WHEREAS, Texans for Vaccine Choice is celebrating its 10th |
anniversary in 2025; and |
WHEREAS, Founded in 2015, Texans for Vaccine Choice is a |
statewide organization dedicated to protecting and advancing |
informed consent, medical privacy, and vaccine choice in the State |
of Texas; the organization has worked tirelessly to educate the |
public and promote policies that support the fundamental right of |
Texans to make informed medical decisions for themselves and their |
families; and |
WHEREAS, Texans for Vaccine Choice has built a coalition of |
like-minded individuals, medical professionals, and lawmakers who |
share the belief that vaccine decisions should be made between |
patients and their health care providers, free from coercion or |
government mandates; and |
WHEREAS, Over the past ten years, Texans for Vaccine Choice |
has played a crucial role in advocating for legislative measures |
that protect medical liberty, oppose discriminatory policies, and |
ensure that Texans are afforded the right to make informed choices |
regarding their health care; through grassroots activism, |
educational initiatives, and outreach efforts, the organization |
has provided a voice for thousands of Texans who believe in the |
importance of preserving personal autonomy in health care |
decisions; and |
WHEREAS, Texans for Vaccine Choice has demonstrated a |
steadfast commitment to advancing medical liberty and informed |
consent for all Texans, and it is indeed deserving of recognition on |
this special milestone in its history; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 89th Texas Legislature |
hereby honor Texans for Vaccine Choice on the occasion of its 10th |
anniversary and commend the organization for its unwavering |
dedication to preserving individual rights and freedoms in health |
care; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for the group as an expression of high regard by the Texas |
Senate. |