WHEREAS, Representatives of the Texas Coalition to Prevent |
Gun Violence are gathering in Austin on February 27, 2025, to |
observe Texas Majority to End Gun Violence Advocacy Day at the |
State Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence is an |
alliance of organizations and experts working to prevent and |
reduce gun violence through education, training, and |
mobilization; the group also advocates for policies related to |
mental health, domestic abuse, and other issues that impact local |
communities; and |
WHEREAS, The coalition is supported by Texas Gun Sense, a |
nonprofit that champions common-sense, evidence-based solutions |
for reducing gun-related injuries and deaths; the organization |
seeks to educate the public on effective ways to secure guns in |
order to reduce crime and personal injury, as well as raise |
awareness about suicide prevention and the safe storage of |
firearms; in addition, TGS serves as a resource for information |
about federal, state, and local gun policies; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence has |
worked to keep the people of the Lone Star State safe from |
avoidable accidents and injuries through its support for |
sensible firearm policy, and this legislative day provides a |
welcome opportunity to recognize the organization's members and |
volunteers; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 89th |
Legislature, hereby recognize February 27, 2025, as Texas |
Majority to End Gun Violence Advocacy Day at the State Capitol |
and extend to all those participating sincere best wishes for an |
informative and memorable visit; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be |
prepared for the Texas Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence as an |
expression of high regard from the Texas Senate. |
Gutierrez |
Alvarado |
Eckhardt |
Menéndez |
Blanco |
Hinojosa of Hidalgo |
Miles |
Patrick, President of the Senate |
________________________________ |
President of the Senate |
I hereby certify that the |
above Resolution was adopted by |
the Senate on February 27, 2025. |
________________________________ |
Secretary of the Senate |
________________________________ |
Member, Texas Senate |