Regular Order of Business for 3/20/2025



March 20, 2025


(Calendar Order)


(Second Reading)

SJR 36 Hall

Proposing a constitutional amendment relating to appropriations for the preservation and perpetuation of certain items of historical value; allowing the legislature and state agencies to accept on behalf of the state gifts of items of historical value and contributions to purchase such items.

SJR 12 Paxton/ Bettencourt/ Campbell/ Creighton/ Flores/ et al.

Proposing a constitutional amendment establishing a parent's right to direct a child's education.

SJR 57 Huffman

Proposing a constitutional amendment prohibiting the use of state funds to pay for the obligations of a local public retirement system.


(Second Reading)

SCR 25 (CS) (LC)Alvarado/ et al.

Urging the Houston City Council to construct a memorial pedestrian bridge in honor of Sergio Ivan Rodriguez.

SCR 22 (LC)Hughes

Designating the cannon as the official state gun of Texas.

SCR 12 (LC)Hinojosa, Adam/ et al.

Urging Congress to amend the Internal Revenue Code to make spaceports eligible for tax-exempt private activity bonds.

SCR 24 (LC)King/ Alvarado/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Blanco/ et al.

Expressing support for the strengthening of our partnership with Israel and for the creation of a Texas Trade and Investment Office in Israel.

SCR 8 (LC)Parker

Expressing opposition to the creation of a central bank digital currency.


(Second Reading)

SB 565 (LC)Perry

Relating to a compliance agreement for the suspension of an enforcement action against a regional water supply, sewer, wastewater treatment, or solid waste disposal service for certain violations.

SB 372 (LC)Campbell

Relating to the persons authorized or appointed to exercise the power of sale under the terms of a contract lien on real property.

SB 765 (CS) (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to the confidentiality of fraud detection and deterrence information under the public information law.

SB 62 (CS)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to the reading and marking of a ballot by a person occupying a voting station or by the person's child.

SB 666 (LC)Hughes/ et al.

Relating to the age at which a person may purchase or possess nitrous oxide.

SB 707 King/ et al.

Relating to the authority of the legislature to determine that certain federal directives are unconstitutional and to prohibit certain government officers and employees from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of the directive.

SB 888 (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to the attorney general's defense of a district or county attorney against certain lawsuits in federal court.

SB 687 (LC)Hughes

Relating to liability for land surveying services in or in connection with certain construction or services contracts.

SB 847 Campbell

Relating to liability of a cavern entity for injuries arising from certain activities.

SB 1248 (LC)Perry

Relating to the disclosure of certain harvest report information submitted to the Parks and Wildlife Department.

SB 740 (CS)Perry/ et al.

Relating to certain proceedings by the Public Utility Commission of Texas regarding water or sewer service.

SB 14 King/ Bettencourt/ Blanco/ Campbell/ Creighton/ et al.

Relating to reforming the procedure by which state agencies adopt rules and impose regulatory requirements and the deference given to the interpretation of laws and rules by state agencies in certain judicial proceedings.

SB 1006 (CS) (LC)Middleton/ et al.

Relating to declination, cancellation, or nonrenewal of insurance policies.

SB 504 (CS) (LC)Kolkhorst/ et al.

Relating to the disclosure of certain financial information by certain nonprofit organizations that enter into sizeable contracts with political subdivisions.

SB 925 (CS)Hancock

Relating to certain agreements with collective bargaining organizations related to certain publicly funded public work contracts.

SB 1121 (LC)Nichols/ et al.

Relating to excepting certain fiber-optic cable projects from certain notice requirements for projects on state or local public land.

SB 995 Nichols/ et al.

Relating to the approval of a surety bond for a contract authorizing an oversize or overweight vehicle to cross a road or highway.

SB 857 Schwertner

Relating to the authorized removal of certain motor vehicles.

SB 305 (LC)Perry

Relating to the criminal offense of passing certain vehicles on a highway.

SB 296 (LC)Perry

Relating to driving safety or motorcycle operator training course dismissal.

SB 284 (CS)Miles

Relating to the civil penalty for certain signs placed on the right-of-way of a public road.

SB 815 (CS)Schwertner/ et al.

Relating to the use of certain automated systems or personnel in, and certain adverse determinations made in connection with, the health benefit claims process.

SB 1379 (LC)Flores/ et al.

Relating to increasing the criminal penalties for forgery.

SB 1300 Flores/ Hagenbuch/ Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"/ Huffman/ King/ et al.

Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the criminal offense of organized retail theft; increasing criminal penalties.

SB 1497 (CS) (LC)Nichols

Relating to the search of certain wireless communications devices by a peace officer.

SB 1499 (LC)Nichols

Relating to the operations of the Financial Crimes Intelligence Center.

SB 1498 (LC)Nichols

Relating to civil asset forfeiture of digital currency or other similar property.

SB 1061 (LC)Parker

Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.

SB 65 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the adoption of uniform rules for hours of work for certain county employees.

SB 241 Flores

Relating to prohibitions on camping in a public place.

SB 304 (LC)Perry

Relating to the jurisdiction of municipal courts over health and safety and nuisance abatement ordinances.

SB 402 (LC)Paxton/ et al.

Relating to the payment of certain ad valorem tax refunds.

SB 499 (LC)Sparks/ et al.

Relating to the selection by the board of directors of the West Coke County Hospital District of a depository bank for the district.

SB 621 Sparks/ et al.

Relating to a prohibition on the establishment, operation, or ownership of a public bank by a political subdivision.

SB 974 (LC)Eckhardt/ Bettencourt/ Cook/ Gutierrez/ Parker/ et al.

Relating to the eligibility of a person employed by a school district as a teacher to serve on the appraisal review board of an appraisal district.

SB 1023 (LC)Bettencourt

Relating to the calculation of certain ad valorem tax rates.

SB 1024 Bettencourt

Relating to the issuance of certain anticipation notes and certificates of obligation.

SB 1025 Bettencourt

Relating to the text of ballot propositions that increase taxes.

SB 1106 Parker/ et al.

Relating to publication of public improvement district service plans and assessments on certain public Internet websites.

SB 686 Paxton

Relating to the transfer of students between public schools.

SB 112 (LC)Hall

Relating to parental rights in public education.

SB 371 (LC)Campbell/ et al.

Relating to parental approval for a student's participation in human sexuality instruction in public schools.

SB 204 (CS) (LC)Paxton

Relating to a handbook on parental rights in education and training requirements on parental rights in education for a member of the board of trustees of a school district.

SB 400 (CS)Kolkhorst/ et al.

Relating to requiring parental consent for psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by a school district employee.

SB 609 Paxton

Relating to requiring independent school districts, home-rule school districts, and open-enrollment charter schools to comply with legally required policies.

SB 1447 (LC)Menéndez/ Zaffirini

Relating to standards adopted by the Texas Education Agency regarding the use of electronic devices and software applications by public schools.

SB 670 (LC)Hughes

Relating to patient authorization to access certain investigational sun protection products.

SB 502 (CS) (LC)Perry

Relating to peace officers commissioned by the Health and Human Services Commission's office of inspector general.

SB 427 (CS) (LC)Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the eligibility of certain political subdivisions to receive a state loan or grant following the political subdivision's failure to comply with certain financial reporting requirements.

SB 850 (CS) (LC)Middleton

Relating to the payment of certain ad valorem tax refunds.

SB 854 (CS)Middleton/ et al.

Relating to municipal regulation of multifamily and mixed-use development on religious land.

SB 413 (CS) (LC)Middleton

Relating to the meetings of the boards of trustees of independent school districts.

SB 1555 (CS)Nichols/ Alvarado/ et al.

Relating to a grant program to fund certain railroad grade separation projects.

SB 1362 Hughes

Relating to prohibiting the recognition, service, and enforcement of extreme risk protective orders; creating a criminal offense.

SB 1346 (CS) (LC)Hughes/ et al.

Relating to prohibited sales to persons attempting to purchase all or substantially all possible winning tickets in a lottery drawing.

SB 1033 (LC)Hughes

Relating to the withdrawal of a candidate in a runoff primary election.

SB 1220 (LC)Hughes/ et al.

Relating to the subject matter jurisdiction of the criminal trial courts of this state.

SB 1073 Hughes/ et al.

Relating to discrimination against or burdening certain constitutional rights of an applicant for or holder of a license to practice law in this state.

SB 810 Hughes/ et al.

Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex.

SB 987 Bettencourt/ et al.

Relating to the subject matter jurisdiction of the criminal trial courts of this state over certain criminal actions.

SB 1539 (LC)Bettencourt

Relating to requirements and procedures in the contest of an election on a proposed constitutional amendment.

SB 893 (CS) (LC)Johnson/ et al.

Relating to criminal offenses for creating and distributing certain misleading images and videos; creating a criminal offense.

SB 447 (LC)Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to authorizing certain municipalities to change the date on which their general election for officers is held.

SB 875 Birdwell/ et al.

Relating to prohibiting election activities committed by a member of the board of trustees or superintendent of an independent school district or on certain school district premises; creating criminal offenses.

SB 406 Middleton/ et al.

Relating to the required inclusion of a person's sex on a birth certificate and prohibited change of sex on the birth certificate of certain persons.

SB 509 (LC)Bettencourt/ Middleton/ Parker/ Paxton/ Perry/ et al.

Relating to requiring notice to the attorney general in an action under the Election Code seeking a temporary restraining order.

SB 985 (LC)Bettencourt/ Paxton/ et al.

Relating to the combination of certain election precincts.

SB 965 (LC)Parker/ Bettencourt/ Campbell/ Creighton/ Hall/ et al.

Relating to the right of a public school employee to engage in religious speech or prayer while on duty.

SB 1119 (LC)Hughes

Relating to liability of a water park entity for injuries arising from certain activities.

SB 1505 Perry

Relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis under and the administration of the Texas Compassionate-Use Program.

SB 24 (CS)Campbell/ Bettencourt/ Creighton/ Flores/ Hagenbuch/ et al.

Relating to the inclusion of an understanding of communist regimes and ideologies in the essential knowledge and skills for the social studies curriculum for certain public school students.

SB 57 (CS) (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to provisions and plans by public schools to ensure the safety of individuals with disabilities or impairments during a mandatory school drill or a disaster or emergency situation.

SB 1194 (CS) (LC)Flores

Relating to creating the Central Texas Water Alliance; providing authority to issue bonds; granting the power of eminent domain; providing authority to impose fees.

SB 1253 (CS)Perry

Relating to the provision by a political subdivision of credits against impact fees to builders and developers for certain water conservation and reuse projects.

SB 1215 (LC)Kolkhorst/ et al.

Relating to the placement of a cultivated oyster in a natural oyster bed, a private oyster bed, or coastal waters.

SB 1532 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the information required to be posted by the Texas Water Development Board on the board's Internet website regarding the use of the state water implementation fund for Texas.

SB 1268 (LC)Blanco

Relating to the review and updating by the Texas Water Development Board of guidance principles and rules related to certain plans adopted or approved by the board.

SB 1302 (CS) (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to eligibility to use a general permit to discharge waste into or adjacent to waters in this state.

SB 856 (LC)Flores

Relating to the use of the skills development fund by certain entities.

SB 650 (CS)West

Relating to requiring the use of electronically readable information to verify a purchaser's age in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages.

SB 583 West

Relating to lists of public real property suitable for use or to be developed for use as affordable housing by certain municipalities and counties.

SB 673 (LC)Hughes

Relating to regulation of accessory dwelling units by political subdivisions.

SB 840 (CS)Hughes

Relating to certain municipal regulation of certain mixed-use and multifamily residential development projects and conversion of certain commercial buildings to mixed-use and multifamily residential occupancy.

SB 213 (CS) (LC)West/ et al.

Relating to prohibiting insurers from requiring the tying of residential property and personal automobile insurance policies.

SB 681 (CS) (LC)Hughes

Relating to the renewal of an engineering license or registration.

SB 1172 (CS) (LC)Perry

Relating to exempting certain transactions from regulation by the Texas Real Estate Commission.

SB 1252 (CS)Schwertner

Relating to the authority of a municipality to regulate the installation or inspection of a residential energy backup system.

SB 378 (LC)Schwertner

Relating to certain prohibited practices by a barber or cosmetologist.

SB 610 (LC)Paxton

Relating to combating human trafficking by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

SB 918 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the licensing and regulation of orthotists and prosthetists.

SB 1343 (LC)Johnson

Relating to the notice requirements of a data broker registration statement and Internet website.

SB 608 (LC)Flores

Relating to reporting information regarding certain evidence collection kits.

SB 487 (LC)Alvarado

Relating to the confidentiality of identifying information of victims of certain offenses.

SB 955 (LC)Parker

Relating to the punishment for the offense of trafficking of persons.

SB 957 (LC)Parker

Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of continuous aggravated promotion of prostitution.

SB 988 (LC)Bettencourt

Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for the offense of criminal mischief involving impairment of a motor fuel pump.

SB 990 Bettencourt

Relating to increasing the punishment for certain conduct constituting the offense of murder.

SB 1019 (LC)Huffman

Relating to the admissibility of certain hearsay statements in the adjudication of certain sexual or assaultive offenses committed against a child or a person with a disability.

SB 1021 (LC)Huffman

Relating to changing the eligibility for community supervision of a person convicted of stalking.

SB 1120 (LC)Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"/ Huffman

Relating to rights of a victim, guardian of a victim, or close relative of a deceased victim in certain criminal cases involving family violence, sexual or assaultive offenses, stalking, or a violation of a protective order or condition of bond.

SB 251 (LC)Flores

Relating to the creation of criminal law magistrates for Bell County.

SB 958 (CS) (LC)Parker

Relating to the eligibility of certain victims of trafficking of persons or compelling prostitution for an order of nondisclosure of criminal history record information.

SB 535 (CS)Huffman

Relating to the admissibility of evidence regarding a victim's past sexual behavior in prosecutions of certain trafficking, sexual, or assaultive offenses.

SB 761 (CS) (LC)Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to rights of crime victims, including the enforcement of certain rights of sexual assault victims; authorizing a civil penalty.

SB 1 (CS)Huffman

General Appropriations Bill.

SB 541 (LC)Kolkhorst

Relating to cottage food production operations.

SB 315 Kolkhorst

Relating to a property right in DNA; providing injunctive relief and a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense.

SB 379 Middleton/ et al.

Relating to prohibiting the purchase of certain food and drink items under the supplemental nutrition assistance program.

SB 1018 Huffman

Relating to distribution of state traffic fine revenue received by the comptroller.

SB 1737 Huffman/ Flores

Relating to service retirement benefits payable by the Employees Retirement System of Texas to certain law enforcement officers and custodial officers.

SB 266 (LC)Perry

Relating to certain tax and fee collection procedures and taxpayer suits.

SB 1415 (LC)Hughes

Relating to the sales tax exemption period for clothing, footwear, and certain school-related items.