WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to |
join the citizens of Erath County and the Alamo Letter Society in |
celebrating the dedication of a plaque at the Erath County |
Courthouse honoring the historic letter penned by William |
Barrett Travis at the Battle of the Alamo; and |
WHEREAS, On February 24, 1836, Lieutenant Colonel William |
Barrett Travis, leader of the Texians defending the Alamo, wrote |
a letter to call for reinforcements to fight against General |
Santa Anna's army from Mexico; the letter was heroically |
dispatched across enemy lines to General Sam Houston by Captain |
Albert Martin; this letter is also immortalized on a bronze |
plaque displayed at the Alamo; and |
WHEREAS, The Alamo Letter Society was formed after the |
McNutt family visited the Alamo in 2023, and Slone McNutt, a |
seventh-grade student at the time, wondered why plaques of the |
famed letter were not placed in locations throughout the state; |
since the society's establishment, its members have promoted a |
mission to donate bronze letter plaques to all 254 Texas county |
courthouses; and |
WHEREAS, Through the dedicated efforts of the Alamo |
Letter Society, citizens across the Lone Star State can gain a |
greater appreciation of the sacrifices that were made in the |
fight for liberty and to defend the Alamo; these plaques serve |
as an enduring symbol of freedom to future generations and as a |
reminder of our state's rich and storied history; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 89th |
Legislature, hereby commend the members of the Alamo Letter |
Society for their commitment to preserving a vital part of the |
state's historic struggle for independence from Mexico, and |
extend best wishes to all for a memorable plaque dedication |
ceremony at the Erath County Courthouse; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for |
the county as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate. |