relating to the operation of rock crushing facilities. |
SECTION 1. Section 382.05101, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
commission may develop by rule the criteria to establish a de |
minimis level of air contaminants for facilities or groups of |
facilities below which the following types of permits are not |
required: |
(1) a permit under Section 382.0518 or 382.0519; |
(2) a standard permit under Section 382.05195, |
382.05198, [or] 382.051985, or 382.0651; or |
(3) a permit by rule under Section 382.05196. |
SECTION 2. Section 382.0511(c), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(c) The commission may authorize changes in a federal source |
to proceed before the owner or operator obtains a federal operating |
permit or revisions to a federal operating permit if: |
(1) the changes are de minimis under Section |
382.05101; or |
(2) the owner or operator: |
(A) has obtained a preconstruction permit or |
permit amendment required by Section 382.0518; or |
(B) is operating under: |
(i) a standard permit under Section |
382.05195, 382.05198, [or] 382.051985, or 382.0651; |
(ii) a permit by rule under Section |
382.05196; or |
(iii) an exemption allowed under Section |
382.057. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter C, Chapter 382, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Sections 382.0651, 382.0652, and |
382.0653 to read as follows: |
FACILITIES. (a) The commission shall issue a standard permit for a |
rock crushing facility that: |
(1) is located at an aggregate production operation |
required to be registered under Section 28A.051, Water Code; |
(2) processes not more than 1,500 tons of rock per |
hour; and |
(3) meets the requirements of this section. |
(b) The standard permit issued under this section must |
require that an owner or operator of a facility authorized to use |
the permit, in addition to any other applicable requirements of |
this chapter: |
(1) install and operate for the first 12 consecutive |
months of operation under the standard permit equipment to monitor: |
(A) water quality in mining pits and |
sedimentation ponds at the aggregate production operation for the |
presence of contaminants related to aggregate extraction; |
(B) the seismicity of extraction activities, |
including blasting along active extraction areas; and |
(C) emissions of air contaminants, if the |
facility is located within 440 yards of two or more other aggregate |
production operations; |
(2) maintain records of monitoring data from the |
monitoring equipment required by Subdivision (1) until the second |
anniversary of the date on which the data was collected; |
(3) establish a plan for providing notice of |
emergencies to: |
(A) owners and tenants of adjacent real property |
and the property owners' association of each adjacent residential |
subdivision, as applicable; and |
(B) each member of the board of trustees of a |
school district that serves the geographic area in which the |
facility is located; |
(4) implement best management practices for: |
(A) conserving water; |
(B) minimizing visible dust from active |
extraction areas at the aggregate production operation, including |
those areas not immediately revegetated; |
(C) removing, selling, or otherwise disposing of |
noncommercial material and old and unused extraction equipment |
located at the facility site; and |
(D) cleaning and mowing of on-site equipment |
yards; and |
(5) submit to the commission, and implement, a |
post-extraction land use plan that includes: |
(A) provisions for permanent removal of |
extraction equipment; |
(B) provisions for revegetation, including the |
use of appropriate local vegetation types that are adequate for |
post-extraction uses of land, as determined by the owner or |
operator; |
(C) slope and grading standards to allow for |
traversing of livestock; |
(D) proposed land reuse options, such as |
agricultural, natural, open space, or redevelopment uses or the |
creation of a pond or lake; and |
(E) if the extraction area contains a pit that is |
deeper than 10 feet, provisions for benching at 10-foot intervals |
or as consistent with the geology of the pit and face wall. |
(c) The commission by rule shall adopt best management |
practices for the purposes of Subsection (b)(4). |
(d) The commission may provide an exception from a provision |
of a post-extraction land use plan for the owner or operator of the |
facility implementing the plan under Subsection (b)(5) for good |
cause. |
(e) If the land on which the facility to be permitted is |
located is owned by a person other than the owner or operator of the |
facility, the owner or operator of the facility may submit to the |
commission, and implement, an agreement made between the landowner |
and the facility owner or operator for post-extraction land uses |
instead of the post-extraction land use plan required under |
Subsection (b)(5). |
(f) The commission shall inspect a facility for compliance |
with this section during regular inspections under this chapter and |
Chapter 28A, Water Code. |
FACILITIES: NOTICE AND HEARING. (a) A person may not begin |
construction of a new or modification of an existing rock crushing |
facility under a standard permit issued under Section 382.0651 |
unless the commission authorizes the person to use the permit as |
provided by this section. The notice and hearing requirements of |
this section apply only to an application for authorization to use a |
standard permit issued under Section 382.0651. An applicant for a |
permit for a rock crushing facility that does not meet the |
requirements of a standard permit issued under Section 382.0651 |
must comply with: |
(1) Section 382.058 to obtain authorization to use a |
standard permit issued under Section 382.05195 or a permit by rule |
adopted under Section 382.05196; or |
(2) Section 382.056 to obtain a permit issued under |
Section 382.0518. |
(b) An applicant for an authorization to use a standard |
permit issued under Section 382.0651 must publish notice under this |
section not later than the earlier of: |
(1) the 30th day after the date the applicant receives |
written notice from the executive director that the application is |
technically complete; or |
(2) the 75th day after the date the executive director |
receives the application. |
(c) The applicant must publish notice at least once in a |
newspaper of general circulation in the municipality in which the |
facility is located or proposed to be located or in the municipality |
nearest to the location or proposed location of the facility. If |
the elementary or middle school nearest to the location or proposed |
location of the facility provides a bilingual education program as |
required by Subchapter B, Chapter 29, Education Code, the applicant |
must also publish the notice at least once in an additional |
publication of general circulation in each municipality or county |
in which the facility is located or proposed to be located that is |
published in the language taught in the bilingual education |
program. This requirement is waived if such a publication does not |
exist or if the publisher refuses to publish the notice. |
(d) The notice must include: |
(1) a brief description of the location or proposed |
location and nature of the facility; |
(2) a description, including a telephone number, of |
the manner in which the executive director may be contacted for |
further information; |
(3) a description, including a telephone number, of |
the manner in which the applicant may be contacted for further |
information; |
(4) the location and hours of operation of the |
commission's regional office at which a copy of the application is |
available for review and copying; and |
(5) a brief description of the public comment process, |
including the time and location of the public hearing, and the |
mailing address and deadline for filing written comments. |
(e) The public comment period begins on the first date |
notice is published under Subsection (b) and extends to the close of |
the public hearing. |
(f) Not later than the 30th day before the date of the public |
hearing, the commission shall notify the following entities of the |
date, time, and place of the hearing: |
(1) each municipality and county in which the facility |
is located or proposed to be located; |
(2) the Texas Department of Transportation; |
(3) each groundwater conservation district with |
jurisdiction over the area in which the facility is located or |
proposed to be located; and |
(4) each state representative and state senator |
representing the area in which the facility is located or proposed |
to be located. |
(g) Section 382.056 of this code and Chapter 2001, |
Government Code, do not apply to a public hearing held under this |
section. A public hearing held under this section is not an |
evidentiary proceeding. Any person may submit an oral or written |
statement concerning the application at the public hearing. The |
applicant may set reasonable limits on the time allowed for oral |
statements at the public hearing. |
(h) The applicant, in cooperation with the executive |
director, must hold the public hearing not less than 30 days and not |
more than 45 days after the first date notice is published under |
Subsection (b). The public hearing must be held in the county in |
which the facility is located or proposed to be located. |
(i) Not later than the 35th day after the date the public |
hearing is held, the executive director shall approve or deny the |
application for authorization to use the standard permit. The |
executive director shall base the decision on whether the |
application meets the requirements of Section 382.0651. The |
executive director shall consider all relevant and material |
comments received during the public comment period and at the |
public hearing in determining whether to approve the application. |
If the executive director denies the application, the executive |
director shall state the reasons for the denial and any |
modifications to the application that are necessary for the |
facility to qualify for the authorization. |
(j) The executive director shall issue a written response to |
any relevant and material public comments received related to the |
issuance of an authorization to use the standard permit at the same |
time as or as soon as practicable after the executive director |
grants or denies the application. Issuance of the response after |
the granting or denial of the application does not affect the |
validity of the executive director's decision to grant or deny the |
application. The executive director shall: |
(1) mail the response to each person who filed a |
comment; and |
(2) make the response available to the public. |
FACILITIES. (a) This section applies only to a permit issued under |
this chapter, or an authorization to use a permit issued under this |
chapter, to operate a rock crushing facility. |
(b) For each application for a permit or authorization to |
use a permit, the commission shall establish a citizen advisory |
committee to act as a liaison between the commission, the |
applicant, and neighboring communities during the application |
process to identify community concerns. Section 2110.008, |
Government Code, does not apply to the citizen advisory committee. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |