Senate Floor Action for 3/20/2025



March 20, 2025

The Senate suspended the necessary rules to consider and finally pass:

SB 57 (CS) (LC)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to provisions and plans by public schools to ensure the safety of individuals with disabilities or impairments during a mandatory school drill or a disaster or emergency situation.

SB 499 (LC)Sparks/ et al.

Relating to the selection by the board of directors of the West Coke County Hospital District of a depository bank for the district.

SB 974 (LC)Eckhardt/ Bettencourt/ Cook/ Gutierrez/ Parker/ et al.

Relating to the eligibility of a person employed by a school district as a teacher to serve on the appraisal review board of an appraisal district.

SB 1025 Bettencourt

Relating to the text of ballot propositions that increase taxes.

SB 1061 (LC)Parker

Relating to procedural requirements for uranium mining production area authorizations.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 1268 (LC)Blanco

Relating to the review and updating by the Texas Water Development Board of guidance principles and rules related to certain plans adopted or approved by the board.

The Senate adopted the following resolutions:

SR 302 Kolkhorst

In memory of Richard Harold Meyer.

SR 303 Kolkhorst

Recognizing March 20, 2025, as Calhoun County Day.

SR 304 Campbell/ Creighton/ Flores/ Huffman/ Hughes/ et al.

Recognizing March 20 and 21, 2025, as Texas Federation of Republican Women Days at the State Capitol.

SR 305 Hall/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Creighton/ Flores/ et al.

In memory of Jill Diane Warrington Glover.

Committee re-referral on the following:

SB 30 Schwertner

Relating to recovery of damages in civil actions.

Re-referred from Business & Commerce to State Affairs

SB 1333 Hughes

Relating to the unauthorized entry, occupancy, sale, rental, lease, advertisement for sale, rental, or lease, or conveyance of real property, including the removal of certain unauthorized occupants of a dwelling; creating criminal offenses; increasing a criminal penalty; authorizing a fee.

Re-referred from Criminal Justice to State Affairs

SB 1666 Zaffirini

Relating to the payment of restitution by a person released on parole or to mandatory supervision.

Re-referred from Business & Commerce to Criminal Justice