WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to |
recognize Del Mar College for its many contributions to the |
community of the Coastal Bend region and to designate February 3, |
2025, as Del Mar College Day at the State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, Del Mar College provides high-quality |
instruction in a wide range of academic and technical disciplines |
for the more than 13,600 students pursuing degrees and licensure |
and more than 7,100 continuing education students; and |
WHEREAS, The college's business, occupational, and |
technical students earn higher than average incomes for their |
professions in their first year after graduation, and on average, |
90 percent of Del Mar College graduates seeking licensure for |
their professional credentials pass their state or national |
certification examinations; and |
WHEREAS, This outstanding institution offers a |
first-class education at a reasonable cost to the people of the |
Coastal Bend region; the college is truly deserving of special |
recognition for its positive effect on the growth and prosperity |
of the region; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 89th |
Legislature, hereby recognize February 3, 2025, as Del Mar |
College Day at the State Capitol and commend the administration, |
faculty, staff, and board of regents of Del Mar College on their |
commitment to excellence in education and extend to them best |
wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for |
the college as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate. |