89R3508 AJZ-F
  By: Campbell, King S.B. No. 2009
  relating to the compensation of counsel appointed to provide
  representation and services to indigent individuals in criminal and
  juvenile proceedings.
         SECTION 1.  Article 26.05(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, is
  amended to read as follows:
         (c)  Each fee schedule adopted shall state reasonable fixed
  rates or minimum and maximum hourly rates, taking into
  consideration reasonable and necessary overhead costs and the
  availability of qualified attorneys willing to accept the stated
  rates, and shall provide a form for the appointed counsel to itemize
  the types of services performed. No payment shall be made under
  this article until the form for itemizing the services performed is
  submitted to the judge presiding over the proceedings or, if the
  county operates a managed assigned counsel program under Article
  26.047, to the director of the program or the director's designee,
  and until the judge or the director or director's designee, as
  applicable, approves the payment. If the judge or the director or
  director's designee disapproves the requested amount of payment,
  the judge or the director or director's designee shall make written
  findings stating the amount of payment that the judge or the
  director or director's designee approves and each reason for
  approving an amount different from the requested amount. An
  attorney whose request for payment is disapproved or is not
  otherwise acted on by the 60th day after the date the request for
  payment is submitted may appeal the disapproval or failure to act by
  filing a motion with the presiding judge of the administrative
  judicial region. On the filing of a motion, the presiding judge of
  the administrative judicial region shall review the disapproval of
  payment or failure to act and determine the appropriate amount of
  payment. In reviewing the disapproval or failure to act, the
  presiding judge of the administrative judicial region may conduct a
  hearing. Not later than the 45th day after the date an application
  for payment of a fee is submitted under this article, the
  commissioners court shall pay to the appointed counsel the amount
  that is approved by the presiding judge of the administrative
  judicial region and that is in accordance with the fee schedule for
  that county.
         SECTION 2.  Article 26.05(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, as
  amended by this Act, applies only to expenses incurred by an
  attorney on or after the effective date of this Act.
         SECTION 3.  This Act takes effect September 1, 2025.