relating to vision screenings for students in public or private |
school, including vision screening information reporting for |
public school students and the creation of a matching grant program |
for visual devices for certain students. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter A, Chapter 38, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Sections 38.035 and 38.0351 to read as follows: |
Sec. 38.035. VISION SCREENING REPORTING. (a) Not later |
than May 31 of each year, the agency shall post on the agency's |
Internet website a report regarding the number of students in each |
school district identified as having a vision disorder or other |
vision problem under the screening program described by Section |
36.004, Health and Safety Code, disaggregated by: |
(1) grade level; |
(2) campus; |
(3) gender; |
(4) race; |
(5) ethnicity; |
(6) whether the student is educationally |
disadvantaged; and |
(7) the number of times the student was previously |
identified as having a vision disorder or other vision problem. |
(b) The commissioner by rule shall require each school |
district to report through the Public Education Information |
Management System (PEIMS) information necessary for the agency to |
prepare the report required by this section. |
DEVICES FOR CERTAIN STUDENTS. (a) In this section, "eligible |
student" means a student who: |
(1) has been identified as having a vision disorder or |
other vision problem under the screening program described by |
Section 36.004, Health and Safety Code; |
(2) is educationally disadvantaged; and |
(3) is not covered by a health benefit plan that |
provides vision care benefits. |
(b) The agency shall establish and administer a matching |
grant program to award to school districts grants to cover the costs |
of providing to eligible students visual devices, including glasses |
or contact lenses, by directly paying for or reimbursing an |
eligible student's parent for the cost of a visual device. |
(c) The agency shall develop eligibility and selection |
criteria for grant applicants, including the amount of matching |
money a grant applicant must provide for a grant award under this |
section. The matching money may not be from state money. |
(d) The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to |
administer the matching grant program established under this |
section. |
(e) The agency may award a grant under this section only in |
accordance with a contract between the agency and grant recipient. |
The contract must include provisions under which the agency is |
granted sufficient control to ensure the public purpose of |
providing visual devices to eligible students is accomplished and |
this state receives the return benefit. |
SECTION 2. Section 36.004(b-1), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b-1) The rules must allow an individual who attends a |
public or private school to be screened: |
(1) using photoscreening to detect vision disorders; |
[and] |
(2) using an electronic eye chart as a substitute for a |
printed eye chart to assess visual acuity; and |
(3) using visual screening techniques to detect depth |
perception issues and color blindness. |
SECTION 3. Section 36.006, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) to read as follows: |
(a-1) The form prescribed by the department under |
Subsection (a) must include: |
(1) separate spaces for the student's first and last |
name; |
(2) a space for the preschool's or school's name; |
(3) a space for the student's grade level; |
(4) information for a student's parent regarding |
available resources for low-cost vision care; and |
(5) information for a student's parent regarding the |
student's potential eligibility to receive benefits under Medicaid |
and the process for applying for those benefits. |
(a-2) The department shall biennially update the form |
information required under Subsection (a-1)(4). |
SECTION 4. (a) As soon as practicable after the effective |
date of this Act, the commissioner of education shall adopt rules |
necessary to implement Sections 38.035 and 38.0351, Education Code, |
as added by this Act. |
(b) The executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall, as soon as practicable after the |
effective date of this Act, adopt rules necessary to implement the |
changes in law made by this Act to Chapter 36, Health and Safety |
Code. |
SECTION 5. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |