WHEREAS, Many proud Texans are visiting Austin on March 4, |
2025, to celebrate Texas Southern University Day at the State |
Capitol; and |
WHEREAS, One of the nation's preeminent historically Black |
colleges and universities, TSU was founded in 1927; it was |
designated as a special-purpose institution of higher education for |
urban programming by the Texas Legislature in 1973 and retains a |
steadfast commitment to innovative approaches that respond to the |
metropolitan environment and beyond; and |
WHEREAS, The university now serves approximately 8,700 |
undergraduate and graduate students from around the world; it |
offers well over 100 baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degree |
programs in numerous schools, including the Barbara Jordan-Mickey |
Leland School of Public Affairs, named after two alumni who served |
with distinction in the United States Congress; and |
WHEREAS, TSU is noted for its Thurgood Marshall School of Law |
and its College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences; the university is |
also active in the Texas Legislative Internship Program, which |
grants students the opportunity to gain valuable experience in |
state government, alongside many legislators who share personal |
ties to their alma mater; and |
WHEREAS, Under the leadership of its 14th president, James |
W. Crawford III, retired vice admiral and judge advocate general of |
the U.S. Navy, TSU has redoubled its efforts to increase student |
achievement rates and academic rigor, as demonstrated by the most |
recent four-year graduation rate that is the highest on record, |
while expanding its research programs, enhancing its culture, and |
developing stronger relationships with Houston-area public |
schools, local community colleges, alumni, corporate and private |
partners, government agencies, and other stakeholders; and |
WHEREAS, For nearly a century, Texas Southern University has |
played an important role in higher education in the Lone Star State, |
and its graduates continue to achieve success and make significant |
contributions in numerous fields of endeavor; now, therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 89th Texas Legislature |
hereby recognize March 4, 2025, as Texas Southern University Day at |
the State Capitol and extend to all those associated with the |
institution sincere best wishes for the future; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be |
prepared for Texas Southern University as an expression of high |
regard by the Texas Senate. |