Friday February 7, 2025 |
Committee referral on the following: |
Proposing a constitutional amendment requiring the denial of bail for an illegal alien charged with an offense punishable as a felony. Criminal Justice |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to increase the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school district. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the denial of bail under limited circumstances to a person accused of certain violent or sexual offenses or of continuous trafficking of persons. Criminal Justice |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to permit additional uses of certain dedicated general revenue transferred each fiscal year to the state highway fund. Transportation |
Proposing a constitutional amendment protecting the right of parents to raise their children. State Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to repeal the constitutional provision providing that marriage in this state consists only of the union of one man and one woman and prohibiting this state or a political subdivision of this state from creating or recognizing any legal status identical or similar to marriage, and to change certain terminology used to refer to the parties to a marriage. State Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment clarifying that a voter must be a United States citizen. State Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to limit the authority of the governor to veto a bill passed by both houses of the Texas Legislature with a vote of at least two-thirds of the members of each house. State Affairs |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to allow the legislature to override a veto of the governor following a regular session of the legislature. State Affairs |
Urging Congress to amend the Internal Revenue Code to make spaceports eligible for tax-exempt private activity bonds. Economic Development |
Relating to an increase in the amount of the exemption of residence homesteads from ad valorem taxation by a school district and the protection of school districts against certain losses in local revenue. Local Government |
Relating to the use by a political subdivision of public funds to pay bail bonds. Criminal Justice |
Relating to mediation or arbitration of certain billing disputes between health benefit plan issuers or administrators and out-of-network facilities. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the performance of autopsies on individuals with a history of epilepsy. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the criminal and licensing consequences for the commission of certain offenses by massage establishments, massage schools, massage therapists, and massage therapy instructors. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the process for filling a vacancy on the board of certain property owners' associations. Local Government |
Relating to the air conditioning and refrigeration contractors advisory board. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the recognition of a handgun license issued by another state. State Affairs |
Relating to the authority of the legislature to determine that certain federal directives are unconstitutional and to prohibit certain government officers and employees from enforcing or assisting in the enforcement of the directive. State Affairs |
Relating to the definition of "closing" for purposes of certain private activity bonds. Business & Commerce |
Relating to exempting textbooks purchased, used, or consumed by university and college students from sales and use taxes for limited periods. Finance |
Relating to the establishment and use of a written electronic communications system accessible to the public by certain municipal entities. Business & Commerce |
Relating to property owners' associations, including condominium unit owners' associations. Jurisprudence |
Relating to the identification of underpayments and overpayments under the Medicaid managed care program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the surcharge for the disposal, and the remittance for the storage, of certain waste at the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Compact waste disposal facility; decreasing the amount of the surcharge and changing how the surcharge and remittance are distributed. Natural Resources |
Relating to electricity pricing rules and operating procedures that eliminate or compensate for market distortion caused by certain federal tax credits. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the applicability of certain generation reliability requirements. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the issuance of an occupational license to certain out-of-state applicants. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the additional compensation certain counties pay to judges and justices for extrajudicial services. Finance |
Relating to creation of the groundwater science, research, and innovation fund to be administered by the Texas Water Development Board. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to a study regarding available beds at inpatient mental health facilities providing acute psychiatric treatment. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the prohibition of lane restrictions on a portion of Interstate Highway 635. Transportation |
Relating to prohibiting the disbursement of certain economic and tax incentives to entities that assist, refer, or otherwise encourage a woman to obtain an abortion. State Affairs |
Relating to a mobile stroke unit grant program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the release of a tier two form listing hazardous chemicals that is in the possession of a political subdivision of this state. Business & Commerce |
Relating to providing in-person meeting requirements for governing boards of public institutions of higher education; authorizing a civil penalty. Education K-16 |
Relating to the regulation of used automotive parts recycling, including the removal of license plates and registration insignia. Business & Commerce |
Relating to requiring operators of smart devices to provide information to users about the collection of personal data. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the creation of a small non-road engine purchase incentive program under the Texas emissions reduction plan. Natural Resources |
Relating to an incentive program to promote beverage container recycling. Natural Resources |
Relating to the operation of rock crushing facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to certain prohibited transactions and logistical support between a governmental entity and an abortion assistance entity or abortion provider for the procurement of an abortion or related services. State Affairs |
Relating to required water pressure boosters for certain housing developments that receive an allocation of low income housing tax credits. Health & Human Services |
Relating to required generators or other power sources for certain housing developments that receive an allocation of low income housing tax credits. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of a medical cannabis research program; authorizing fees. Health & Human Services |
Relating to authorizing the possession, use, cultivation, distribution, delivery, sale, and research of medical cannabis for medical use by patients with certain medical conditions and the licensing of medical cannabis organizations; authorizing a fee. Health & Human Services |
Relating to Holocaust education and training provided to students enrolled at public schools and public institutions of higher education. Education K-16 |
Relating to use of compost in landscaping, capital construction, and road maintenance projects by the Texas Department of Transportation. Transportation |
Relating to the duties of the Texas Maternal Mortality and Morbidity Review Committee and the collection, maintenance, and disclosure of maternal health records regarding miscarriage and lack of access to therapeutic termination of pregnancy. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the use of unclaimed lottery prize money to benefit the child-care services program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission. Finance |
Relating to the definition of authorized peace officer for purposes of certain laws governing the installation and use of tracking equipment and access to certain communications. Criminal Justice |
Relating to certain proceedings by the Public Utility Commission of Texas regarding water or sewer service. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to human trafficking, prostitution, and child pornography and to the prosecution of sexual or assaultive offenses or the prosecution of a failure to stop or report those offenses; amending and harmonizing certain statute of limitations provisions; creating a criminal offense; increasing a criminal penalty. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the adequacy and effectiveness of managed care plan networks. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to establish and operate a guaranteed income program. Local Government |
Relating to the enforcement of the prohibition on passing a school bus using images and video from a school bus infraction detection system. Transportation |
Relating to enhancing the criminal penalty for the offense of intoxication manslaughter in certain circumstances. Criminal Justice |
Relating to guardianship matters. Jurisprudence |
Relating to public school policies and programs regarding the production or distribution of certain intimate visual material by public school students. Education K-16 |
Relating to the regulation of laser hair removal. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the adoption of an ad valorem tax rate by certain special districts and voter approval of a proposed ad valorem tax rate that exceeds the voter-approval tax rate. Local Government |
Relating to the exemption of tuition and laboratory fees at public institutions of higher education for certain paramedics. Education K-16 |
Relating to applicability of civil service status to emergency medical services personnel in certain municipalities. Local Government |
Relating to measures to ensure the safety of individuals with disabilities during an emergency situation at public postsecondary institutions. Education K-16 |
Relating to prohibiting certain conduct by physicians and health care providers involving gender transitioning and gender reassignment procedures and treatments for children; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to informed consent requirements before the provision of health care services. State Affairs |
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for firearms, ammunition, and other related items sold during a limited period. Finance |
Relating to repealing certain offenses involving toll violations. Transportation |
Relating to the review, funding, and continuation of degree and certificate programs at public institutions of higher education based on certain performance standards. Education K-16 |
Relating to the definition of a governmental body for the purposes of the public information law. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the disclosure of certain fees by a landlord. Business & Commerce |
Relating to an application for a ballot to be voted by mail submitted by certain residents of an assisted living facility, a nursing facility, or an intermediate care facility. State Affairs |
Relating to rights of crime victims and the enforcement of those rights; authorizing a civil penalty. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the display of flags in public schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to the renewal and review of standard permits for certain concrete plants. Natural Resources |
Relating to the procedure for a hearing by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation on the denial of an electrician's license or disciplinary action against an electrician. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the confidentiality of fraud detection and deterrence information under the public information law. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the correction of references to the Texas Natural Resource Conservation Commission. Natural Resources |
Relating to creating a database of the firefighting equipment in the state available for use in responding to wildfires. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to a study regarding the effects of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl chemicals on public health. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to a report by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board regarding enrollment and success in higher education for students with disabilities. Education K-16 |
Relating to creating a reimbursement program to reimburse certain supplemental nutrition assistance program recipients for the cost of certain food delivery service fees. Health & Human Services |
Relating to a credit or refund for diesel fuel taxes paid on diesel fuel used in this state by auxiliary power units or power take-off equipment. Finance |
Relating to the designation of a portion of U.S. Highway 281 as the Ernesto Soliz Cantu Memorial Highway. Transportation |
Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of real property owned by certain charitable organizations. Local Government |
Relating to excused absences from public school for students with a menstrual disorder. Education K-16 |
Relating to endometriosis and menstrual disorders education and informational materials for public school students. Education K-16 |
Relating to the award of compensatory damages caused by certain delays under governmental construction contracts. Business & Commerce |
Relating to compensation and employment condition standards by municipal charter or collective bargaining agreement and to impasse resolution in collective bargaining with certain political subdivisions. Local Government |
Relating to the establishment and administration of the Texas Strategic Bitcoin Reserve; making an appropriation. Finance |
Relating to common law public nuisance claims. State Affairs |
Relating to the homeland security activities of certain entities, including the establishment and operations of the Homeland Security Division in the Department of Public Safety. Border Security |
Relating to certain files maintained by a law enforcement agency regarding certain employees of the agency. Criminal Justice |
Relating to a severance tax exemption for oil and gas produced from certain restimulation wells; providing a civil penalty. Finance |
Relating to certain regulations adopted by governmental entities for the construction or alteration of residential or commercial buildings. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the transfer of certain public school students who are children of peace officers. Education K-16 |
Relating to the regulation of new HUD-code manufactured housing. Local Government |
Relating to authorizing school districts to provide funding using money received under the Foundation School Program to community-based organizations for purposes of reimbursing private employers for paid internships provided to certain students in career and technology education programs in the district. Education K-16 |
Relating to a requirement to report through the Public Education Information Management System the number of student deaths occurring on a school district or open-enrollment charter school campus. Education K-16 |
Relating to permissible accountability interventions for certain school districts with low-performing campuses. Education K-16 |
Relating to the eligibility requirements for grants under programs of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the procedure for resolving certain customer complaints before the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the offense of public consumption of alcoholic beverages during certain hours. State Affairs |
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of sexual assault. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the prohibition on the possession of a firearm by a person following the person's conviction of certain family violence misdemeanors. State Affairs |
Relating to the method used to select engineers and general contractors for certain transportation-related construction projects. Transportation |
Relating to creation of the gulf coast protection account to be administered by the General Land Office. Natural Resources |
Relating to the construction of certain concrete batch plants. Natural Resources |
Relating to the unlawful installation or use of a tracking device. Criminal Justice |
Relating to authorizing an optional county fee on vehicle registration in certain counties to be used for transportation projects. Transportation |
Relating to the installment of electric school buses and solar panels in Texas public schools. Business & Commerce |
Relating to a public institution of higher education's orientation on the institution's sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking policy. Education K-16 |
Relating to the issuance of a certified birth record to a homeless individual. State Affairs |
Relating to educational and informational materials provided through the Thriving Texas Families Program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to a hearing for an alleged violation of community supervision by a defendant and the manner in which that defendant is required to appear before the court. Criminal Justice |
Relating to transportation to school for a child required to attend school as a condition of probation. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the establishment by regional education service centers of regional school district health coverage advisory committees. Education K-16 |
Relating to enrolling a public school student in a virtual education program as an alternative to expulsion. Education K-16 |
Relating to the prosecution of the offense of fraudulent use or possession of credit card or debit card information. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of the possession, manufacture, transport, repair, or sale of a machine gun or a machine gun conversion device. State Affairs |
Relating to the carrying of a firearm by a person who is a member of a criminal street gang; increasing a criminal penalty. Criminal Justice |
Relating to protection for a public school employee's use of terms consistent with biological sex. State Affairs |
Relating to health coverage for school district and open-enrollment charter school employees under interlocal contracts. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the grievance procedure in public schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to the creation of grievance boards with concurrent jurisdiction over certain appeals involving the administration of public education. Education K-16 |
Relating to automatic orders of nondisclosure of criminal history record information for certain misdemeanor defendants following successful completion of a period of deferred adjudication community supervision. Criminal Justice |
Relating to use of artificial intelligence in utilization review conducted for health benefit plans. Business & Commerce |
Relating to authorizing the disclosure of certain electronic customer data by a provider of an electronic communications service or a remote computing service in certain immediate life-threatening situations. Criminal Justice |
Relating to air quality permits for certain concrete plants and crushing facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to the establishment of the Health Impact, Cost, and Coverage Analysis Program; authorizing a fee. Health & Human Services |
Relating to renewable energy generation facilities; authorizing fees. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the establishment of the sickle cell disease registry. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the essential knowledge and skills for the public school foundation curriculum and social studies curriculum. Education K-16 |
Relating to the prohibited manufacture, processing, possession, distribution, offer for sale, and sale of cell-cultured protein. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to required labeling of meat, poultry, shrimp, and certain related food products. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the public information law. Business & Commerce |
Relating to an annual study on the economic, environmental, and financial impact of illegal immigration in this state. Border Security |