The heading to Subchapter A, Chapter 1505, |
Government Code, is amended to read as follows: |
SECTION 8.08. Section 1505.001, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
subchapter applies only to a municipality that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 8.09. Section 1505.053, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
municipality may: |
(1) own, purchase, construct, operate, improve, |
enlarge, repair, or maintain a bridge over or across any stream, |
inlet, or arm of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or entrance |
canal to the deepwater port of the municipality that connects any of |
the public streets, highways, or thoroughfares of the municipality; |
(2) own, purchase, construct, repair, maintain, |
operate, or lease: |
(A) a wharf, pier, pavilion, or boathouse; or |
(B) a dam, dyke, or spillway with a road or bridge |
on or over it to create a freshwater supply basin for domestic, |
irrigation, and other purposes in the navigation district in which |
the municipality is located or in a county adjacent to the |
freshwater basin; |
(3) acquire, reclaim, reconstruct, or fill in any |
submerged land along the waterfront of the municipality and |
construct, operate, or maintain a water main, gas main, storm |
sewer, sanitary sewer, sidewalk, street, or similar improvement in |
connection with that land; |
(4) construct a seawall, breakwater, or other shore |
protection to protect the waterfront of the municipality; and |
(5) construct, reconstruct, maintain, operate, or |
dredge a channel in connection with a deepwater port in aid of |
navigation within the municipality. |
SECTION 8.10. Section 1505.102(1), Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Bridge or tunnel" means a bridge over, or a tube, |
underpass, or tunnel under, any stream, inlet, or arm of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] or entrance channel to the deepwater port |
of a municipality that connects any public streets or thoroughfares |
of, in, or to the municipality. |
SECTION 8.11. Section 1505.201, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
subchapter applies only to a municipality that: |
(1) has a population of less than 12,000; and |
(2) is located on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or a channel, canal, bay, or inlet connected with that gulf. |
SECTION 8.12. Section 1506.101, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
subchapter applies only to a municipality that: |
(1) is located on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or on a channel, canal, bay, or inlet connected to the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(2) has a population of: |
(A) more than 53,000 and less than 84,000; or |
(B) more than 115,000 and less than 160,000. |
SECTION 8.13. Section 2204.301, Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 2204.301. GRANT TO UNITED STATES. The governor may |
grant to the United States in accordance with this subchapter those |
portions of the beds and banks of the Pecos and Devils rivers in Val |
Verde County and of the Rio Grande in Brewster, Cameron, Hidalgo, |
Hudspeth, Jeff Davis, Kinney, Maverick, Presidio, Starr, Terrell, |
Val Verde, Webb, and Zapata counties: |
(1) for which title is vested in this state; and |
(2) that may be necessary or expedient in the |
construction and use of the storage and flood control dams and their |
resultant reservoirs, diversion works, and appurtenances provided |
for in the Treaty Relating to the Utilization of the Waters of the |
Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, and of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) from |
Fort Quitman, Texas, to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], |
concluded by the United States and the United Mexican States on |
February 3, 1944. |
SECTION 9.01. Section 341.03571(b), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) This section applies only to a county, or a municipality |
in a county, that: |
(1) borders the United Mexican States or is adjacent |
to a county that borders the United Mexican States; |
(2) has a population of at least 400,000 or has a |
population of at least 20,000 and is adjacent to a county that has a |
population of at least 400,000; and |
(3) is within 200 miles of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 9.02. Section 361.121(o), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(o) The commission may not issue a permit under this section |
for a land application unit that is located both: |
(1) in a county that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico]; and |
(2) 500 feet or less from any water well or surface |
water. |
SECTION 9.03. Section 361.122, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commission may not issue a permit for a Type IV landfill if: |
(1) the proposed site is located within 100 feet of a |
canal that is used as a public drinking water source or for |
irrigation of crops used for human or animal consumption; |
(2) the proposed site is located in a county with a |
population of more than 225,000 that is located adjacent to the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(3) prior to final consideration of the application by |
the commission, the commissioners of the county in which the |
facility is located have adopted a resolution recommending denial |
of the application. |
SECTION 9.04. Sections 365.003(b) and (c), Health and |
Safety Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) In this section, "beach" means an area in which the |
public has acquired a right of use or an easement and that borders |
on the seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or |
extends from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation |
bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
(c) This section applies only to a county park located in a |
county that has the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] as one |
boundary, but does not apply to a beach located in that park. |
SECTION 9.05. Section 366.012(a), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) To assure the effective and efficient administration of |
this chapter, the commission shall: |
(1) adopt rules governing the installation of on-site |
sewage disposal systems, including rules concerning the: |
(A) review and approval of on-site sewage |
disposal systems; and |
(B) temporary waiver of a permit for an emergency |
repair; and |
(2) adopt rules under this chapter that: |
(A) encourage the use of economically feasible |
alternative techniques and technologies for on-site sewage |
disposal systems that can be used in soils not suitable for |
conventional on-site sewage disposal; |
(B) address the separation of graywater, as |
defined by Section 341.039, in a residence served by an on-site |
sewage disposal system; |
(C) allow for an adjustment in the size required |
of an on-site sewage disposal system if the system is used in |
conjunction with a graywater system that complies with the rules |
adopted under Section 341.039; |
(D) require on-site sewage disposal systems, |
including risers and covers, installed after September 1, 2012, to |
be designed to prevent access to the system by anyone other than: |
(i) the owner of the system; or |
(ii) a person described by Section |
366.071(a) or (b); |
(E) for a county with a population of at least |
350,000 and not more than 370,000 that is adjacent to the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and adjacent to a county with a population |
of at least 3.3 million, allow for the installation of aerobic drip |
emitter systems on subdivided or platted properties less than |
one-half acre in size serving single-family residences supplied by |
a public drinking water system if site-specific planning materials |
have been: |
(i) submitted by a licensed engineer or |
registered sanitarian; and |
(ii) approved by the appropriate authorized |
agent; and |
(F) for a county with a population of more than |
40,000 and less than 50,000 that borders the Red River along the |
Oklahoma state line and has a major interstate road running through |
it, allow for the installation of aerobic drip emitter systems on |
subdivided or platted properties less than one-half acre in size, |
serving single-family residences supplied by a public drinking |
water system if site-specific planning materials have been: |
(i) submitted by a licensed engineer or |
registered sanitarian; and |
(ii) approved by the appropriate authorized |
agent. |
SECTION 9.06. Section 711.008(d), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) Subsection (a) does not apply to a cemetery established |
and operating before September 1, 1995, in a county with a |
population of more than 315,000 and less than 351,000 that borders |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 9.07. Section 773.1141(a), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a trauma service area |
regional advisory council serving a geographic area that includes: |
(1) at least one county located on the international |
border of this state; and |
(2) at least one county adjacent to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 9.08. Section 775.021(a), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a district located in whole |
or in part in a county that: |
(1) borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(2) has a population of less than 1.5 million. |
SECTION 10.01. Section 42.021(c), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) Subsection (b) applies to a municipality that has: |
(1) a population of 2,000 or more; and |
(2) territory located: |
(A) entirely on a barrier island in the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(B) within 30 miles of an international border. |
SECTION 10.02. Section 42.0235(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Notwithstanding Section 42.021, and except as provided |
by Subsection (d), the extraterritorial jurisdiction of a |
municipality with a population of more than 175,000 located in a |
county that contains an international border and borders the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] terminates two miles from the |
extraterritorial jurisdiction of a neighboring municipality if |
extension of the extraterritorial jurisdiction beyond that limit |
would: |
(1) completely surround the corporate boundaries or |
extraterritorial jurisdiction of the neighboring municipality; and |
(2) limit the growth of the neighboring municipality |
by precluding the expansion of the neighboring municipality's |
extraterritorial jurisdiction. |
SECTION 10.03. Section 43.017, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
MUNICIPALITY IN CERTAIN COUNTIES. A municipality with a population |
of more than 175,000 located in a county that contains an |
international border and borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] may not annex an area that would cause another municipality |
to be entirely surrounded by the corporate limits or |
extraterritorial jurisdiction of the annexing municipality. |
SECTION 10.04. Section 43.0751(n), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(n) This subsection applies only to a municipality any |
portion of which is located in a county that has a population of not |
less than 315,000 and not more than 351,000 and that borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and is adjacent to a county with a |
population of more than 3.3 million. A municipality may impose |
within the boundaries of a district a municipal sales and use tax |
authorized by Chapter 321, Tax Code, or a municipal hotel occupancy |
tax authorized by Chapter 351, Tax Code, that is imposed in the |
municipality if: |
(1) the municipality has annexed the district for |
limited purposes under this section; or |
(2) following two public hearings on the matter, the |
municipality and the district enter a written agreement providing |
for the imposition of the tax or taxes. |
SECTION 10.05. Section 43.082, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
OWNED BY NAVIGATION DISTRICT. A municipality with a population of |
less than 30,000, that is in a county that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and that is adjacent to a county with a |
population of one million or more, and that seeks to annex land |
owned by a navigation district operating under Section 59, Article |
XVI, Texas Constitution, must have the consent of the district to |
annex the land. |
SECTION 10.06. Section 43.902(a), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Land on an island bordering the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] that is not accessible by a public road or common carrier |
ferry facility may not be annexed by a municipality without the |
consent of the owners of the land. |
SECTION 10.07. Section 85.004(e), Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(e) The sheriff of a county that borders the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] may organize some of the reserve deputies to serve |
as marine reserve deputies and lifeguards for beach and water |
safety purposes and other related functions as the sheriff may |
determine. A reserve deputy performing functions under this |
subsection is subject to the laws of this state that relate to |
reserve deputies except that they may not carry firearms in the |
performance of their duties. |
SECTION 10.08. Section 118.026(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners court of a county that borders the |
United Mexican States and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] may |
adopt a records technology and infrastructure fee as part of the |
county's annual budget. The fee must be set and itemized in the |
county's budget as part of the budget preparation process. |
SECTION 10.09. Section 152.032(d), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(d) The amount of the compensation and allowances of a |
county auditor in a county subject to this subsection may be set in |
an amount that exceeds the limit established by Subsection (a) if |
the compensation and allowances are approved by the commissioners |
court of the county. This subsection applies only to: |
(1) a county with a population of 120,000 or more, |
excluding a county subject to Subsection (b); |
(2) a county with a population of more than 1,000 and |
less than 23,000 that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(3) a county with a population of more than 11,000 and |
less than 11,350; and |
(4) a county that: |
(A) borders a county with a population of more |
than one million; and |
(B) has a population of more than 44,500 and less |
than 46,500. |
SECTION 10.10. Section 233.001(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) If the commissioners court of a county that borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and is adjacent to a county with a |
population of more than 3.3 million finds that a bulkhead or other |
method of shoreline protection, hereafter called "structure," in an |
unincorporated area of the county is likely to endanger persons or |
property, the commissioners may: |
(1) order the owner of the structure, the owner's |
agent, or the owner or occupant of the property on which the |
structure is located to repair, remove, or demolish the structure |
or the part of the structure within a specified time; or |
(2) repair, remove, or demolish the structure or the |
part of the structure at the expense of the county on behalf of the |
owner of the structure or the owner of the property on which the |
structure is located and assess the repair, removal, or demolition |
expenses on the property on which the structure was located. |
SECTION 10.11. Sections 240.901(b) and (d), Local |
Government Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) A county bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] or on the tidewater limits of the gulf may determine the |
boundaries of any flood-prone area of the county. The suitability |
of that determination is conclusively established when the |
commissioners court of the county adopts a resolution finding that |
the area is a flood-prone area. |
(d) In this section, "flood-prone area" means an area that |
is subject to damage from rising water or flooding from the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidal waters, including lakes, |
bays, inlets, and lagoons. |
SECTION 10.12. Section 240.902(b), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) In this section, "public beach" means a beach located on |
a bay or inlet of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] to which the |
general public or a substantial part of the general public has free |
access. |
SECTION 10.13. Section 240.909(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county with a population |
of 50,000 or less that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
and in which is located at least one state park and one national |
wildlife refuge. |
SECTION 10.14. Section 240.910(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county located on an |
international border and adjacent to the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 10.15. Section 253.001(e), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(e) Subsection (b) does not apply to a conveyance of park |
land that: |
(1) is owned by a home-rule municipality with a |
population of less than 80,000 and that is located in a county |
bordering the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(2) is one acre or less; |
(3) is part of a park that is 100 acres or less; |
(4) is sold or is conveyed as a sale to the owner of |
adjoining property; and |
(5) is conveyed pursuant to a resolution or an |
ordinance that: |
(A) is adopted under this section; |
(B) requires the sale to be with an owner of |
adjoining property for fair market value as determined by an |
independent appraisal obtained by the municipality; and |
(C) has an effective date before December 31, |
1995. |
SECTION 10.16. Section 254.001, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 254.001. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter |
applies only to a municipality located on a channel, canal, bay, |
inlet, or lake connected to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 10.17. Section 306.032(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a home-rule municipality |
that has a population of less than 80,000 and borders on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 10.18. Section 307.001, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 307.001. ELIGIBLE MUNICIPALITIES. A municipality that |
borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and has a population |
of 50,000 or more may use and occupy for park purposes gulf |
tidelands and adjacent water as provided by this chapter. |
SECTION 10.19. Section 307.002(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The municipality may use and occupy for park purposes |
under this chapter: |
(1) the tidelands between: |
(A) the lines of ordinary high tide and ordinary |
low tide of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(B) extensions into the gulf, not more than 1,000 |
feet apart, of property lines of property that is above and fronting |
the tidelands and is owned or acquired by the municipality for park |
purposes or in or to which the municipality has or may acquire |
easements or other rights or privileges authorizing the |
municipality to use or occupy the property for park purposes; and |
(2) the waters of the gulf adjacent to those |
tidelands, and the gulf bed below those waters, for a distance not |
to exceed 2,000 feet from the line of ordinary high tide. |
SECTION 10.20. Section 307.021(c), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) The pier may not: |
(1) extend into the gulf for a distance of more than |
2,000 feet from the line of ordinary high tide; |
(2) extend into any part of a channel deepened or |
improved for commercial navigation or between the shoreline and any |
such channel; or |
(3) extend into any arm, inlet, bay, or body of water |
other than the main body of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 10.21. Section 321.001(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) A county that borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] and that has within its boundaries one or more islands or |
parts of islands suitable for park purposes may act under this |
chapter for the purpose of improving, equipping, maintaining, |
financing, and operating one or more parks on those islands. |
SECTION 10.22. Section 321.101, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 321.101. APPLICABILITY. Notwithstanding Section |
321.001, this subchapter applies only to: |
(1) a county described by Section 321.001; and |
(2) a county that borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico] and has within its boundaries a beach that: |
(A) is wholly or partly operated by the county as |
a park; or |
(B) is otherwise controlled or maintained by the |
county. |
SECTION 10.23. Section 351.081, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commissioners court of a county with a population of more than 3.3 |
million or a county that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] may establish a department of county park rangers. |
SECTION 10.24. Section 351.083, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
The department shall provide law enforcement services within the |
county parks of the county and, in a county that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico], in the unincorporated areas of the county |
that are located on an island or isthmus. |
SECTION 10.25. Section 351.084(b), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) The county park rangers have the same law enforcement |
authority that is given by law to deputy sheriffs except that the |
law enforcement jurisdiction of rangers is limited to the county |
parks of the county and, in a county that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico], to the unincorporated areas of the county |
that are located on an island or isthmus. |
SECTION 10.26. Section 375.182, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 375.182. PROHIBITED USE OF FUNDS. Funds may not be |
spent, an assessment imposed, or a tax levied under this chapter to |
finance the opening, reopening, or maintenance of a pass, canal, or |
waterway across a barrier island connecting the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] with inland waters. |
SECTION 10.27. Section 382.002, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 382.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies only to: |
(1) a county with a population of 1.5 million or more, |
other than a county that: |
(A) borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] or a bay or inlet of the gulf; or |
(B) has two municipalities located wholly or |
partly in its boundaries each having a population of 225,000 or |
more; or |
(2) a county with a population of 70,000 or more that |
is adjacent to a county described by Subdivision (1) in which a |
municipality with a population of 90,000 or more is primarily |
situated and includes all or a part of the extraterritorial |
jurisdiction of a municipality with a population of 1.1 million or |
more. |
SECTION 10.28. Section 501.103, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
In this subtitle, "project" includes expenditures that are found by |
the board of directors to be required or suitable for |
infrastructure necessary to promote or develop new or expanded |
business enterprises, limited to: |
(1) streets and roads, rail spurs, water and sewer |
utilities, electric utilities, or gas utilities, drainage, site |
improvements, and related improvements; |
(2) telecommunications and Internet improvements; or |
(3) beach remediation along the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico]. |
SECTION 10.29. Section 501.163(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a corporation the creation |
of which was authorized by a municipality that: |
(1) has a population of 10,000 or more; |
(2) is located in a county that borders: |
(A) the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or the |
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway; or |
(B) the United Mexican States and in which four |
municipalities with a population of 70,000 or more are located; and |
(3) has, or is included in a metropolitan statistical |
area of this state that has, an unemployment rate that averaged at |
least two percent above the state average for the most recent two |
consecutive years for which statistics are available. |
SECTION 10.30. Section 561.007(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county that: |
(1) has a population of 190,000 or more, is adjacent to |
a county with a population of 3.3 million or more, and borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(2) operates a road department system under Subchapter |
D, Chapter 252, Transportation Code. |
SECTION 10.31. Section 561.008(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners court of a county that borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], other than Jefferson, Kenedy, |
Kleberg, Nueces, Orange, or Willacy County, may: |
(1) construct breakwaters; |
(2) issue bonds, time warrants, or certificates of |
indebtedness of the county to pay for the construction; and |
(3) impose ad valorem taxes to pay the bonds, |
warrants, or certificates. |
SECTION 10.32. Section 571.001, Local Government Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 571.001. APPLICABILITY OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter |
applies only to a county or municipality that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.01. Section 11.0111(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioner shall: |
(1) have the area between the coastline of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and the Three Marine League line compiled |
and platted; and |
(2) locate and set the boundary lines between the |
coastal counties from the coastline to the Three Marine League |
line. |
SECTION 11.02. Sections 11.012(b) and (c), Natural |
Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) The State of Texas has full sovereignty over the water, |
the beds and shores, and the arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] within its boundaries as provided in Subsection (a) of this |
section, subject only to the right of the United States to regulate |
foreign and interstate commerce under Article I, Section 8 of the |
United States Constitution, and the power of the United States over |
admiralty and maritime jurisdiction under Article III, Section 2 of |
the United States Constitution. |
(c) The State of Texas owns the water and the beds and shores |
of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and the arms of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] within the boundaries provided in this |
section, including all land which is covered by the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] and the arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] either at low tide or high tide. |
SECTION 11.03. Sections 11.013(a) and (c), Natural |
Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The gulfward boundary of each county located on the |
coastline of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] is the Three |
Marine League line as determined by the United States Supreme |
Court. |
(c) The gulfward boundaries of any city, town, or village |
created and operating under the general laws of the State of Texas |
shall not be established or extended by incorporation or annexation |
more than 5,280 feet gulfward beyond the coastline. The governing |
body of such a city, town, or village may, by ordinance, extend the |
municipal boundaries up to 5,280 feet gulfward. Any inclusion of |
territory in any such city, town, or village more than 5,280 feet |
gulfward beyond the coastline is void. The term "coastline" as used |
in this subsection means the line of mean low tide along that |
portion of the coast which is in direct contact with the open Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico]. The term "city, town, or village |
created and operating under the general laws of the State of Texas" |
shall not include any city operating under a home-rule charter. |
SECTION 11.04. Section 11.041(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) In addition to land and minerals granted to the |
permanent school fund under the constitution and other laws of this |
state, the permanent school fund shall include: |
(1) the mineral estate in river beds and channels; |
(2) the mineral estate in areas within tidewater |
limits, including islands, lakes, bays, and the bed of the sea which |
belong to the state; and |
(3) the arms and the beds and shores of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] within the boundary of Texas. |
SECTION 11.05. Section 32.066(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The board may grant easements of right-of-way on any |
land except: |
(1) unsold public school land; |
(2) the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of the state; and |
(3) islands, saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, |
and reefs owned by the state within tidewater limits. |
SECTION 11.06. Sections 32.067(a)(2) and (3), Natural |
Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Qualifying Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
property" means land described in Section 52.011(2) that is subject |
to a lease issued under Subchapter B, Chapter 52. |
(3) "Qualifying Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
reservoir" means a reservoir that: |
(A) during a period established by board rule has |
an average daily per well production equal to or less than 50 |
barrels of oil or barrels of oil equivalent; and |
(B) underlies: |
(i) a qualifying Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] property; or |
(ii) a pooled unit that includes a |
qualifying Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] property. |
SECTION 11.07. Sections 33.004(5) and (11), Natural |
Resources Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(5) "Coastal area" means the geographic area |
comprising all the counties in Texas which have any tidewater |
shoreline, including that portion of the bed and water of the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of the State of |
Texas. |
(11) "Submerged land" means any land extending from |
the boundary between the land of the state and the littoral owners |
seaward to the low-water mark on any saltwater lake, bay, inlet, |
estuary, or inland water within the tidewater limits, and any land |
lying beneath the body of water, but for the purposes of this |
chapter only, shall exclude beaches bordering on and the water of |
the open Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and the land lying beneath |
this water. |
SECTION 11.08. Sections 33.203(1), (6), (11), (15), and |
(18), Natural Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Coastal natural resource areas" means: |
(A) coastal barriers; |
(B) coastal historic areas; |
(C) coastal preserves; |
(D) coastal shore areas; |
(E) coastal wetlands; |
(F) critical dune areas; |
(G) critical erosion areas; |
(H) gulf beaches; |
(I) hard substrate reefs; |
(J) oyster reefs; |
(K) submerged land; |
(L) special hazard areas; |
(M) submerged aquatic vegetation; |
(N) tidal sand or mud flats; |
(O) water of the open Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]; and |
(P) water under tidal influence. |
(6) "Coastal waters" means waters under tidal |
influence and waters of the open Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
(11) "Gulf beach" means a beach bordering the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] that is: |
(A) located inland from the mean low tide line to |
the natural line of vegetation bordering the seaward shore of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; or |
(B) part of a contiguous beach area to which the |
public has a right of use or easement: |
(i) continuously held by the public; or |
(ii) acquired by the public by |
prescription, dedication, or estoppel. |
(15) "Submerged land" means land located under waters |
under tidal influence or under waters of the open Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico], without regard to whether the land is owned by the |
state or a person other than the state. |
(18) "Water of the open Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]" means water in this state, as defined by Section |
26.001(5), Water Code, that is part of the open water of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and that is within the territorial limits |
of the state. |
SECTION 11.09. Section 33.233(5), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(5) "Seawater" means any water containing a |
concentration of one-twentieth of one percent or more by weight of |
total dissolved inorganic salts derived from the marine water of |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.10. Section 33.607(b), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b) On an ongoing basis, the commissioner, in consultation |
with the Bureau of Economic Geology of The University of Texas at |
Austin and coastal county and municipal governments, shall monitor |
historical erosion rates at each location along the shore of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.11. Section 33.613(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Notwithstanding Sections 66.204 and 81.103, Parks and |
Wildlife Code, the commissioner may undertake the closure or |
modification of a man-made pass or its environs between the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and an inland bay if: |
(1) the commissioner determines that the pass causes |
or contributes to significant erosion of the shoreline of the |
adjacent beach; |
(2) the pass is not a public navigational channel |
constructed or maintained by the federal government; and |
(3) the land office receives legislative |
appropriations or other funding for that purpose. |
SECTION 11.12. Section 33.651(2), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Coastal county" means a county that borders on |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.13. Section 33.656, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
for funding under this subchapter, a project must: |
(1) be sponsored by a coastal county; |
(2) be located within the sponsoring coastal county |
along or adjacent to the shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico], an inland bay, or a connecting channel between the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and an inland bay; |
(3) be accessible by public roads or a common carrier |
ferry; |
(4) be identified and approved for funding by a |
coastal county and the land office; and |
(5) require more than $5 million to complete, as |
estimated by the land office, unless the project implements a |
building set-back line established under Section 33.607. |
SECTION 11.14. Section 40.003(2), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Coastal waters" means the waters and bed of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of the |
State of Texas, including the arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] subject to tidal influence, and any other waters contiguous |
thereto that are navigable by vessels with a capacity to carry |
10,000 gallons or more of oil as fuel or cargo. |
SECTION 11.15. Section 51.291(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), the commissioner |
may execute grants of easements or other interests in property for |
rights-of-way or access across, through, and under unsold public |
school land, the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of the state, the state-owned riverbeds and |
beds of navigable streams in the public domain, and all islands, |
saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and reefs owned by the |
state within tidewater limits for: |
(1) telephone, telegraph, electric transmission, and |
power lines; |
(2) oil pipelines, including pipelines connecting the |
onshore storage facilities with the offshore facilities of a |
deepwater port, as defined by the federal Deepwater Port Act of 1974 |
(33 U.S.C.A. Section 1501 et seq.), gas pipelines, sulphur |
pipelines, and other electric lines and pipelines of any nature; |
(3) irrigation canals, laterals, and water pipelines; |
(4) roads; and |
(5) any other purpose the commissioner considers to be |
in the best interest of the state. |
SECTION 11.16. Section 52.011, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 52.011. AREA SUBJECT TO LEASE. Under the provisions of |
this subchapter, the board may lease to any person for the |
production of oil and natural gas: |
(1) islands, saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, |
and reefs owned by the state within tidewater limits; |
(2) the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of the state; |
(3) all unsold surveyed and unsurveyed public school |
land; and |
(4) all land sold with a reservation of minerals to the |
state under Section 51.054 or 51.086 of this code in which the state |
has retained leasing rights. |
SECTION 11.17. Section 52.297(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Leases issued under Subchapter B of this chapter for |
unsold surveyed or unsurveyed school land, other than land included |
in islands, saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and reefs owned |
by the state in tidewater limits and other than that portion of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of the |
state, must include a provision requiring the compensation for |
damages from the use of the surface in prospecting for, exploring, |
developing, or producing the leased minerals. |
SECTION 11.18. Section 52.321(4), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(4) "Areas within tidewater limits" means islands, |
saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and reefs within tidewater |
limits and that portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of Texas. |
SECTION 11.19. Section 53.011, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 53.011. LAND SUBJECT TO PROSPECT. Any tract of land |
that belongs to the state, including islands, salt and freshwater |
lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and reefs owned by the state within |
tidewater limits, the part of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the state's jurisdiction, unsold surveyed public school |
land, rivers and channels that belong to the state, and land sold |
with a reservation of minerals to the state are subject to prospect |
by any person for those minerals which are not subject to lease or |
permit under any other statute. A person may not prospect from a |
location within 2,500 feet of a military base, but prospectors may, |
from a location more than 2,500 feet from a base, look for minerals |
within the 2,500-foot strip. |
SECTION 11.20. Section 53.151(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Under the provisions of this subchapter, the board may |
lease to any person for the production of coal, lignite, sulphur, |
salt, and potash: |
(1) islands, saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, |
and reefs owned by the state within tidewater limits; |
(2) the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of the state; |
(3) rivers and channels that belong to the state; |
(4) all unsold surveyed and unsurveyed public school |
land; and |
(5) all land sold with a reservation of minerals to the |
state under Section 51.054 or 51.086 of this code in which the state |
has retained leasing rights. |
SECTION 11.21. Section 53.155(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Leases issued under Subchapter B or E of this chapter |
for unsold surveyed or unsurveyed school land, other than land |
included in islands, saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and |
reefs owned by the state in tidewater limits and other than that |
portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the |
jurisdiction of the state, must include a provision requiring |
compensation for damages from the use of the surface in prospecting |
for, exploring, developing, or producing the leased minerals. |
SECTION 11.22. Section 53.161(7), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(7) "Areas within tidewater limits" means islands, |
saltwater lakes, bays, inlets, marshes, and reefs within tidewater |
limits and that portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
within the jurisdiction of Texas. |
SECTION 11.23. Section 61.001(8), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(8) "Public beach" means any beach area, whether |
publicly or privately owned, extending inland from the line of mean |
low tide to the line of vegetation bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to which the public has acquired the right of use |
or easement to or over the area by prescription, dedication, |
presumption, or has retained a right by virtue of continuous right |
in the public since time immemorial, as recognized in law and |
custom. This definition does not include a beach that is not |
accessible by a public road or public ferry as provided in Section |
61.021 of this code. |
SECTION 11.24. Section 61.011(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) It is declared and affirmed to be the public policy of |
this state that the public, individually and collectively, shall |
have the free and unrestricted right of ingress and egress to and |
from the state-owned beaches bordering on the seaward shore of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], or if the public has acquired a |
right of use or easement to or over an area by prescription, |
dedication, or has retained a right by virtue of continuous right in |
the public, the public shall have the free and unrestricted right of |
ingress and egress to the larger area extending from the line of |
mean low tide to the line of vegetation bordering on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.25. Section 61.012, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.012. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "beach" means |
state-owned beaches to which the public has the right of ingress and |
egress bordering on the seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico] or any larger area extending from the line of mean low |
tide to the line of vegetation bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] if the public has acquired a right of use or |
easement to or over the area by prescription, dedication, or has |
retained a right by virtue of continuous right in the public. |
SECTION 11.26. Section 61.013(c), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) For purposes of this section, "public beach" shall mean |
any beach bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that |
extends inland from the line of mean low tide to the natural line of |
vegetation bordering on the seaward shore of the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico], or such larger contiguous area to which the public |
has acquired a right of use or easement to or over by prescription, |
dedication, or estoppel, or has retained a right by virtue of |
continuous right in the public since time immemorial as recognized |
by law or custom. This definition does not include a beach that is |
not accessible by a public road or public ferry as provided in |
Section 61.021 of this code. |
SECTION 11.27. Section 61.014(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) As used in this section, "public beach" means the area |
extending from the line of mean low tide of the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to the line of vegetation bordering on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico], or to a line 200 feet inland from the line |
of mean low tide, whichever is nearer the line of mean low tide, if |
the public has acquired a right of use or easement to or over the |
area by prescription, dedication, or has retained a right by virtue |
of continuous right in the public. |
SECTION 11.28. Section 61.018(a-1), Natural Resources |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a-1) A county attorney, district attorney, or criminal |
district attorney or the attorney general may not file a suit under |
Subsection (a) to obtain a temporary or permanent court order or |
injunction, either prohibitory or mandatory, to remove a house from |
a public beach if: |
(1) the line of vegetation establishing the boundary |
of the public beach moved as a result of a meteorological event that |
occurred before January 1, 2009; |
(2) the house was located landward of the natural line |
of vegetation before the meteorological event; |
(3) a portion of the house continues to be located |
landward of the line of vegetation; and |
(4) the house is located on a peninsula in a county |
with a population of more than 315,000 and less than 351,000 that |
borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.29. Section 61.022(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The provisions of this subchapter do not prevent any of |
the following governmental entities from erecting or maintaining |
any groin, seawall, barrier, pass, channel, jetty, or other |
structure as an aid to navigation, protection of the shore, |
fishing, safety, or other lawful purpose authorized by the |
constitution or laws of this state or the United States: |
(1) an agency, department, institution, subdivision, |
or instrumentality of the federal government; |
(2) an agency, department, institution, or |
instrumentality of this state; |
(3) a county; |
(4) a municipality; |
(5) a subdivision of this state, other than a county or |
municipality, acting in partnership with the county or municipality |
in which the structure is located; or |
(6) a subdivision of this state, acting with the |
approval of the commissioner, if the structure is a shore |
protection structure that: |
(A) is designed to protect public |
infrastructure, including a state or county highway or bridge; |
(B) is located on land that: |
(i) is state-owned submerged land or was |
acquired for the project by a subdivision of this state; and |
(ii) is located in or adjacent to the mouth |
of a natural inlet from the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(C) extends at least 1,000 feet along the |
shoreline. |
SECTION 11.30. Section 61.023, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
AND ON BEACHES. The provisions of this subchapter shall not be |
construed as affecting in any way the title of the owners of land |
adjacent to any state-owned beach bordering on the seaward shore of |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or to the continuation of |
fences for the retention of livestock across sections of beach |
which are not accessible to motor vehicle traffic by public road or |
by beach. |
SECTION 11.31. Section 61.025(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person who sells |
or conveys an interest, other than a mineral, leasehold, or |
security interest, in real property located seaward of the Gulf |
Intracoastal Waterway to its southernmost point and then seaward of |
the longitudinal line also known as 97 degrees, 12', 19" which runs |
southerly to the international boundary from the intersection of |
the centerline of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and the |
Brownsville Ship Channel must include in any executory contract for |
conveyance a statement in substantially the following form: |
CONCERNING THE PROPERTY AT ________________________________ |
The real property described in this contract is located |
seaward of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway to its southernmost point |
and then seaward of the longitudinal line also known as 97 degrees, |
12', 19" which runs southerly to the international boundary from |
the intersection of the centerline of the Gulf Intracoastal |
Waterway and the Brownsville Ship Channel. If the property is in |
close proximity to a beach fronting the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico], the purchaser is hereby advised that the public has |
acquired a right of use or easement to or over the area of any public |
beach by prescription, dedication, or presumption, or has retained |
a right by virtue of continuous right in the public since time |
immemorial, as recognized in law and custom. |
The extreme seaward boundary of natural vegetation that |
spreads continuously inland customarily marks the landward |
boundary of the public easement. If there is no clearly marked |
natural vegetation line, the landward boundary of the easement is |
as provided by Sections 61.016 and 61.017, Natural Resources Code. |
Much of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] coastline is |
eroding at rates of more than five feet per year. Erosion rates for |
all Texas Gulf property subject to the open beaches act are |
available from the Texas General Land Office. |
State law prohibits any obstruction, barrier, restraint, or |
interference with the use of the public easement, including the |
placement of structures seaward of the landward boundary of the |
The purchaser is hereby notified that the purchaser should: |
(1) determine the rate of shoreline erosion in the |
vicinity of the real property; and |
(2) seek the advice of an attorney or other qualified |
person before executing this contract or instrument of conveyance |
as to the relevance of these statutes and facts to the value of the |
property the purchaser is hereby purchasing or contracting to |
purchase. |
SECTION 11.32. Section 61.062, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.062. PUBLIC POLICY. It is the public policy of this |
state that the public, individually and collectively, shall have |
the free and unrestricted right of ingress and egress to and from |
the state-owned beaches bordering on the seaward shore of the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] if the public has acquired a right of |
use or easement to or over the area by prescription, dedication, or |
continuous use. This creates a responsibility for the state, in its |
position as trustee for the public to assist local governments in |
the cleaning of beach areas which are subject to the access rights |
of the public as defined in Subchapter B of this chapter. |
SECTION 11.33. Section 61.064, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.064. APPLICATION OF SUBCHAPTER. This subchapter |
applies to incorporated cities, towns, and villages that are |
located or border on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and to all |
counties that are located or border on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] if the city, town, or village or county that makes |
application for funds under this subchapter has within its |
boundaries public beaches. |
SECTION 11.34. Section 61.065(a) and (c), Natural Resources |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) It is the duty and responsibility of the governing body |
of any incorporated city, town, or village located or bordering on |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] to clean and maintain the |
condition of all public beaches within the corporate boundaries. |
(c) As part of the duty under this section to clean and |
maintain the condition of public beaches, a municipality shall: |
(1) during reasonable daylight hours, as established |
and posted by the municipality, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, |
provide, or ensure that a park board created by the municipality |
under Chapter 306, Local Government Code, provides: |
(A) occupied lifeguard towers or mobile |
lifeguard units on each side of each pier, jetty, or other structure |
that protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is |
located within the corporate boundaries; or |
(B) a single occupied lifeguard tower or mobile |
lifeguard unit at each pier, jetty, or other structure that |
protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is located |
within the corporate boundaries if the single tower provides an |
unobstructed view of both sides of the structure; and |
(2) post within 100 yards of each side of each |
structure described by Subdivision (1) signs clearly describing the |
dangerous water conditions that may occur near the structure. |
SECTION 11.35. Section 61.066(a), (b), and (e), Natural |
Resources Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) It is the duty and responsibility of the commissioners |
court of any county located or bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to clean and maintain the condition of all public |
beaches located inside the county but outside the boundaries of any |
incorporated city located or bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico] and all public beaches owned by the county and located |
inside the boundaries of an incorporated city, town, or village. |
(b) As part of the duty under this section to clean and |
maintain the condition of public beaches, a county shall: |
(1) during reasonable daylight hours, as established |
and posted by the county, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, provide: |
(A) occupied lifeguard towers or mobile |
lifeguard units on each side of each pier, jetty, or other structure |
that protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is |
located on a public beach described by Subsection (a); or |
(B) a single occupied lifeguard tower or mobile |
lifeguard unit at each pier, jetty, or other structure that |
protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is located |
on a public beach described by Subsection (a) if the single tower |
provides an unobstructed view of both sides of the structure; and |
(2) post within 100 yards of each side of each |
structure described by Subdivision (1) signs clearly describing the |
dangerous water conditions that may occur near the structure. |
(e) Subsection (b)(1) does not apply to a county adjacent to |
a county with a population of more than 3.3 million that contains a |
municipality adjacent to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] with a |
population of less than 1,000. |
SECTION 11.36. Section 61.067(a-2), Natural Resources |
Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a-2) As part of the duty under this section to clean and |
maintain the condition of public beaches located within state |
parks, the department shall: |
(1) during reasonable daylight hours, as established |
and posted by the department, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, |
provide: |
(A) occupied lifeguard towers or mobile |
lifeguard units on each side of each pier, jetty, or other structure |
that protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is |
located within a state park; or |
(B) a single occupied lifeguard tower or mobile |
lifeguard unit at each pier, jetty, or other structure that |
protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is located |
within a state park if the single tower provides an unobstructed |
view of both sides of the structure; and |
(2) post within 100 yards of each side of each |
structure described by Subdivision (1) signs clearly describing the |
dangerous water conditions that may occur near the structure. |
SECTION 11.37. Section 61.078, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commissioners court of any county located or bordering on the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] may spend from any available fund the |
amount it considers necessary to carry out the responsibilities |
provided in this subchapter. |
SECTION 11.38. Section 61.080(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The governing body of any incorporated city located or |
bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is not |
entitled to receive funds under this subchapter may contract with |
the commissioners court of the county in which the city is located |
to allow the county to clean the beaches within the corporate limits |
of the city. |
SECTION 11.39. Section 61.083, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.083. EXEMPTIONS FROM SUBCHAPTER. None of the |
provisions of this subchapter apply to any beach area that does not |
border on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or to any island or |
peninsula that is not accessible by a public road or common carrier |
ferry facility as long as that condition exists. |
SECTION 11.40. Section 61,122(a), (b), (c), and (d), |
Natural Resources Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners court of a county bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewater limits, by order, |
may regulate motor vehicle traffic on any beach within the |
boundaries of the county, including prohibiting motor vehicle |
traffic on any natural or man-made sand dune or other form of |
shoreline protection, and may prohibit the littering of the beach |
and may define the term "littering." |
(b) The commissioners court of a county bordering the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewaters, by order, may |
regulate the possession of animals on the beach within its |
boundaries, including but not limited to prohibiting animals to run |
at large on said beach. |
(c) The commissioners court of a county bordering the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewaters, by order, may |
regulate swimming in passes leading to and from the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico], located within its boundaries, including but not |
limited to prohibiting swimming in said passes and posting signs |
notifying persons of such regulation or prohibition. |
(d) The commissioners court of a county bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewater limits, by order, |
may prohibit the use and possession of all glass containers and |
products on a beach in the unincorporated area of the county. The |
commissioners court shall not prohibit any one or several glass |
products to the exclusion of any others. |
SECTION 11.40. Section 61.129(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided in Section 61.022 of this code, this |
subchapter does not limit the power of an incorporated city, town, |
or village bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or any |
adjacent body of water to regulate motor vehicle traffic and |
prohibit littering on any beach within its corporate limits. |
SECTION 11.41. Section 61.132(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewater limits that |
contains a launch site the construction and operation of which have |
been approved in a record of decision issued by the Federal Aviation |
Administration following the preparation of an environmental |
impact statement by that administration. |
SECTION 11.42. Section 61.161, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.161. PUBLIC POLICY. It is the public policy of this |
state that the state-owned beaches bordering on the seaward shore |
of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], and any larger area |
extending from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation |
bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], if the public has |
acquired a right of use or easement to or over the area by the |
prescription or dedication or has retained a right by virtue of |
continuous right in the public, shall be used primarily for |
recreational purposes, and any use which substantially interferes |
with the enjoyment of the beach area by the public shall constitute |
an offense against the public policy of the state. Nothing in this |
subchapter prevents any agency, department, political subdivision, |
or municipal corporation of this state from exercising its lawful |
authority under any law of this state to regulate safety conditions |
on any beach area subject to public use. |
SECTION 11.43. Section 61.162(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The legislature finds that the operation and |
maintenance of business establishments at fixed or permanent |
locations on the public beaches of this state bordering on the |
seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] constitute a |
potential public health hazard and a substantial interference with |
the free and unrestricted rights of ingress and egress of the |
public, both individually and collectively, to and from the |
state-owned beaches bordering on the seaward shore of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] or any larger area extending from the line |
of mean low tide to the line of vegetation bordering on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] if the public has acquired a right of use |
or easement to or over the area by prescription, dedication, or has |
retained a right by virtue of continuous right in the public. |
SECTION 11.44. Section 61.211, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.211. FINDINGS. The legislature finds that the |
unregulated excavation, taking, removal, and carrying away of sand, |
marl, gravel, and shell from islands and peninsulas bordering on |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and from the public beaches of |
the state constitute a substantial interference with public |
enjoyment of Texas beaches and a hazard to life and property. |
SECTION 11.45. Section 61.213, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.213. APPLICATION. Before a person excavates, |
takes, removes, or carries away sand, marl, gravel, or shell from |
land located on an exposed island or peninsula bordering on the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] or from land located within 1,500 feet |
of a mainland public beach that is located outside the boundaries of |
an incorporated city, town, or village, he must submit a written |
application to the commissioners court of the county in which the |
excavation, taking, removal, or carrying away is to take place. |
SECTION 11.46. Section 61.223, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
attorney general, any county attorney, district attorney, or |
criminal district attorney of the state shall file in a district |
court in the county in which the conduct takes place, a suit seeking |
temporary or permanent court orders or injunctions to prohibit any |
excavating, taking, removing, or carrying away of any sand, marl, |
gravel, or shell from land located on an exposed island or peninsula |
bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or from land |
located within 1,500 feet of a public beach of this state if the |
land is located outside the boundaries of an incorporated city, |
town, or village in violation of the provisions of this subchapter. |
SECTION 11.47. Section 61.224, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.224. PENALTY. A person who for himself or on behalf |
of or under the direction of another person excavates, takes, |
removes, or carries away sand, marl, gravel, or shell from land |
located on an exposed island or peninsula bordering on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] or from land located within 1,500 feet of a |
public beach of this state, if the land is located outside the |
boundaries of any incorporated city, town, or village, in violation |
of the provisions of this subchapter shall be fined not less than |
$10 nor more than $200. Each day a violation occurs constitutes a |
separate offense. |
SECTION 11.48. Section 61.252(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) To protect the public health, safety, and welfare, the |
commissioners court of a county bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] or its tidewater limits, by order, may regulate |
mass gatherings of individuals on any beach in the unincorporated |
area of the county by requiring a person to obtain a permit and pay a |
permit fee set by the commissioners court before the person may hold |
a mass gathering. |
SECTION 11.49. Sections 62.001(a) and (e), Natural |
Resources Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The provisions of this chapter apply to counties that |
are located or border on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and |
have within their boundaries beaches that are suitable for park |
purposes. The suitability of a beach for park purposes is |
established conclusively when the commissioners court of the county |
makes a finding that the beach located within its boundaries, but |
not located within the boundaries of an incorporated city, is |
suitable for park purposes. |
(e) The provisions of this chapter do not permit any |
interference with the right the public has under the provisions of |
Subchapter B, Chapter 61, to the free and unrestricted use of, and |
to ingress and egress to, the area bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] from mean low tide to the line of vegetation, as |
that term is defined in Section 61.001. A county, county official, |
or anyone acting under the authority of this chapter may not |
exercise any authority, contract out a right to exercise authority, |
or otherwise delegate authority beyond that specifically granted to |
it in Sections 61.122 through 61.128 over that area notwithstanding |
any of the specific provisions of this chapter. The rights |
established in Subchapters B and D, Chapter 61, are paramount over |
the rights or interests that might otherwise be created by the |
provisions of this chapter, and nothing in this chapter encroaches |
on those rights or upon land, or interests in land, that may |
ultimately be held subject to those rights. |
SECTION 11.50. Section 62.011, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 62.011. PURPOSE AND AUTHORITY. A county located or |
bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] with a beach |
suitable for park purposes may create a board in the manner provided |
in this subchapter for the purpose of improving, equipping, |
maintaining, financing, and operating a public park or parks, or |
any facilities owned by the county, or to be acquired by the county, |
or to be managed by the county under the terms of a written |
contract. The board, to be designated Beach Park Board of Trustees, |
has the powers and duties specified in this chapter. |
SECTION 11.51. Section 62.091(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The following land is under the jurisdiction of the |
board: |
(1) public beaches owned in fee by the county; and |
(2) land used as parks in connection with public |
beaches not located inside the boundaries of an incorporated city |
and not inside the area bordering on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation as |
that term is defined in Section 61.001. |
SECTION 11.52. Section 63.012, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
protection line shall not be located further landward than a line |
drawn parallel to and 1,000 feet landward of the line of mean high |
tide of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 11.53. Section 63.011(a), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) After notice and hearing, the commissioners court of |
each county that has within its boundaries mainland shoreline, a |
barrier island, or a peninsula located on the seaward shore of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] shall establish a dune protection |
line on any such shoreline, island, or peninsula within its |
boundaries for the purpose of preserving sand dunes. |
SECTION 11.54. Sections 63.002(2), (3), and (5), Natural |
Resources Code, is amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Barrier island" means an island bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and entirely surrounded by water. |
(3) "Peninsula" means an arm of land bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] surrounded on three sides by water. |
(5) "Mainland shoreline" means all shoreline fronting |
on the open Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is not located on a |
barrier island or a peninsula. |
SECTION 11.55. Section 63.001, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 63.001. FINDINGS OF FACT. The legislature finds and |
declares: |
(1) that the mainland gulf shoreline, barrier islands, |
and peninsulas of this state contain a significant portion of the |
state's human, natural, and recreational resources; |
(2) that these areas are and historically have been |
wholly or in part protected from the action of the water of the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] and storms on the Gulf by a system of |
vegetated and unvegetated sand dunes that provide a protective |
barrier for adjacent land and inland water and land against the |
action of sand, wind, and water; |
(3) that certain persons have from time to time |
modified or destroyed the effectiveness of the protective barriers |
and caused environmental damage in the process of developing the |
shoreline for various purposes; |
(4) that the operation of recreational vehicles and |
other activities over these dunes have destroyed the natural |
vegetation on them; |
(5) that these practices constitute serious threats to |
the safety of adjacent properties, to public highways, to the |
taxable basis of adjacent property and constitute a real danger to |
natural resources and to the health, safety, and welfare of persons |
living, visiting, or sojourning in the area; |
(6) that it is necessary to protect these dunes as |
provided in this chapter because stabilized, vegetated dunes offer |
the best natural defense against storms and are areas of |
significant biological diversity; |
(7) that vegetated stabilized dunes help preserve |
state-owned beaches and shores by protecting against erosion of the |
shoreline; and |
(8) that different areas of the coast are |
characterized by dunes of various types and values, all of which |
should be afforded protection. |
SECTION 11.56. Section 92.002(4), Natural Resources Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(4) "Barrier island" means an island bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and entirely surrounded by water. |
SECTION 12.01. Section 2025.152, Occupations Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
RACETRACK. Each greyhound racetrack must be located in a county |
that: |
(1) has a population of more than 190,000; |
(2) borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(3) includes all or part of an island that borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 13.01. Section 5.008(b), Property Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The notice must be executed and must, at a minimum, read |
substantially similar to the following: |
CONCERNING THE PROPERTY AT ___________________________________ |
(Street Address and City) |
Seller __ is __ is not occupying the Property. |
If unoccupied, how long since Seller has occupied the Property? |
_____________________________ |
___________________________________ |
1. The Property has the items |
checked below: |
Write Yes (Y), No (N), or |
Unknown (U). |
__ Range |
__ Oven |
__ Microwave |
__ Dishwasher |
__ Trash Compactor |
__ Disposal |
__ Dishwasher |
__ Trash Compactor |
__ Disposal |
__ Washer/Dryer |
__ Window |
__ Rain Gutters |
__ Washer/Dryer |
__ Window |
__ Rain Gutters |
__ Security |
__ Fire Detection |
__ Intercom |
__ TV Antenna |
__ Cable TV |
__ Satellite |
__ TV Antenna |
__ Cable TV |
__ Satellite |
__ Ceiling Fan(s) |
__ Attic Fan(s) |
__ Exhaust |
__ Ceiling Fan(s) |
__ Attic Fan(s) |
__ Exhaust |
__ Central A/C |
__ Central Heating |
__ Wall/Window |
__ Central A/C |
__ Central Heating |
__ Wall/Window |
__ Plumbing System |
__ Septic System |
__ Public Sewer |
__ Plumbing System |
__ Septic System |
__ Public Sewer |
__ Patio/Decking |
__ Outdoor Grill |
__ Fences |
__ Patio/Decking |
__ Outdoor Grill |
__ Fences |
__ Patio/Decking |
__ Outdoor Grill |
__ Fences |
__ Pool Equipment |
__ Pool Heater |
__ Automatic Lawn |
__ Pool Equipment |
__ Pool Heater |
__ Automatic Lawn |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Fireplace(s) & |
__ Natural Gas Lines |
__ Gas Fixtures |
__ Natural Gas Lines |
__ Gas Fixtures |
__ Liquid Propane Gas: |
__ LP Community |
__ LP on Property |
__ Liquid Propane Gas: |
__ LP Community |
__ LP on Property |
__ Fuel Gas Piping: |
__ Black Iron Pipe |
__ Corrugated |
Fuel Gas Piping: |
__ Black Iron Pipe |
__ Corrugated |
__ Copper |
Stainless Steel |
Garage: __ Attached |
__ Not Attached |
__ Carport |
Garage: __ Attached |
__ Not Attached |
__ Carport |
Garage Door Opener(s): |
__ Electronic |
__ Control(s) |
Garage Door Opener(s): |
__ Electronic |
__ Control(s) |
Water Heater: |
__ Gas |
__ Electric |
Water Heater: |
__ Gas |
__ Electric |
Water Supply: __ City |
__ Well __ MUD |
__ Co-op |
Water Supply: __ City |
__ Well __ MUD |
__ Co-op |
Water Supply: __ City |
__ Well __ MUD |
__ Co-op |
Roof Type: ________________________________ Age: _____(approx) |
Are you (Seller) aware of any of the above items that are not in |
working condition, that have known defects, or that are in need of |
repair? __ Yes __ No __ Unknown. |
If yes, then describe. (Attach additional sheets if necessary): |
________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
2. Does the property have working smoke detectors installed in |
accordance with the smoke detector requirements of Chapter 766, |
Health and Safety Code?* __ Yes __ No __ Unknown. |
If the answer to the question above is no or unknown, |
explain. (Attach additional sheets if necessary): |
*Chapter 766 of the Health and Safety Code requires |
one-family or two-family dwellings to have working smoke detectors |
installed in accordance with the requirements of the building code |
in effect in the area in which the dwelling is located, including |
performance, location, and power source requirements. If you do |
not know the building code requirements in effect in your area, you |
may check unknown above or contact your local building official for |
more information. A buyer may require a seller to install smoke |
detectors for the hearing impaired if: (1) the buyer or a member of |
the buyer's family who will reside in the dwelling is hearing |
impaired; (2) the buyer gives the seller written evidence of the |
hearing impairment from a licensed physician; and (3) within 10 |
days after the effective date, the buyer makes a written request for |
the seller to install smoke detectors for the hearing impaired and |
specifies the locations for installation. The parties may agree |
who will bear the cost of installing the smoke detectors and which |
brand of smoke detectors to install. |
3. Are you (Seller) aware of any known defects/malfunctions in any |
of the following? |
Write Yes (Y) if you are aware, write No (N) if you are not aware. |
__ Interior Walls |
__ Ceilings |
__ Floors |
__ Interior Walls |
__ Ceilings |
__ Floors |
__ Interior Walls |
__ Ceilings |
__ Floors |
__ Exterior Walls |
__ Doors |
__ Windows |
__ Exterior Walls |
__ Doors |
__ Windows |
__ Exterior Walls |
__ Doors |
__ Windows |
__ Roof |
__ Foundation/ |
__ Basement |
__ Walls/Fences |
__ Driveways |
__ Sidewalks |
__ Walls/Fences |
__ Driveways |
__ Sidewalks |
__ Walls/Fences |
__ Driveways |
__ Sidewalks |
__ Plumbing/Sewers/ |
__ Electrical |
__ Lighting |
__ Plumbing/Sewers/ |
__ Electrical |
__ Lighting |
__ Plumbing/Sewers/ |
__ Electrical |
__ Lighting |
__ Other Structural |
Components(Describe):______________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
If the answer to any of the above is yes, explain. (Attach |
additional sheets if necessary):________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
4. Are you (Seller) aware of any of the following conditions? |
Write Yes (Y) if you are aware, write No (N) if you are not aware. |
__ Active Termites(includes wood |
__ Previous Structural |
__ Active Termites(includes wood |
__ Previous Structural |
__ Active Termites(includes wood |
__ Previous Structural |
-destroying insects) |
or Roof Repair |
__ Termite or Wood Rot Damage |
__ Termite or Wood Rot Damage |
Needing Repair |
__ Hazardous or Toxic Waste |
__ Previous Termite Damage |
__ Previous Termite Damage |
__ Previous Termite |
__ Asbestos Components |
Treatment |
__ Urea formaldehyde |
__ Improper Drainage |
__ Radon Gas |
__ Water Damage Not Due to a |
__ Lead Based Paint |
__ Water Damage Not Due to a |
__ Lead Based Paint |
Flood Event |
__ Aluminum Wiring |
__ Landfill, Settling, Soil |
__ Landfill, Settling, Soil |
Movement, Fault Lines |
__ Subsurface |
Movement, Fault Lines |
__ Subsurface |
__ Single Blockable Main |
Structure or Pits |
__ Single Blockable Main |
Structure or Pits |
Drain in Pool/Hot |
__ Previous Use of Premises |
Tub/Spa* |
for Manufacture of |
If the answer to any of the above is yes, explain. (Attach |
additional sheets if necessary):________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
*A single blockable main drain may cause a suction entrapment |
hazard for an individual. |
5. Are you (Seller) aware of any item, equipment, or system in or |
on the property that is in need of repair? __ Yes (if you are |
aware) __ No (if you are not aware). If yes, explain (attach |
additional sheets as necessary). |
_________________________________ |
6. Are you (Seller) aware of any of the following conditions? |
* Write Yes (Y) if you are aware, write No (N) if you are not aware. |
__ Present flood insurance coverage |
__ Previous flooding due to a failure or breach of a reservoir or a |
controlled or emergency release of water from a reservoir |
__ Previous water penetration into a structure on the property due |
to a natural flood event |
Write Yes (Y) if you are aware and check wholly or partly as |
applicable, write No (N) if you are not aware. |
__ Located ( ) wholly ( ) partly in a 100-year floodplain (Special |
Flood Hazard Area-Zone A, V, A99, AE, AO, AH, VE, or AR) |
__ Located ( ) wholly ( ) partly in a 500-year floodplain (Moderate |
Flood Hazard Area-Zone X (shaded)) |
__ Located ( ) wholly ( ) partly in a floodway |
__ Located ( ) wholly ( ) partly in a flood pool |
__ Located ( ) wholly ( ) partly in a reservoir |
If the answer to any of the above is yes, explain (attach additional |
sheets as necessary): |
* For purposes of this notice: |
"100-year floodplain" means any area of land that: |
(A) is identified on the flood insurance rate map |
as a special flood hazard area, which is designated as Zone A, V, |
A99, AE, AO, AH, VE, or AR on the map; |
(B) has a one percent annual chance of flooding, |
which is considered to be a high risk of flooding; and |
(C) may include a regulatory floodway, flood |
pool, or reservoir. |
"500-year floodplain" means any area of land that: |
(A) is identified on the flood insurance rate map |
as a moderate flood hazard area, which is designated on the map as |
Zone X (shaded); and |
(B) has a two-tenths of one percent annual chance |
of flooding, which is considered to be a moderate risk of flooding. |
"Flood pool" means the area adjacent to a reservoir that lies |
above the normal maximum operating level of the reservoir and that |
is subject to controlled inundation under the management of the |
United States Army Corps of Engineers. |
"Flood insurance rate map" means the most recent flood hazard |
map published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency under the |
National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 (42 U.S.C. Section 4001 et |
seq.). |
"Floodway" means an area that is identified on the flood |
insurance rate map as a regulatory floodway, which includes the |
channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas |
that must be reserved for the discharge of a base flood, also |
referred to as a 100-year flood, without cumulatively increasing |
the water surface elevation more than a designated height. |
"Reservoir" means a water impoundment project operated by the |
United States Army Corps of Engineers that is intended to retain |
water or delay the runoff of water in a designated surface area of |
land. |
7. Have you (Seller) ever filed a claim for flood damage to the |
property with any insurance provider, including the National Flood |
Insurance Program (NFIP)?* __ Yes __ No. If yes, explain (attach |
additional sheets as necessary): |
*Homes in high risk flood zones with mortgages from federally |
regulated or insured lenders are required to have flood |
insurance. Even when not required, the Federal Emergency |
Management Agency (FEMA) encourages homeowners in high risk, |
moderate risk, and low risk flood zones to purchase flood insurance |
that covers the structure(s) and the personal property within the |
structure(s). |
8. Have you (Seller) ever received assistance from FEMA or the |
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) for flood damage to the |
property? __ Yes __ No. If yes, explain (attach additional sheets |
as necessary): |
9. Are you (Seller) aware of any of the following? |
Write Yes (Y) if you are aware, write No (N) if you are not aware. |
__ |
Room additions, structural modifications, or other alterations or repairs made without
necessary permits or not in compliance with building codes in effect at that time. |
__ |
Homeowners' Association or maintenance fees or assessments. |
__ |
Any "common area" (facilities such as pools, tennis courts, walkways, or other areas)
co-owned in undivided interest with others. |
__ |
Any notices of violations of deed restrictions or governmental ordinances affecting
the condition or use of the Property. |
__ |
Any lawsuits directly or indirectly affecting the Property. |
__ |
Any condition on the Property which materially affects the physical health or safety
of an individual. |
__ |
Any rainwater harvesting system located on the property that is larger than 500 gallons
and that uses a public water supply as an auxiliary water source. |
__ |
Any portion of the property that is located in a groundwater conservation district
or a subsidence district. |
If the answer to any of the above is yes, explain. (Attach |
additional sheets if necessary): ______________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
________________________________________________________________ |
10. If the property is located in a coastal area that is seaward of |
the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway or within 1,000 feet of the mean high |
tide bordering the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], the property |
may be subject to the Open Beaches Act or the Dune Protection Act |
(Chapter 61 or 63, Natural Resources Code, respectively) and a |
beachfront construction certificate or dune protection permit may |
be required for repairs or improvements. Contact the local |
government with ordinance authority over construction adjacent to |
public beaches for more information. |
11. This property may be located near a military installation and |
may be affected by high noise or air installation compatible use |
zones or other operations. Information relating to high noise and |
compatible use zones is available in the most recent Air |
Installation Compatible Use Zone Study or Joint Land Use Study |
prepared for a military installation and may be accessed on the |
Internet website of the military installation and of the county and |
any municipality in which the military installation is located. |
_______________ ________________________________________ |
Date Signature of Seller |
The undersigned purchaser hereby acknowledges receipt of the |
foregoing notice. |
_______________ ________________________________________ |
Date Signature of Purchaser |
SECTION 13.02. Section 204.002(a), Property Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) This chapter applies only to a residential real estate |
subdivision, excluding a condominium development governed by Title |
7 that is located in whole or in part: |
(1) in a county with a population of 3.3 million or |
more; |
(2) in a county with a population of not less than |
315,000 and not more than 351,000 that is adjacent to the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and that is adjacent to a county having a |
population of 3.3 million or more; or |
(3) in a county with a population of 275,000 or more |
that: |
(A) is adjacent to a county with a population of |
3.3 million or more; and |
(B) contains part of a national forest. |
SECTION 14.01. Section 1.011(c), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) All the beds and bottoms and the products of the beds and |
bottoms of the public rivers, bayous, lagoons, creeks, lakes, bays, |
and inlets in this state and of that part of the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] within the jurisdiction of this state are the |
property of this state. The state may permit the use of the waters |
and bottoms and the taking of the products of the bottoms and |
waters. |
SECTION 14.02. Section 13.023(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall: |
(1) during reasonable daylight hours, as established |
and posted by the department, from Memorial Day to Labor Day, |
provide: |
(A) occupied lifeguard towers or mobile |
lifeguard units on each side of each pier, jetty, or other structure |
that protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is |
located within a state park; or |
(B) a single occupied lifeguard tower or mobile |
lifeguard unit at each pier, jetty, or other structure that |
protrudes into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that is located |
within a state park if the single tower provides an unobstructed |
view of both sides of each structure; and |
(2) post within 100 yards of each side of each |
structure described by Subdivision (1) signs clearly describing the |
dangerous water conditions that may occur near the structure. |
SECTION 14.03. Section 13.314, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
department may cooperate and contract with the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] Fishery Management Council or the National Marine |
Fisheries Service for conduct of such work as may be necessary in |
complying with requirements of the Fishery Conservation and |
Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C.A. Section 1801 et seq.). |
SECTION 14.04. Section 21.111(c), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) If any state park site includes a public beach on the |
seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], extending |
from the line of mean low tide to the line of vegetation, over which |
the public has acquired a right of use or easement to or over the |
area by prescription or dedication or has retained a right by virtue |
of continuous right in the public, no entrance or gate fee may be |
charged to persons desiring to enter or to leave the public beach |
area, so long as the persons do not enter any other portion of the |
park for which an entrance or gate fee is charged. |
SECTION 14.05. Section 43.402(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b) or (c) of this |
section, no person may engage in fishing in saltwater for sporting |
purposes in this state, or unload in this state fish or other |
aquatic life taken for sporting purposes from waters managed by the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] Fishery Management Council |
established under the Fishery Conservation and Management Act of |
1976 (16 U.S.C. Section 1801 et seq.), unless the person has |
acquired a saltwater sportfishing stamp endorsement issued to the |
person by the department. The commission by rule may prescribe |
requirements relating to possessing a stamp endorsement required by |
this subchapter. |
SECTION 14.06. Section 46.001(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) No person may fish in the public water of this state, or |
unload in this state fish or other aquatic life taken for sporting |
purposes from waters managed by the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
Fishery Management Council established under the Magnuson-Stevens |
Fishery Conservation and Management Act (16 U.S.C. Section 1801 et |
seq.), unless the person has acquired a fishing license issued |
under this subchapter, except as provided by Sections 46.0012 and |
46.002. The commission by rule may prescribe requirements relating |
to possessing a license required by this subchapter. |
SECTION 14.07. Section 47.001(7), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(7) "Tidal water" means all the salt water of this |
state, including that portion of the state's territorial water in |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within three marine leagues |
from shore. |
SECTION 14.08. Sections 47.038(a) and (a-1), Parks and |
Wildlife Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (a-1), nets or purse |
seines used for catching menhaden may not be: |
(1) less than one and one-half inch stretched mesh, |
excluding the bag; |
(2) used in any bay, river, pass, or tributary, nor |
within one mile of any barrier, jetty, island, or pass, nor within |
one-half mile offshore in the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; or |
(3) used for the purpose of taking edible aquatic |
products for the purpose of barter, sale, or exchange. |
(a-1) The holder of a Class C menhaden boat license issued |
under Section 47.008 may use a cast net, as defined by the |
commission, to catch menhaden in any coastal bay, river, or |
tributary landward from the shoreline of the state along the coast |
of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 14.09. Sections 62.0061(a) and (b), Parks and |
Wildlife Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), a person may not |
hunt or take any wild animal or wild bird when the person is on or |
over privately owned land that is: |
(1) submerged under: |
(A) public fresh water due to seasonal or |
occasional innundation; or |
(B) public salt water and located above the mean |
high tide line of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and its bays |
and estuaries; and |
(2) conspicuously marked as privately owned by a sign |
or signs that are substantially similar to the following: |
(b) This section does not apply to: |
(1) fishing or to fish and other aquatic life; |
(2) a person who: |
(A) owns the submerged land; or |
(B) obtains the landowner's consent; |
(3) land that is dedicated to the permanent school |
fund and that is located within: |
(A) the tidewater limits of this state; or |
(B) the gradient boundaries of a navigable river |
or stream in this state; or |
(4) land that is: |
(A) submerged by public water; and |
(B) located below the mean high tide line of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and its bays and estuaries. |
SECTION 14.10. Section 66.015(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "public water" means the bays, |
estuaries, and water of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within |
the jurisdiction of the state, and the rivers, streams, creeks, |
bayous, reservoirs, lakes, and portions of those waters where |
public access is available without discrimination. |
SECTION 14.11. Sections 66.204(a) and (b), Parks and |
Wildlife Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission by proclamation may regulate the |
placement of obstructions, traps, and mooring in fish passes and |
the marking of restricted areas in any natural or artificial pass |
that is opened, reopened, dredged, excavated, constructed, or |
maintained by the department as a fish pass between the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and an inland bay. |
(b) No person may operate, possess, or moor a vessel or |
other floating device, or may place any piling, wire, rope, cable, |
net, trap, or other obstruction, in a natural or artificial pass |
opened, reopened, dredged, excavated, constructed, or maintained |
by the department as a fish pass between the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico] and an inland bay within the distance inside the pass |
from the mouth of the pass where it empties into the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to a marker or sign erected by the department |
indicating the restricted area. |
SECTION 14.12. Section 66.301, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 66.301. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "coastal |
water" means all of the salt water of this state, including that |
portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] within the |
jurisdiction of this state. |
SECTION 14.13. Sections 77.001(1), (2), (3) and (13), Parks |
and Wildlife Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Coastal water" means all the salt water of this |
state, including that portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] within the jurisdiction of the state. |
(2) "Inside water" means all bays, inlets, outlets, |
passes, rivers, streams, and other bodies of water landward from |
the shoreline of the state along the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] and contiguous to, or connected with, but not a part of, the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and within which the tide regularly |
rises and falls and in which saltwater shrimp are found or into |
which saltwater shrimp migrate. |
(3) "Outside water" means the salt water of the state |
contiguous to and seaward from the shoreline of the state along the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] as the shoreline is projected and |
extended in a continuous and unbroken line, following the contours |
of the shoreline, across bays, inlets, outlets, passes, rivers, |
streams, and other bodies of water; and that portion of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] extending from the shoreline seaward and |
within the jurisdiction of the state. |
(13) "Contiguous zone," means that area of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] lying adjacent to and offshore of the |
jurisdiction of the State of Texas and in which shrimp of the genus |
Penaeus are found. |
SECTION 14.14. Section 77.072, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 77.072. SHRIMP SIZE EXCEPTION. Minimum size |
restrictions as provided in Chapter 77, Parks and Wildlife Code, as |
amended, do not apply to shrimp taken from outside waters when: |
(1) the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] Fishery |
Management Council's Fishery Management Plan for the Shrimp Fishery |
of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] is in effect; and |
(2) such plan as described in Subsection (a) of this |
section restricts the taking of shrimp in the Fishery Conservation |
Zone contiguous to the outside waters of Texas, to conform with the |
Texas closed Gulf season as defined in Sections 77.061(1) and |
77.062 of this code. |
SECTION 14.15. Section 79.001, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 79.001. COMPLIANCE. The department is authorized to |
cooperate with the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] Fishery |
Management Council established pursuant to the Fishery |
Conservation and Management Act of 1976 (16 U.S.C.A. Section 1801 |
et seq.), in developing state management programs which are |
consistent with plans proposed by the council and approved by the |
secretary of commerce. |
SECTION 14.16. Section 86.0151(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) A nonprofit corporation, fund, or foundation exempted |
from federal income taxes under Section 503(c)(3), Internal Revenue |
Code of 1954, as amended (26 U.S.C. Sec. 503(c)(3)), may take sand, |
gravel, marl, shell, and mudshell from Brown Cedar Cut in Matagorda |
County for the sole purpose of opening and reopening that passage |
between the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and East Matagorda Bay. |
SECTION 14.17. Section 86.0152(a), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(a) A nonprofit corporation, fund, or foundation exempted |
from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)(3), Internal Revenue |
Code of 1954, as amended (26 U.S.C. Sec. 501(c)(3)), or a political |
subdivision of the state may take sand, gravel, marl, shell, and |
mudshell from Cedar Bayou in Aransas County for the sole purpose of |
opening and reopening that passage between the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] and Mesquite Bay. |
SECTION 14.18. Section 91.008, Parks and Wildlife Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 91.008. TEXT OF COMPACT. The Gulf States Marine |
Fisheries Compact reads as follows: |
The contracting states solemnly agree: |
Whereas the Gulf Coast States have the proprietary interest |
in and jurisdiction over fisheries in the waters within their |
respective boundaries, it is the purpose of this compact to promote |
the better utilization of the fisheries, marine, shell and |
anadromous, of the seaboard of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], |
by the development of a joint program for the promotion and |
protection of such fisheries and the prevention of the physical |
waste of the fisheries from any cause. |
This compact shall become operative immediately as to those |
states ratifying it whenever any two or more of the states of |
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas have ratified it |
and the Congress has given its consent, pursuant to Article I, |
Section 10 of the Constitution of the United States. Any state |
contiguous to any of the aforementioned states or riparian upon |
waters which flow into waters under the jurisdiction of any of the |
aforementioned States and which are frequented by anadromous fish |
or marine species, may become a party hereto as hereinafter |
provided. |
Each state joining herein shall appoint three |
representatives to a commission hereby constituted and designated |
as the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission. One shall be the |
head of the administrative agency of such State charged with the |
conservation of the fishery resources to which this compact |
pertains; or, if there be more than one officer or agency, the |
official of that State named by the Governor thereof. The second |
shall be a member of the Legislature of such State designated by |
such Legislature, or in the absence of such designation, such |
legislator shall be designated by the Governor thereof; provided |
that if it is constitutionally impossible to appoint a legislator |
as a commissioner from such State, the second member shall be |
appointed in such manner as may be established by law. The third |
shall be a citizen who shall have a knowledge of and interest in the |
marine fisheries, to be appointed by the Governor. This commission |
shall be a body corporate with the powers and duties set forth |
herein. |
The duty of the said commission shall be to make inquiry and |
ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances |
and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing about the |
conservation and the prevention of the depletion and physical waste |
of the fisheries, marine, shell and anadromous, of the Gulf Coast. |
The commission shall have power to recommend the coordination of |
the exercise of the police powers of the several States within their |
respective jurisdictions to promote the preservation of these |
fisheries and their protection against over-fishing, waste, |
depletion or any abuse whatsoever, and to assure a continuing yield |
from the fishery resources of the aforementioned States. To that |
end the commission shall draft and recommend to the Governors and |
Legislatures of the various signatory States, legislation dealing |
with the conservation of the marine, shell and anadromous fisheries |
of the Gulf seaboard. The commission shall from time to time |
present to the Governor of each compacting State its |
recommendations relating to enactments to be presented to the |
Legislature of that State in furthering the interest and purposes |
of this compact. The commission shall consult with and advise the |
pertinent administrative agencies in the States party hereto with |
regard to problems connected with the fisheries, and recommend the |
adoption of such regulations as it deems advisable. The commission |
shall have power to recommend to the States party hereto the |
stocking of the waters of such States with fish and fish eggs or |
joint stocking by some or all of the States party hereto, and when |
two or more States shall jointly stock waters the commission shall |
act as the coordinating agency for such stocking. |
The commission shall elect from its number a chairman and |
vice-chairman and shall appoint, and at its pleasure remove or |
discharge, such officers and employees as may be required to carry |
the provisions of this compact into effect and shall fix and |
determine their duties, qualifications and compensation. Said |
commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its |
business. It may establish and maintain one or more offices for the |
transaction of its business, and may meet at any time or place; but |
must meet at least once a year. |
No action shall be taken by the commission in regard to its |
general affairs except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the |
whole number of compacting States. No recommendation shall be made |
by the commission in regard to any species of fish except by the |
affirmative vote of a majority of the compacting States which have |
an interest in such species. The commission shall define what shall |
be an interest. |
The Fish and Wildlife Service of the Department of the |
Interior of the Government of the United States shall act as the |
primary research agency of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries |
Commission, cooperating with the research agencies in each State |
for that purpose. Representatives of the said Fish and Wildlife |
Service shall attend the meetings of the commission. An advisory |
committee to be representative of the commercial salt water |
fishermen and the salt water anglers and such other interests of |
each State as the commissioners deem advisable may be established |
by the commissioners from each State for the purpose of advising |
those commissioners upon such recommendations as it may desire to |
make. |
When any State, other than those named specifically in |
Article II of this compact, shall become a party hereto for the |
purpose of conserving its anadromous fish or marine species in |
accordance with the provisions of Article II, the participation of |
such State in the action of the commission shall be limited to such |
species of fish. |
Nothing in this compact shall be construed to limit the |
powers of the proprietary interest of any signatory State, or to |
repeal or prevent the enactment of any legislation or the |
enforcement of any requirement by a signatory State, imposing |
additional conditions and restrictions to conserve its fisheries. |
It is agreed that any two or more States party hereto may |
further amend this compact by acts of their respective |
Legislatures, subject to approval of Congress as provided in |
Article I, Section X, of the Constitution of the United States, to |
designate the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission as a joint |
regulating authority for the joint regulation of specific fisheries |
affecting only such States as shall so compact, and at their joint |
expense. The representatives of such States shall constitute a |
separate section of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission for |
the exercise of the additional powers so granted, but the creation |
of such section shall not be deemed to deprive the States so |
compacting of any of their privileges or powers in the Gulf States |
Marine Fisheries Commission as constituted under the other Articles |
of this compact. |
Continued absence of representation or of any representative |
on the commission from any State party hereto, shall be brought to |
the attention of the Governor thereof. |
The operating expenses of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries |
Commission shall be borne by the States party hereto. Such initial |
appropriation as set forth below shall be made available yearly |
until modified as hereinafter provided: |
The proration and total cost per annum of Thirteen Thousand |
($13,000.00) Dollars, above mentioned, is estimative only, for |
initial operations, and may be changed when found necessary by the |
commission and approved by the Legislatures of the respective |
States. Each State party hereto agrees to provide in the manner |
most acceptable to it, the travel costs and necessary expenses of |
its commissioners and other representatives to and from meetings of |
the commission or its duly constituted sections or committees. |
This compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon |
each compacting State until renounced by Act of the Legislature of |
such State, in such form as it may choose; provided that such |
renunciation shall not become effective until six months after the |
effective date of the action taken by the Legislature. Notice of |
such renunciation shall be given the other States party hereto by |
the Secretary of State of compacting State so renouncing upon |
passage of the Act. |
SECTION 15.01. Section 5002.151(3), Special District Local |
Laws, is amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Protected zone" means the portion of the |
corporate limits of the City of Freeport as they exist on September |
1, 2023, that lies: |
(A) within the enclosed space bounded by |
beginning at the intersection of State Highway 36 and the center of |
the Brazos River, then north along the center of the Brazos River to |
the intersection of the center of the Brazos River and the center of |
the DOW fresh water canal, then north and east along the center of |
the DOW fresh water canal to the intersection of the center of the |
DOW fresh water canal and Farm-to-Market Road 1495, then south |
along Farm-to-Market Road 1495 to the intersection of |
Farm-to-Market Road 1495 and State Highway 36, and then west along |
State Highway 36 to the intersection of State Highway 36 and the |
center of the Brazos River; |
(B) within Brazoria County 2020 United States |
Census tract 664501 blocks 2027, 2032, and 2034; |
(C) within the enclosed space bounded by |
beginning at the intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 1495 and the |
Intracoastal Waterway, then west along the Intracoastal Waterway to |
the intersection of the Intracoastal Waterway and the Brazos River, |
then south along the Brazos River to the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico], then east along the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] to the |
intersection of a line extending from the southern terminus of |
Farm-to-Market Road 1495 due south to the intersection with the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], and then due north to the |
intersection of Farm-to-Market Road 1495 and the Intracoastal |
Waterway; |
(D) adjacent to the old Brazos River channel and |
inside the floodgate, which is zoned as a W-1 District under the |
zoning ordinance, and bounded by Farm-to-Market Road 1495 on the |
west; |
(E) within the portion of Brazoria County 2020 |
United States Census tract 664200 blocks 2059, 2060, and 2061 that |
lies within 3,500 feet of the centerline of State Highway 332; |
(F) within the 13.316 acre tract of land |
described in that certain Deed recorded in Volume 11199, at Page 471 |
of the Brazoria County Real Property Records; or |
(G) within the 56.751 acre tract of land |
described in that certain Deed of Exchange recorded in Volume |
86286, at Page 927 of the Brazoria County Real Property Records. |
SECTION 15.02. Section 5002.201(a), Special District Local |
Laws, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to property: |
(1) owned or leased by the district; and |
(2) located in: |
(A) the district; and |
(B) the boundaries or extraterritorial |
jurisdiction of a municipality with a population of less than |
20,000 that is wholly located in the district and whose corporate |
limits border the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 15.03. Section 5002.205(a), Special District Local |
Laws, is amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a municipality with a |
population of more than 5,000 that is wholly located in the district |
and to property: |
(1) owned or leased by the district; |
(2) located in the district and within seven miles of |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(3) located in the corporate limits or |
extraterritorial jurisdiction of a municipality that is subject to |
this section. |
SECTION 15.04. Section 5201.005(b), Special District Local |
Laws, is amended to read as follows: |
(b) The district may construct, acquire, improve, operate, |
or maintain a road facility: |
(1) in the district; |
(2) from a point in the district to a point outside of |
the district in Galveston County; or |
(3) from a point in the district in, over, through, or |
under the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening |
into the gulf to a point outside of the district and located in |
another county. |
SECTION 16.01. Section 52.002(1), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Adjacent coastal county" means a county bordering |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that has an onshore storage |
facility for a deepwater port for which an application has been |
filed. |
SECTION 16.02. Section 54.001, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 54.001. APPLICABILITY OF CHAPTER. This chapter |
applies only to a municipality that: |
(1) is located on: |
(A) the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; or |
(B) a channel, canal, bay, or inlet connected to |
that gulf; and |
(2) has a population of more than 5,000. |
SECTION 16.03. Section 61.002(6), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(6) "Port" means a place in this state into which a |
vessel enters or from which a vessel departs. If the port connects |
to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], "port" includes the |
waterway leading from the port to the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.04. Section 61.006, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 61.006. BOARD JURISDICTION. A board has exclusive |
jurisdiction over piloting of vessels in this state between the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and the ports in the board's |
jurisdiction. |
SECTION 16.05. Section 62.024, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 62.024. JURISDICTION. The pilot board of a navigation |
district has exclusive jurisdiction over the pilotage of a vessel |
between the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and a port of the |
navigation district, including an intermediate stop or landing |
place on a navigable stream in the district. |
SECTION 16.06. Section 66.002(3), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Harris County port" means a place in Harris |
County into which a vessel enters or from which a vessel departs and |
the waterway leading to that place from the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.07. Section 67.002(3), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Galveston County port" means a place in Galveston |
County into which a vessel enters or from which a vessel departs and |
the waterway leading to that place from the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.08. Section 68.002(2), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Brazoria County port" means a place in Brazoria |
County into which a vessel enters or from which a vessel departs and |
the waterway leading to that place from the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.09. Section 69.002(3), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Jefferson or Orange County port" means a place in |
Jefferson or Orange County into which a vessel enters or from which |
a vessel departs and the waterway leading to that place from the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.10. Section 69.064(8), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(8) the relationship between pilotage rates in |
Jefferson or Orange County ports and the rates applicable in other |
ports of this state and in competitive ports in other states |
bordering the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.11. Section 70.002(3), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Port of Corpus Christi" means a place into which a |
vessel enters or from which a vessel departs and the waterway |
leading to that place from the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
under the jurisdiction of the Port of Corpus Christi Authority. |
SECTION 16.12. Section 283.001(4), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(4) "Project" means a causeway, bridge, or tunnel, |
including a necessary approach, fixture, accessory, or equipment |
that: |
(A) is located in one county; and |
(B) traverses or lies under the water of the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico], including a bay or inlet opening. |
SECTION 16.13. Section 283.002, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 283.002. APPLICABILITY. This chapter applies only to |
a county that: |
(1) borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
and |
(2) has a population of at least 20,000 as determined |
before the issuance of bonds under this chapter. |
SECTION 16.14. Section 284.002(a), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (b), this chapter |
applies only to a county that: |
(1) has a population of 50,000 or more and borders the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening into the |
gulf; |
(2) has a population of 2.5 million or more; |
(3) is adjacent to a county that has a population of |
2.5 million or more; or |
(4) borders the United Mexican States. |
SECTION 16.15. Section 341.002, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 341.002. GENERAL AUTHORITY TO ACT. Subject to Chapter |
33, Natural Resources Code, an individual, corporation, or |
association may purchase, build, own, maintain, and operate a |
structure across an arm, inlet, or saltwater bay of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] located entirely in this state to provide a |
causeway for vehicles, pedestrians, and railroads. |
SECTION 16.16. Section 342.001(a), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department may purchase, construct, maintain, |
operate, or control a ferry that crosses: |
(1) a bay, arm, channel, or saltwater lake emptying |
into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(2) an inlet of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
or |
(3) a river or other navigable body of water. |
SECTION 16.17. Section 463.002, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 463.002. APPLICATION. This chapter applies to: |
(1) a county that is contiguous to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and that |
borders the United Mexican States; and |
(2) a county that borders a county described by |
Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 16.18. Section 551.404(c), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) Subsection (b) applies only to a county that: |
(1) borders or contains a portion of the Red River; or |
(2) borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and |
has a population of less than 500,000. |
SECTION 16.19. Section 551A.001(2), Transportation Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(2) "Beach" means a beach area, publicly or privately |
owned, that borders the seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.20. Section 551A.053(c), Transportation Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) Subsection (b) applies only to a county that: |
(1) borders or contains a portion of the Red River; |
(2) borders or contains a portion of the Guadalupe |
River and contains a part of a barrier island that borders the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico]; or |
(3) is adjacent to a county described by Subdivision |
(2) and: |
(A) has a population of less than 37,000; and |
(B) contains a part of a barrier island or |
peninsula that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 16.21. Section 623.210, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 623.210. OPTIONAL PROCEDURE. This subchapter provides |
an optional procedure for the issuance of a permit for the movement |
of oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highways |
located in counties: |
(1) contiguous to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and: |
(A) adjacent to at least two counties with a |
population of 550,000 or more; or |
(B) bordering the United Mexican States; or |
(2) contiguous to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf with a population of not more |
than 200,000 and adjacent to a county described by Subdivision |
(1)(A). |
SECTION 16.22. Section 623.212, Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 623.212. PERMITS BY PORT AUTHORITY. The commission |
may authorize a port authority to issue permits for the movement of |
oversize or overweight vehicles carrying cargo on state highways |
located in counties: |
(1) contiguous to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf and: |
(A) adjacent to at least two counties with a |
population of 550,000 or more; or |
(B) bordering the United Mexican States; or |
(2) contiguous to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf with a population of not more |
than 200,000 and adjacent to a county described by Subdivision |
(1)(A). |
SECTION 16.23. Section 623.219(b-1), Transportation Code, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(b-1) For a permit issued by a port authority contiguous to |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening into |
the gulf with a population of not more than 200,000 that is adjacent |
to a county described in Subsection (b), the commission shall, with |
the consent of the port authority, designate the most direct route |
from: |
(1) the Matagorda County line to the entrance of the |
Port of Palacios using State Highway 35; |
(2) the Matagorda County line to the entrance of the |
Port of Palacios using State Highway 60; |
(3) the Matagorda County line to the entrance of the |
Port of Palacios using FM 521; and |
(4) the Matagorda County line to the entrance of the |
Port of Palacios using State Highway 71. |
SECTION 16.24. Section 623.406(b), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The transportation of a sealed intermodal shipping |
container under a permit issued under this subchapter: |
(1) must begin or end at a port authority or port of |
entry that is located in a county contiguous to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or inlet opening into the gulf; and |
(2) may not exceed 30 miles from the port authority or |
port of entry and must be on a highway or road described by Section |
623.405(b). |
SECTION 16.25. Sections 644.101(b)(6), (9), and (10), |
Transportation Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(6) a municipality with a population of less than |
5,000 that is located: |
(A) adjacent to a bay connected to the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]; and |
(B) in a county adjacent to a county with a |
population greater than 3.3 million; |
(9) a municipality located in a county with a |
population between 60,000 and 69,000 adjacent to a bay connected to |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(10) a municipality with a population of more than |
40,000 and less than 50,000 that is located in a county with a |
population of more than 285,000 and less than 300,000 that borders |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
SECTION 16.25. Section 729.001(b), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) In this section, "beach" means a beach bordering on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] that extends inland from the line |
of mean low tide to the natural line of vegetation bordering on the |
seaward shore of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], or the larger |
contiguous area to which the public has acquired a right of use or |
easement to or over by prescription, dedication, or estoppel, or |
has retained a right by virtue of continuous right in the public |
since time immemorial as recognized by law or custom. |
SECTION 16.26. Section 750.002(a), Transportation Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if the person drives a |
vehicle at a speed greater than 30 miles per hour within the |
boundaries of a county park located in a county that borders on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], other than on a beach as that term |
is defined by Section 61.012, Natural Resources Code, in the park. |
SECTION 17.01. Sections 11.271(b) and (c), Tax Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) An owner or lessee of a marine or mobile drilling unit |
designed for offshore drilling of oil or gas wells is entitled to an |
exemption from taxation of the drilling unit if the drilling unit: |
(1) is being stored in a county bordering on the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] or on a bay or other body of water |
immediately adjacent to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(2) is not being stored for the sole purpose of repair |
or maintenance; and |
(3) is not being used to drill a well at the location |
at which it is being stored. |
(c) A person is entitled to an exemption from taxation of |
the personal property the person owns or leases that is used, |
constructed, acquired, stored, or installed solely as part of an |
offshore spill response containment system, or that is used solely |
for the development, improvement, storage, deployment, repair, |
maintenance, or testing of such a system, if the system is being |
stored while not in use in a county bordering on the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] or on a bay or other body of water immediately |
adjacent to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. Property |
described by this subsection and not used for any other purpose is |
considered to be property used wholly as an integral part of mobile |
or marine drilling equipment designed for offshore drilling of oil |
or gas wells. |
SECTION 17.02. Section 31.03(d), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(d) This subsection applies only to a taxing unit located in |
a county having a population of not less than 315,000 and not more |
than 351,000 that borders a county having a population of 3.3 |
million or more and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. The |
governing body of a taxing unit that has its taxes collected by |
another taxing unit that has adopted the split-payment option under |
Subsection (a) may provide, in the manner required by law for |
official action by the body, that the split-payment option does not |
apply to the taxing unit's taxes collected by the other taxing unit. |
SECTION 17.03. Section 41.44 (c-1), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c-1) A property owner who files a notice of protest after |
the deadline prescribed by Subsection (a) but before the taxes on |
the property to which the notice applies become delinquent is |
entitled to a hearing and determination of the protest if the |
property owner was continuously employed in the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico], including employment on an offshore drilling or |
production facility or on a vessel, for a period of not less than 20 |
days during which the deadline prescribed by Subsection (a) passed, |
and the property owner provides the appraisal review board with |
evidence of that fact through submission of a letter from the |
property owner's employer or supervisor or, if the property owner |
is self-employed, a sworn affidavit. |
SECTION 17.04. Section 156.2512(c)(1), Tax Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(1) "Eligible barrier island coastal municipality" |
means a municipality: |
(A) that borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]; |
(B) that is located wholly or partly on a barrier |
island; and |
(C) that: |
(i) includes an institution of higher |
education that is part of the Texas Coastal Ocean Observation |
Network under Section 33.065, Natural Resources Code; |
(ii) includes a national estuarine research |
reserve; |
(iii) is located within 30 miles of the |
United Mexican States; or |
(iv) has a population of less than 10,000 |
and is located in a county with a population of at least 370,000 |
that is adjacent to a county with a population of at least |
3,000,000. |
SECTION 17.05. Section 321.101(g), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(g) For the purposes of Subsection (f), "territory" in a |
municipality having a population of 5,000 or less and bordering on |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] does not include any area |
covered by water and in which no person has a place of business to |
which a sales tax permit issued under Subchapter F of Chapter 151 |
applies. |
SECTION 17.06. Sections 351.001(3),(7), and (11), Tax Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Eligible coastal municipality" means: |
(A) a home-rule municipality that borders on the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and has a population of less than |
80,000; or |
(B) a municipality that borders on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and has a population of less than 1,500. |
(7) "Eligible central municipality" means: |
(A) a municipality with a population of more than |
140,000 but less than 1.5 million that is located in a county with a |
population of one million or more and that has adopted a capital |
improvement plan for the construction or expansion of a convention |
center facility; |
(B) a municipality with a population of 250,000 |
or more that: |
(i) is located wholly or partly on a barrier |
island that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(ii) is located in a county with a |
population of 300,000 or more; and |
(iii) has adopted a capital improvement |
plan to expand an existing convention center facility; |
(11) "Eligible barrier island coastal municipality" |
means a municipality: |
(A) that borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]; |
(B) that is located wholly on a barrier island; |
and |
(C) the boundaries of which are within 30 miles |
of the United Mexican States. |
SECTION 17.07. Section 351.003(c), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) The rate in a municipality that borders on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] and has a population of more than 250,000 |
or in a municipality with a population of less than 5,000 adjacent |
to a home-rule city with a population of less than 80,000 may not |
exceed nine percent of the price paid for a room. |
SECTION 17.08. Section 351.102(e)(4), Tax Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(4) a municipality with a population of less than |
2,000 that: |
(A) is located adjacent to a bay connected to the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(B) is located in a county with a population of |
290,000 or more that is adjacent to a county with a population of |
four million or more; and |
(C) has a boardwalk on the bay. |
SECTION 17.09. Section 351.1055(b), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a |
home-rule municipality that borders on the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] and has a population of more than 250,000 may use all or any |
portion of the revenue derived from the municipal hotel occupancy |
tax from hotels in an area previously subject to a county hotel |
occupancy tax and located on an island bordering the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to clean and maintain public beaches in the |
municipality. |
SECTION 17.10. Section 351.1066(a), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to: |
(1) a municipality with a population of at least 3,500 |
but less than 5,500 that is the county seat of a county with a |
population of less than 50,000 that borders a county with a |
population of more than 1.6 million; |
(2) a municipality with a population of at least 2,800 |
but less than 3,500 that is the county seat of a county with a |
population of less than 22,000 that is bordered by the Trinity River |
and includes a state park and a portion of a wildlife management |
area; |
(3) a municipality with a population of at least 8,000 |
that is located in a county that borders the Pecos River and that |
has a population of not more than 15,000; |
(4) a municipality with a population of not more than |
15,000 that is located in a county through which the Frio River |
flows and an interstate highway crosses, and that has a population |
of at least 15,000; |
(5) a municipality with a population of not less than |
7,500 that is located in a county with a population of not less than |
40,000 but less than 250,000 that is adjacent to a county with a |
population of less than 750; |
(6) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
with a population of at least 8,500 and that county contains part of |
the Chaparral Wildlife Management Area; and |
(7) a municipality that has a population of not more |
than 25,000, that contains a cultural heritage museum, and that is |
located in a county that borders the United Mexican States and the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 17.11. Sections 351.107(a) and (e), Tax Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a municipality that borders |
on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and has a population of more |
than 250,000. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a |
municipality to which this section applies may use all or any |
portion of the revenue derived from the municipal hotel occupancy |
tax from hotels in an area previously subject to a county hotel |
occupancy tax and located on an island bordering the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] to clean and maintain public beaches in the |
municipality. |
SECTION 17.12. Section 351.10713(a), Tax Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a municipality that is the |
county seat of a county: |
(1) that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
and |
(2) through which the Colorado River flows. |
SECTION 17.13. Section 351.152, Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 351.152. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only |
to: |
(1) a municipality described by Section |
351.001(7)(B); |
(2) a municipality described by Section |
351.001(7)(D); |
(3) a municipality described by Section |
351.001(7)(E); |
(4) a municipality described by Section |
351.102(e)(3); |
(5) a municipality that contains more than 70 percent |
of the population of a county with a population of 1.5 million or |
more; |
(6) a municipality with a population of 175,000 or |
more but less than 200,000 that is partially located in at least one |
county with a population of 125,000 or more; |
(7) a municipality with a population of 250,000 or |
more but less than one million that is located in one county with a |
population of 2.5 million or more; |
(8) a municipality with a population of 180,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is located in two counties, each with a |
population of 100,000 or more; and |
(B) contains an American Quarter Horse Hall of |
Fame and Museum; |
(9) a municipality with a population of 96,000 or more |
that is located in a county that borders Lake Palestine; |
(10) a municipality with a population of 96,000 or |
more that is located in a county that contains the headwaters of the |
San Gabriel River; |
(11) a municipality with a population of at least |
95,000 that is located in a county that is bisected by United States |
Highway 385 and has a population of not more than 170,000; |
(12) a municipality with a population of 110,000 or |
more but less than 135,000 at least part of which is located in a |
county with a population of less than 135,000; |
(13) a municipality with a population of 28,000 or |
more but less than 31,000 that is located in two counties, each of |
which has a population of 900,000 or more and a southern border with |
a county with a population of 2.5 million or more; |
(14) a municipality with a population of 200,000 or |
more but less than 300,000 that contains a component institution of |
the Texas Tech University System; |
(15) a municipality with a population of 95,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is located in more than one county; and |
(B) borders Lake Lewisville; |
(16) a municipality with a population of 45,000 or |
more that: |
(A) contains a portion of Cedar Hill State Park; |
(B) is located in two counties, one of which has a |
population of 2.5 million or more and one of which has a population |
of 190,000 or more; and |
(C) has adopted a capital improvement plan for |
the construction or expansion of a convention center facility; |
(17) a municipality with a population of less than |
10,000 that: |
(A) is almost wholly located in a county with a |
population of 900,000 or more that is adjacent to a county with a |
population of 2.5 million or more; |
(B) is partially located in a county with a |
population of 2.1 million or more that is adjacent to a county with |
a population of 2.5 million or more; |
(C) has a visitor center and museum located in a |
19th-century rock building in the municipality's downtown; and |
(D) has a waterpark open to the public; |
(18) a municipality with a population of 60,000 or |
more that: |
(A) borders Lake Ray Hubbard; and |
(B) is located in two counties, one of which has a |
population of less than 110,000; |
(19) a municipality with a population of 110,000 or |
more that: |
(A) borders Clear Lake; and |
(B) is primarily located in a county with a |
population of less than 355,000; |
(20) a municipality with a population of less than |
2,000 that: |
(A) is located adjacent to a bay connected to the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(B) is located in a county with a population of |
290,000 or more that is adjacent to a county with a population of |
four million or more; and |
(C) has a boardwalk on the bay; |
(21) a municipality with a population of 75,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is located wholly in one county with a |
population of 800,000 or more that is adjacent to a county with a |
population of four million or more; and |
(B) has adopted a capital improvement plan for |
the construction or expansion of a convention center facility; |
(22) a municipality with a population of less than |
70,000 that is located in three counties, at least one of which has |
a population of four million or more; |
(23) an eligible coastal municipality with a |
population of 2,900 or more but less than 5,000; |
(24) a municipality with a population of 90,000 or |
more but less than 150,000 that: |
(A) is located in three counties; and |
(B) contains a branch campus of a component |
institution of the University of Houston System; |
(25) a municipality that is: |
(A) primarily located in a county with a |
population of four million or more; and |
(B) connected by a bridge to a municipality |
described by Subdivision (20); |
(26) a municipality with a population of 25,000 or |
more but less than 30,000 that: |
(A) contains a portion of Mustang Bayou; and |
(B) is wholly located in a county with a |
population of less than 500,000; |
(27) a municipality with a population of 70,000 or |
more but less than 90,000 that is located in two counties, one of |
which has a population of four million or more and the other of |
which has a population of less than 50,000; |
(28) a municipality with a population of 10,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is wholly located in a county with a |
population of four million or more; and |
(B) has a city hall located less than three miles |
from a space center operated by an agency of the federal government; |
(29) a municipality that is the county seat of a |
county: |
(A) through which the Pedernales River flows; and |
(B) in which the birthplace of a president of the |
United States is located; |
(30) a municipality that contains a portion of U.S. |
Highway 79 and State Highway 130; |
(31) a municipality with a population of 70,000 or |
more but less than 115,000 that is located in two counties, one of |
which has a population of 1.1 million or more but less than 1.9 |
million; |
(32) a municipality with a population of less than |
25,000 that contains a museum of Western American art; |
(33) a municipality with a population of 50,000 or |
more that is the county seat of a county that contains a portion of |
the Sam Houston National Forest; |
(34) a municipality with a population of less than |
25,000 that: |
(A) contains a cultural heritage museum; and |
(B) is located in a county that borders the |
United Mexican States and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]; |
(35) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
that: |
(A) has a population of 115,000 or more; |
(B) is adjacent to a county with a population of |
2.1 million or more; and |
(C) hosts an annual peach festival; |
(36) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
that: |
(A) has a population of 800,000 or more; and |
(B) is adjacent to a county with a population of |
four million or more; |
(37) a municipality with a population of less than |
10,000 that: |
(A) contains a component university of The Texas |
A&M University System; and |
(B) is located in a county adjacent to a county |
that borders Oklahoma; |
(38) a municipality with a population of less than |
17,000 that: |
(A) is located in two counties, each of which has |
a population of 900,000 or more but less than two million; and |
(B) hosts an annual Cajun Festival; |
(39) a municipality with a population of 13,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is located on an international border; and |
(B) is located in a county: |
(i) with a population of less than 400,000; |
and |
(ii) in which at least one World Birding |
Center site is located; |
(40) a municipality with a population of 3,200 or more |
that: |
(A) is located on an international border; and |
(B) is located not more than five miles from a |
state historic site that serves as a visitor center for a state park |
that contains 300,000 or more acres of land; |
(41) a municipality with a population of 36,000 or |
more that is adjacent to at least two municipalities described by |
Subdivision (15); |
(42) a municipality with a population of 28,000 or |
more that is located in a county with a population of 240,000 or |
more that contains a portion of the Blanco River and in which is |
located a historic railroad depot and heritage center; |
(43) a municipality located in a county that has a |
population of not more than 300,000 and in which a component |
university of the University of Houston System is located; |
(44) a municipality with a population of less than |
500,000 that is: |
(A) located in two counties; and |
(B) adjacent to a municipality described by |
Subdivision (31); |
(45) a municipality that: |
(A) has a population of more than 67,000; and |
(B) is located in two counties with 90 percent of |
the municipality's territory located in a county with a population |
of at least 800,000, and the remaining territory located in a county |
with a population of at least four million; |
(46) a municipality that: |
(A) has a population of 100,000 or more; and |
(B) is wholly located in, but is not the county |
seat of, a county with a population of one million or more: |
(i) in which all or part of a municipality |
with a population of one million or more is located; and |
(ii) that is adjacent to a county with a |
population of 2.5 million or more; |
(47) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
bordering the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and the United |
Mexican States; |
(48) a municipality that is bisected by the Guadalupe |
River and is the county seat of a county with a population of |
170,000 or more; |
(49) a municipality with a population of 70,000 or |
more but less than 150,000 that borders Joe Pool Lake; |
(50) a municipality with a population of 115,000 or |
more that borders the Neches River; |
(51) a municipality described by Section 351.101(k); |
(52) a municipality that is the county seat of a |
county: |
(A) through which the Brazos River flows; and |
(B) in which a national monument is located; |
(53) a municipality with a population of 45,000 or |
more that: |
(A) is not the county seat of a county; |
(B) is located in a single county; and |
(C) contains a portion of Lake Lewisville; |
(54) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
with a population of more than 900,000 that is adjacent to two |
counties, each of which has a population of more than 1.8 million; |
(55) a municipality that hosts an annual wine festival |
and is located in three counties, each of which has a population of |
more than 900,000; |
(56) a municipality that has a population of at least |
150,000 but less than 1,300,000 and is partially located in a county |
that contains a portion of Cedar Creek Reservoir; |
(57) a municipality that is located in a county that |
contains a portion of Cedar Creek Reservoir and in which a private |
college is located; |
(58) a municipality that is the county seat of a |
county: |
(A) with a population of one million or more; |
(B) in which all or part of a municipality with a |
population of one million or more is located; and |
(C) that is located adjacent to a county with a |
population of 2.5 million or more; |
(59) a municipality that is the county seat of a county |
that contains a portion of Cedar Creek Reservoir and borders a |
county with a population of more than 240,000; |
(60) a municipality with a population of more than |
80,000 but less than 150,000 that is located in a county with a |
population of more than 369,000 but less than 864,000 that contains |
part of an active duty United States Army installation; |
(61) a municipality with a population of 750,000 or |
more that is located in a county with a population of 1.5 million or |
less; |
(62) a municipality with a population of less than |
7,000 that contains a country music hall of fame; |
(63) a municipality with a population of 35,000 or |
more that contains a railroad museum and is located in a county |
that: |
(A) has a population of 800,000 or more; and |
(B) is adjacent to a county with a population of |
four million or more; and |
(64) a municipality: |
(A) that is the county seat of a county: |
(i) with a population of 60,000 or less; and |
(ii) that borders the Rio Grande; and |
(B) in which is located a United States military |
fort listed in the National Register of Historic Places. |
SECTION 17.14. Section 352.002(a), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The commissioners courts of the following counties by |
the adoption of an order or resolution may impose a tax on a person |
who, under a lease, concession, permit, right of access, license, |
contract, or agreement, pays for the use or possession or for the |
right to the use or possession of a room that is in a hotel, costs $2 |
or more each day, and is ordinarily used for sleeping: |
(1) a county that has a population of more than 3.3 |
million; |
(2) a county that has a population of 90,000 or more, |
borders the United Mexican States, does not border the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico], and does not have four or more cities that |
each have a population of more than 25,000; |
(3) a county in which there is no municipality; |
(4) a county in which there is located an Indian |
reservation under the jurisdiction of the United States government; |
(5) a county that has a population of 30,000 or less, |
that has no more than one municipality with a population of less |
than 2,500, and that borders two counties located wholly in the |
Edwards Aquifer Authority established by Chapter 626, Acts of the |
73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993; |
(6) a county that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]; |
(7) a county that has a population of less than 5,000, |
that borders the United Mexican States, and in which there is |
located a major observatory; |
(8) a county that has a population of 12,000 or less |
and borders the Toledo Bend Reservoir; |
(9) a county that has a population of less than 12,500 |
and an area of less than 275 square miles and does not border a |
county that borders Arkansas and Louisiana; |
(10) a county that has a population of 30,000 or less |
and borders Possum Kingdom Lake; |
(11) a county that borders a county with a population |
of more than 300,000 and the United Mexican States and has a |
population of more than 300,000 and less than 900,000; |
(12) a county that has a population of 35,000 or more |
and borders or contains a portion of Lake Fork Reservoir; |
(13) a county that borders the United Mexican States |
and in which there is located a national recreation area; |
(14) a county that borders the United Mexican States |
and in which there is located a national park of more than 400,000 |
acres; |
(15) a county that has a population of 28,000 or less, |
that has no more than four municipalities, and that is located |
wholly in the Edwards Aquifer Authority established by Chapter 626, |
Acts of the 73rd Legislature, Regular Session, 1993; |
(16) a county that has a population of 25,000 or less, |
whose territory is less than 750 square miles, and that has two |
incorporated municipalities, each with a population of 800 or less, |
at least one of which is located on the Frio River; |
(17) a county that has a population of 34,000 or more |
and borders Lake Buchanan; |
(18) a county that has a population of more than 45,000 |
and less than 75,000, that borders the United Mexican States, and |
that borders or contains a portion of Falcon Lake; |
(19) a county with a population of 22,000 or less that |
borders the Neches River and in which there is located a national |
preserve; |
(20) a county that has a population of 28,000 or less |
and that borders or contains a portion of Lake Livingston; |
(21) a county through which the Pedernales River flows |
and in which the birthplace or the childhood home of a president of |
the United States is located; |
(22) a county that has a population of 35,000 or less |
and borders Lake Buchanan; |
(23) a county with a population of less than 11,000 |
that is bordered by the Sulphur River; |
(24) a county that has a population of 16,000 or more |
and borders the entire north shore of Lake Somerville; |
(25) a county that has a population of 20,000 or less |
and that is bordered by the Brazos and Navasota Rivers; |
(26) a county that has a population of more than 15,000 |
and less than 25,000 and is located on the Trinity and Navasota |
Rivers; |
(27) a county that has a population of less than 15,000 |
and that is bordered by the Trinity and Navasota Rivers; |
(28) a county that borders or contains a portion of the |
Neches River, the Sabine River, and Sabine Lake; and |
(29) a county that borders Whitney Lake. |
SECTION 17.15. Section 352.003(f), Tax Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(f) The tax rate in a county that borders the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico], has a population of more than 200,000, and borders |
the Neches River may not exceed two percent of the price paid for a |
room in a hotel in the county. |
SECTION 17.16. Sections 352.1033(a) and (b), Tax Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Subject to Subsection (c), the revenue from a tax |
imposed under this chapter by a county that borders the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] authorized to impose the tax by Section |
352.002(a)(6) may be used only to: |
(1) clean public beaches; |
(2) acquire, furnish, or maintain facilities, |
including parks, that enhance public access to beaches; |
(3) provide and maintain public restrooms on or |
adjacent to beaches or beach access facilities; |
(4) provide and maintain litter containers on or |
adjacent to beaches or beach access facilities; |
(5) create, renovate, promote, and maintain parks |
adjacent to bays, rivers, and other navigable waterways if the |
county does not operate a public beach on the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico]; |
(6) advertise and conduct solicitations and |
promotional programs to attract tourists and convention delegates |
or registrants to the county or its vicinity, any of which may be |
conducted by the county or through contracts with persons or |
organizations selected by the county; |
(7) acquire a site for and construct, improve, |
enlarge, equip, repair, operate, and maintain a visitor information |
center; and |
(8) encourage, promote, and improve historical |
preservation and restoration efforts. |
(b) A county that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] and that is authorized to impose the tax by Section |
352.002(a)(6) may use 50 percent or less of the revenue from the tax |
for the promotion of tourism. |
SECTION 18.01. Section 39.9016, Utilities Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 39.9016. NUCLEAR SAFETY FEE. An electric utility that |
operates a nuclear asset located in a county on the coast of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] shall pay a nuclear safety fee for |
the year 2000 and the year 2001 to each taxing unit in which the |
nuclear asset is located, other than a school district, in an amount |
equal to the difference between the ad valorem taxes imposed by the |
taxing unit in 1999 and the amount of ad valorem taxes imposed by |
the unit in the year for which the fee is due, except that the amount |
of the fee may not exceed one-half the taxes imposed on the asset by |
the unit in 1999. The nuclear safety fee shall be considered a tax |
or fee under Section 39.258(5). |
SECTION 19.01. Section 11.002(11), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(11) "River basin" means a river or coastal basin |
designated by the board as a river basin under Section 16.051. The |
term does not include waters originating in the bays or arms of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.02. Section 11.021(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The water of the ordinary flow, underflow, and tides of |
every flowing river, natural stream, and lake, and of every bay or |
arm of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], and the storm water, |
floodwater, and rainwater of every river, natural stream, canyon, |
ravine, depression, and watershed in the state is the property of |
the state. |
SECTION 19.03. Section 11.023(f), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(f) The water of any arm, inlet, or bay of the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico] may be changed from salt water to sweet or |
fresh water and held or stored by dams, dikes, or other structures |
and may be taken or diverted for any purpose authorized by this |
chapter. |
SECTION 19.04. Sections 11.050(a), Water Code, are amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) An appropriator authorized to take water for |
irrigation, subject to the laws of the United States and the |
regulations made under its authority, may construct gates or |
breakwaters, dams, or dikes with gates, in waters wholly in this |
state, as necessary to prevent pollution of the fresh water of any |
river, bayou, or stream due to the ebb and flow of the tides of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.05. Section 11.0871(a), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) The commission may authorize, under conditions stated |
in an order, a watermaster to provide for the temporary diversion |
and use by holders of water rights of storm water or floodwater that |
spills from dams and reservoirs on an international stream and |
otherwise would flow into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
without opportunity for beneficial use. |
SECTION 19.06. Sections 11.1405(a) and (b), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) The commission may issue a permit under this section to |
authorize a diversion of state water from the Gulf of America [Gulf |
of Mexico] or a bay or arm of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
for desalination and use for industrial purposes if: |
(1) the point of diversion is located less than three |
miles seaward of any point located on the coast of this state; or |
(2) the seawater contains a total dissolved solids |
concentration based on a yearly average of samples taken monthly at |
the water source of less than 20,000 milligrams per liter. |
(b) A person may divert state water from the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] or a bay or arm of the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] for desalination and use for industrial purposes without |
obtaining a permit if Subsection (a) does not apply. |
SECTION 19.07. Section 11.142(c), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) Without obtaining a permit, a person who is drilling and |
producing petroleum and conducting operations associated with |
drilling and producing petroleum may take for those purposes state |
water from the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and adjacent bays |
and arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] in an amount not to |
exceed one acre-foot during each 24-hour period. |
SECTION 19.08. Section 11.1421(b), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) Without obtaining a permit and subject to the |
requirements and limitations provided by Subsections (c) through |
(e) of this section, a person who is engaged in mariculture |
operations on land may take for that purpose state water from the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and adjacent bays and arms of the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] in an amount appropriate to those |
mariculture activities. |
SECTION 19.09. Section 11.3271(h), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(h) Before granting a permit to convey water down the banks |
and bed of the Rio Grande, the commission shall adopt rules that |
provide for the methods and procedures by which the watermaster |
shall account for any discharge, delivery, conveyance, storage, |
diversion, or associated loss of water conveyed down the banks and |
bed of the Rio Grande. A permit to convey water down the banks and |
bed of the Rio Grande may not allow the permit holder to share in any |
beneficial state water inflows into the Rio Grande. The permit |
holder is entitled to convey only the amount of water specified in |
the permit, less the carriage losses incurred in transit, as |
described and measured according to commission rules. A rule |
adopted by the commission under this subsection must be consistent |
with the Treaty Relating to the Utilization of the Waters of the |
Colorado and Tijuana Rivers, and of the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo) from |
Fort Quitman, Texas, to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], |
concluded by the United States and the United Mexican States on |
February 3, 1944, and with any minute order adopted by the |
International Boundary and Water Commission. |
SECTION 19.10. Section 13.245(c-5), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c-5) Subsections (c-1), (c-2), (c-3), and (c-4) do not |
apply to: |
(1) a county that borders the United Mexican States |
and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or a county adjacent to |
such a county; |
(2) a county with a population of more than 30,000 and |
less than 36,000 that borders the Red River; or |
(3) a county with a population of more than 100,000 and |
less than 200,000 that borders a county described by Subdivision |
(2). |
SECTION 19.11. Section 13.2351(b-1), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b-1) Subsection (b) does not apply to an extension of |
extraterritorial jurisdiction in a county that borders the United |
Mexican States and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] or a county |
adjacent to such a county. |
SECTION 19.12. Section 13.254(a-9), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a-9) Subsection (a-8) does not apply to a county that |
borders the United Mexican States and the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] or a county adjacent to a county that borders the United |
Mexican States and the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.13. Section 16.321, Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 16.321. COASTAL FLOODING. The Commissioner of the |
General Land Office shall adopt and enforce reasonable rules and |
regulations necessary for protection from flooding on barrier |
islands, peninsulas, and mainland areas fronting on the Gulf of |
America [Gulf of Mexico]. Rules and regulations adopted pursuant to |
this section shall be limited to those matters that political |
subdivisions are authorized to address under Section 16.315 of this |
code. Except as otherwise provided by this section, all actions |
taken by political subdivisions under Section 16.315 of this code |
with respect to flooding on barrier islands, peninsulas, and |
mainland areas fronting on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] must |
comply with rules and regulations adopted by the commissioner under |
this section. A political subdivision may adopt rules that are more |
stringent than those adopted by the commissioner under this |
section, provided the stricter provisions are intended to ensure |
compliance with the National Flood Insurance Program's rules, |
regulations, and policies. |
SECTION 19.14. Section 16.053(e), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(e) Each regional water planning group shall submit to the |
development board a regional water plan that: |
(1) is consistent with the guidance principles for the |
state water plan adopted by the development board under Section |
16.051(d); |
(2) provides information based on data provided or |
approved by the development board in a format consistent with the |
guidelines provided by the development board under Subsection (d); |
(2-a) is consistent with the desired future conditions |
adopted under Section 36.108 for the relevant aquifers located in |
the regional water planning area as of the most recent deadline for |
the board to adopt the state water plan under Section 16.051 or, at |
the option of the regional water planning group, established |
subsequent to the adoption of the most recent plan; provided, |
however, that if no groundwater conservation district exists within |
the area of the regional water planning group, the regional water |
planning group shall determine the supply of groundwater for |
regional planning purposes; the Texas Water Development Board shall |
review and approve, prior to inclusion in the regional water plan, |
that the groundwater supply for the regional planning group without |
a groundwater conservation district in its area is physically |
compatible, using the board's groundwater availability models, |
with the desired future conditions adopted under Section 36.108 for |
the relevant aquifers in the groundwater management area that are |
regulated by groundwater conservation districts; |
(3) identifies: |
(A) each source of water supply in the regional |
water planning area, including information supplied by the |
executive administrator on the amount of modeled available |
groundwater in accordance with the guidelines provided by the |
development board under Subsections (d) and (f); |
(B) factors specific to each source of water |
supply to be considered in determining whether to initiate a |
drought response; |
(C) actions to be taken as part of the response; |
(D) existing major water infrastructure |
facilities that may be used for interconnections in the event of an |
emergency shortage of water; and |
(E) unnecessary or counterproductive variations |
in specific drought response strategies, including outdoor |
watering restrictions, among user groups in the regional water |
planning area that may confuse the public or otherwise impede |
drought response efforts; |
(4) has specific provisions for water management |
strategies to be used during a drought of record; |
(5) includes but is not limited to consideration of |
the following: |
(A) any existing water or drought planning |
efforts addressing all or a portion of the region and potential |
impacts on public health, safety, or welfare in this state; |
(B) approved groundwater conservation district |
management plans and other plans submitted under Section 16.054; |
(C) all potentially feasible water management |
strategies, including but not limited to improved conservation, |
reuse, and management of existing water supplies, conjunctive use, |
acquisition of available existing water supplies, and development |
of new water supplies; |
(D) protection of existing water rights in the |
region; |
(E) opportunities for and the benefits of |
developing regional water supply facilities or providing regional |
management of water supply facilities; |
(F) appropriate provision for environmental |
water needs and for the effect of upstream development on the bays, |
estuaries, and arms of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and the |
effect of plans on navigation; |
(G) provisions in Section 11.085(k)(1) if |
interbasin transfers are contemplated; |
(H) voluntary transfer of water within the region |
using, but not limited to, regional water banks, sales, leases, |
options, subordination agreements, and financing agreements; |
(I) emergency transfer of water under Section |
11.139, including information on the part of each permit, certified |
filing, or certificate of adjudication for nonmunicipal use in the |
region that may be transferred without causing unreasonable damage |
to the property of the nonmunicipal water rights holder; and |
(J) opportunities for and the benefits of |
developing large-scale desalination facilities for: |
(i) marine seawater that serve local or |
regional entities; and |
(ii) brackish groundwater that serve local |
or regional brackish groundwater production zones identified and |
designated under Section 16.060(b)(5); |
(6) identifies river and stream segments of unique |
ecological value and sites of unique value for the construction of |
reservoirs that the regional water planning group recommends for |
protection under Section 16.051; |
(7) assesses the impact of the plan on unique river and |
stream segments identified in Subdivision (6) if the regional water |
planning group or the legislature determines that a site of unique |
ecological value exists; |
(8) describes the impact of proposed water projects on |
water quality; |
(9) includes information on: |
(A) projected water use and conservation in the |
regional water planning area; |
(B) the implementation of state and regional |
water plan projects, including water conservation strategies, |
necessary to meet the state's projected water demands; and |
(C) the implementation of large projects, |
including reservoirs, interstate water transfers, innovative |
technology projects, desalination plants, and other large projects |
as determined by the board, including information regarding: |
(i) expenditures of sponsor money; |
(ii) permit applications, including the |
status of a permit application; and |
(iii) status updates on the phase of |
construction of a project; |
(10) if the regional water planning area has |
significant identified water needs, provides a specific assessment |
of the potential for aquifer storage and recovery projects to meet |
those needs; |
(11) sets one or more specific goals for gallons of |
water use per capita per day in each decade of the period covered by |
the plan for the municipal water user groups in the regional water |
planning area; and |
(12) assesses the progress of the regional water |
planning area in encouraging cooperation between water user groups |
for the purpose of achieving economies of scale and otherwise |
incentivizing strategies that benefit the entire region. |
SECTION 19.15. Section 18.001(2) Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(2) "Marine seawater" means water that is derived from |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.16. Section 18.003(i) Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(i) The Parks and Wildlife Department and the General Land |
Office jointly shall conduct a study to identify zones in the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] that are appropriate for the diversion |
of marine seawater, taking into account the need to protect marine |
organisms. Not later than September 1, 2018, the Parks and Wildlife |
Department and the General Land Office shall submit a report on the |
results of the study to the commission. The report must include |
recommended diversion zones for designation by the commission and |
recommendations for the number of points from which, and the rate at |
which, a facility may divert marine seawater. Not later than |
September 1, 2020, the commission by rule shall designate |
appropriate diversion zones. A diversion zone may be contiguous |
to, be the same as, or overlap a discharge zone. The point or points |
from which a facility may divert marine seawater must be located in |
a diversion zone designated by the commission under rules adopted |
under this subsection if: |
(1) the facility is authorized by a permit as required |
by Subsection (a) issued after the rules are adopted; or |
(2) the facility is exempt under Subsection (b) from |
the requirement of a permit and construction of the facility begins |
after the rules are adopted. |
SECTION 19.17. Sections 18.005(c), (d), and (g), Water |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(c) A person must obtain a permit to discharge: |
(1) treated marine seawater into a natural stream in |
this state or a lake, reservoir, or other impoundment in this state; |
or |
(2) waste resulting from the desalination of treated |
marine seawater into the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
(d) A person shall: |
(1) treat marine seawater so as to meet standards that |
are at least as stringent as the water quality standards adopted by |
the commission applicable to the receiving stream or impoundment |
before discharging the seawater under this section; and |
(2) comply with all applicable state and federal |
requirements when discharging waste resulting from the |
desalination of marine seawater into the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico]. |
(g) The Parks and Wildlife Department and the General Land |
Office jointly shall conduct a study to identify zones in the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] that are appropriate for the discharge |
of waste resulting from the desalination of marine seawater, taking |
into account the need to protect marine organisms. Not later than |
September 1, 2018, the Parks and Wildlife Department and the |
General Land Office shall submit a report on the results of the |
study to the commission. The report must include recommended |
discharge zones for designation by the commission. Not later than |
September 1, 2020, the commission by rule shall designate |
appropriate discharge zones. The point at which a facility may |
discharge waste resulting from the desalination of marine seawater |
must be located in a discharge zone designated by the commission |
under rules adopted under this subsection if the facility is |
authorized by a permit issued under Subsection (c)(2) after the |
rules are adopted. |
SECTION 19.18. Section 26.001(5), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(5) "Water" or "water in the state" means groundwater, |
percolating or otherwise, lakes, bays, ponds, impounding |
reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, wetlands, |
marshes, inlets, canals, the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico], |
inside the territorial limits of the state, and all other bodies of |
surface water, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or |
salt, navigable or nonnavigable, and including the beds and banks |
of all watercourses and bodies of surface water, that are wholly or |
partially inside or bordering the state or inside the jurisdiction |
of the state. |
SECTION 19.19. Sections 26.0272(b) and (c), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The commission may issue a permit for the discharge of |
water treatment residuals from the desalination of seawater into |
the portion of the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] inside the |
territorial limits of the state. |
(c) Before issuing a permit under this section, the |
commission must evaluate the discharge of water treatment residuals |
from the desalination of seawater into the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] for compliance with the state water quality standards |
adopted by the commission, the requirements of the Texas Pollutant |
Discharge Elimination System program, and applicable federal law. |
SECTION 19.20. Sections 26.044(a)(4), Water Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(4) "Surface water in the state" means all lakes, |
bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, |
creeks, estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico] out three nautical miles into the Gulf, and all |
other bodies of surface water, natural or artificial, inland or |
coastal, fresh or salt, navigable or nonnavigable, and including |
the beds and banks of all watercourses and bodies of surface water, |
that are wholly or partially inside or bordering the state or inside |
the jurisdiction of the state, except waters beyond three nautical |
miles of any shore in the state. |
SECTION 19.21. Section 27.040, Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 27.040. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "offshore" |
means the area in the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] seaward of |
the coast that is within three marine leagues of the coast. |
SECTION 19.22. Section 28.001(4), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(4) "Water" or "water in the state" means groundwater, |
percolating or otherwise, lakes, bays, ponds, impounding |
reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, marshes, |
inlets, canals, the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] inside the |
territorial limits of the state, and all other bodies of natural and |
artificial surface water that is inland or coastal, fresh or salt, |
and navigable or nonnavigable, and includes the beds and banks of |
all watercourses and bodies of surface water, that are wholly or |
partially inside or bordering the state or inside the jurisdiction |
of the state. |
SECTION 19.23. Section 31.001(11), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(11) "Water" or "water in the state" means |
groundwater, percolating or otherwise, lakes, bays, ponds, |
impounding reservoirs, springs, rivers, streams, creeks, |
estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Gulf of America [Gulf of |
Mexico] inside the territorial limits of the state, and all other |
bodies of natural and artificial surface water that are inland or |
coastal, fresh or salt, and navigable or nonnavigable and includes |
the beds and banks of all watercourses and bodies of surface water |
that are wholly or partially inside or bordering the state or inside |
the jurisdiction of the state. |
SECTION 19.24. Section 36.001(23), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(23) "River basin" means a river or coastal basin |
designated as a river basin by the board under Section 16.051. The |
term does not include waters of the bays or arms originating in the |
Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.25. Section 49.2127(b), Water Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) This section applies only to a district whose territory |
is located wholly or partly in a county: |
(1) located on the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and |
an international border; or |
(2) adjacent to a county described by Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 19.26. Section 49.502, Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 49.502. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only |
to a district, other than a drainage district, located wholly or |
partly in a county: |
(1) that borders the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] |
and the United Mexican States; or |
(2) that is adjacent to a county described by |
Subdivision (1). |
SECTION 19.27. Section 54.235, Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 54.235. AUTHORITY TO CONTRACT. Any district created |
by general law or special act of the legislature in existence for at |
least 10 years which lies within a county that borders on the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico] and that has a population of 190,000 and |
which has the powers of this chapter and which also has or is |
authorized to acquire road utility district powers pursuant to |
Section 54.234, of this code, may contract with the county within |
which it is located with respect to the ownership, maintenance, and |
operation of any facilities or improvements which such district is |
authorized or may be authorized to acquire by purchase, gift, |
lease, or otherwise, except by condemnation, any and all property |
or interests in property, whether real, personal, or mixed, |
tangible or intangible, located inside or outside such county, that |
are found to be necessary for such improvements or facilities. Such |
county may enter into contracts with such districts as permitted by |
this section for any term of years not exceeding 40 for the |
management and operation of any or all of such property and |
interests in property on such terms as the commissioners court of |
such county deems appropriate. |
SECTION 19.28. Section 60.039(c), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(c) This subsection applies only to a district that operates |
a port in this state that is wholly located in a county that borders |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] and that is adjacent to a |
county that contains an international border and borders the Gulf |
of America [Gulf of Mexico]. The district may lease the surface of |
land for not more than 99 years or may extend a lease to a period not |
to exceed 99 years only if: |
(1) the lease conveys an interest in the surface of the |
land for residential purposes only; |
(2) at the time the lease will be entered into or |
extended, the district has not less than 50 leases in effect that |
convey an interest in the land surface for residential purposes |
only; and |
(3) any part of the land owned by the district is |
subdivided into lots intended for residential use. |
SECTION 19.29. Section 61.151(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) A district created for the development of deep-water |
navigation which includes a city with a population of more than |
100,000, according to the last preceding federal census, may |
operate and develop ports and waterways inside the district and |
extending to the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 19.30. Section 61.156(a), Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) The district may exercise the power of eminent domain to |
condemn and acquire the right-of-way over and through any public or |
private land necessary to improve any river, bay, creek, or arm of |
the Gulf of America [Gulf of Mexico] for the construction and |
maintenance of any canal or waterway and for any other purpose |
authorized by this chapter. |
SECTION 19.31. Section 63.157, Water Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 63.157. AUTHORITY OVER IMPROVEMENTS. A district may |
acquire, purchase, take over, construct, maintain, operate, |
develop, and regulate wharves, docks, warehouses, grain elevators, |
bunkering facilities, belt railroads, floating plants, literage, |
lands, towing facilities, and all other facilities or aids incident |
to or necessary to the operation or development of ports or |
waterways inside the district extending to the Gulf of America |
[Gulf of Mexico]. |
SECTION 20.01. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all members elected to each house, |
as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect on September 1, 2025. |