WHEREAS, Representatives of United Way of Metropolitan |
Dallas are gathering at the State Capitol on February 26, 2025, |
providing a fitting opportunity to recognize the organization for |
its 100 years of service; and |
WHEREAS, Founded in 1924, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas |
serves communities across North Texas with a mission to address |
critical needs in the areas of education, income, and health by |
working effectively with a large network of partners, including |
corporations, local organizations, foundations, school districts, |
and volunteers; and |
WHEREAS, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas has made |
significant progress toward the goals of its Aspire United 2030 |
plan, which include increasing the youth literacy rate, raising the |
number of young adults earning a livable wage, and securing the |
availability of affordable health insurance for all North Texans; |
to that end, it has developed and supported a number of commendable |
programs, such as Digital Bridges, Once Upon a Month, Pathways to |
Work, Dollars for College, Healthcare Navigators, the Social |
Innovation Lab, and the Data Capacity Building Initiative; each |
year, the organization's efforts help more than 1.7 million area |
residents; and |
WHEREAS, For a century, United Way of Metropolitan Dallas has |
endeavored to increase access to the building blocks of opportunity |
in area communities, and its volunteers and staff may reflect with |
pride on the profound impact they have made in the lives of North |
Texans; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 89th Texas Legislature |
hereby commemorate the 100th anniversary of United Way of |
Metropolitan Dallas on the occasion of Texas United Way Day at the |
State Capitol on February 26, 2025, and extend to all those |
associated with the organization sincere best wishes for the |
future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for United Way of Metropolitan Dallas as an expression of |
high regard by the Texas Senate. |