WHEREAS, The Associated General Contractors of Texas |
Highway, Heavy, Utilities, and Industrial Branch, a trade group |
serving businesses in the infrastructure construction industry, |
marked the 100th anniversary of its founding on December 11, 2024; |
and |
WHEREAS, In November 1924, a group of Texas contractors met |
at the St. Anthony Hotel in San Antonio to begin developing the |
framework for an organization committed to advocating in behalf of |
general contractors and meeting the state's growing public |
infrastructure needs; on December 11 of that year, a charter for the |
group was granted by the Associated General Contractors of America, |
ushering in a new era of growth and success for the highway and |
heavy construction industry in Texas; and |
WHEREAS, The more than 700 companies affiliated with the AGC |
of Texas are responsible for over 90 percent of all highway |
construction in the state and a considerable share of other |
engineering projects, including water and sewer systems and utility |
plants; throughout its existence, the organization has tirelessly |
advocated for the funding of the state highway system, promoted |
workplace safety, and championed the core values of skill, |
integrity, and responsibility among contractors, suppliers, and |
industry professionals doing business in Texas; under the able |
leadership of chief executive officer Jennifer Woodard, the group |
strives to be a driving force in shaping the future of public |
infrastructure in Texas, contributing to the continued economic |
vitality of the state; and |
WHEREAS, Thanks to the dedication of its engaged membership, |
the Associated General Contractors of Texas continues to flourish |
as one of the longest-standing trade groups in the Lone Star State, |
and it is a privilege to honor the organization as it commemorates a |
century of excellence; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 89th Texas Legislature |
hereby commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Associated General |
Contractors of Texas Highway, Heavy, Utilities, and Industrial |
Branch and extend to all those affiliated with the organization |
sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
Senate. |