Senate Floor Action for 3/24/2025



March 24, 2025

The Senate suspended the necessary rules to consider and finally pass:

SB 65 (LC)Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to the adoption of uniform rules for hours of work for certain county employees.

SB 372 (LC)Campbell

Relating to the persons authorized or appointed to exercise the power of sale under the terms of a contract lien on real property.

SB 400 (CS)Kolkhorst/ et al.

Relating to requiring parental consent for psychological or psychiatric examination, testing, or treatment conducted by a school district employee.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 402 (LC)Paxton/ et al.

Relating to the payment of certain ad valorem tax refunds.

SB 427 (CS) (LC)Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the eligibility of certain political subdivisions to receive a state loan or grant following the political subdivision's failure to comply with certain financial reporting requirements.

SB 509 (LC)Bettencourt/ Middleton/ Parker/ Paxton/ Perry/ et al.

Relating to requiring notice to the attorney general in an action under the Election Code seeking a temporary restraining order.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 535 (CS)Huffman

Relating to the admissibility of evidence regarding a victim's past sexual behavior in prosecutions of certain trafficking, sexual, or assaultive offenses.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 610 (LC)Paxton/ et al.

Relating to combating human trafficking by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

SB 740 (CS)Perry/ et al.

Relating to certain proceedings by the Public Utility Commission of Texas regarding water or sewer service.

3 Floor Amendments

SB 840 (CS)Hughes/ et al.

Relating to certain municipal regulation of certain mixed-use and multifamily residential development projects and conversion of certain commercial buildings to mixed-use and multifamily residential occupancy.

2 Floor Amendments

SB 893 (CS) (LC)Johnson/ et al.

Relating to criminal offenses for creating and distributing certain misleading images and videos; creating a criminal offense.

1 Floor Amendment

SB 918 (LC)Zaffirini

Relating to the licensing and regulation of orthotists and prosthetists.

SB 1106 Parker/ et al.

Relating to publication of public improvement district service plans and assessments on certain public Internet websites.

SB 1121 (LC)Nichols/ et al.

Relating to excepting certain fiber-optic cable projects from certain notice requirements for projects on state or local public land.

SB 1300 Flores/ Hagenbuch/ Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"/ Huffman/ King/ et al.

Relating to the prosecution and punishment of the criminal offense of organized retail theft; increasing criminal penalties.

SB 1447 (LC)Menéndez/ Zaffirini/ et al.

Relating to standards adopted by the Texas Education Agency regarding the use of electronic devices and software applications by public schools.

The Senate adopted the following resolutions:

SCR 24 (LC)King/ Alvarado/ Bettencourt/ Birdwell/ Blanco/ et al.

Expressing support for the strengthening of our partnership with Israel and for the creation of a Texas Trade and Investment Office in Israel.

Committee referral on the following:

SB 2061 Parker

Relating to prior authorization or precertification for the repair of complex rehabilitation technology equipment under Medicaid.

Health & Human Services

SB 2062 Parker

Relating to provision of and access to services for children with certain health care needs, including access to certain Medicaid waiver programs.

Health & Human Services

SB 2063 Parker

Relating to ad valorem tax protests and appeals on the ground of the unequal appraisal of property.

Local Government

SB 2064 Perry

Relating to the exemption of motor vehicles transferred from a decedent's estate.


SB 2065 Huffman

Relating to the Texas Emergency Services Retirement System.


SB 2066 Huffman

Relating to the repeal of the Texas Research Incentive Program.


SB 2067 Bettencourt

Relating to an exemption from required disclosure of information related to the next of kin of deceased persons.

Business & Commerce

SB 2068 Bettencourt

Relating to the tax administration for property tax protests and appeals.

Local Government

SB 2069 Zaffirini

Relating to the establishment of a work group to conduct a study on the feasibility of implementing an acute psychiatric bed registry.

Health & Human Services

SB 2070 Zaffirini

Relating to court administration, including the term of a local administrative judge, court administration training, and the compensation of certain administrative judges.


SB 2071 Zaffirini

Relating to the regulation of child-care facilities and registered family homes, including the provision of services to children with disabilities or special needs.

Health & Human Services

SB 2072 Zaffirini

Relating to the establishment of a paid parental leave program administered by the Texas Workforce Commission; imposing an employer contribution.

Economic Development

SB 2073 Zaffirini

Relating to the authority of an appraisal district to purchase, finance the purchase of, or lease real property or construct or finance the construction of improvements to real property.

Local Government

SB 2074 Zaffirini

Relating to a study of the four coincident peak program by the Public Utility Commission of Texas and the independent organization certified to manage the ERCOT power region.

Business & Commerce

SB 2075 Zaffirini

Relating to the establishment, powers and duties, terms, and governance of certain advisory bodies for programs administered by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation.

Business & Commerce

SB 2076 Creighton

Relating to the view of the State Capitol.

Economic Development

SB 2077 Zaffirini

Relating to the board of directors of the Texas Mutual Insurance Company.

Business & Commerce

SB 2078 Kolkhorst

Relating to the regulation of composting facilities by certain counties.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2079 Bettencourt

Relating to certain actions for personal injury that arise out of a sexual offense against a child or disabled individual and are brought against a non-perpetrator of the offense.

State Affairs

SB 2080 Alvarado

Relating to the records, management, and taxation of navigation districts and certain port and harbor facilities.


SB 2081 Miles

Relating to the eligibility of municipal solid waste personnel for the Homes for Texas Heroes home loan program.

Local Government

SB 2082 Miles

Relating to the operation of a concrete crushing facility near a hospital.

Natural Resources

SB 2083 Miles

Relating to the creation of an additional county civil court at law in Harris County.


SB 2084 Miles

Relating to the financing of certain grocery stores by a public facility corporation.

Local Government

SB 2085 Miles

Relating to prohibiting the denial of a driver's license renewal for failure to appear in court, failure to pay a fine or cost, or failure to satisfy a judgment.

State Affairs

SB 2086 Miles

Relating to job interview restrictions for releasees from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice.

Criminal Justice

SB 2087 Miles

Relating to the content of biennial legislative immunization reports issued by the Department of State Health Services.

Health & Human Services

SB 2088 Miles

Relating to the provision of counseling services by certain providers under Medicaid and reimbursement for those services.

Health & Human Services

SB 2089 Miles

Relating to the Rita Littlefield Chronic Kidney Disease Centralized Resource Center established within the Health and Human Services Commission.

Health & Human Services

SB 2090 Hughes

Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to receive certain tax revenue derived from a hotel and convention center project and to pledge certain tax revenue for the payment of obligations related to the project.

Economic Development

SB 2091 Zaffirini

Relating to a study on effective case management practices and procedures for courts in guardianship proceedings.


SB 2092 Cook

Relating to establishing a highway construction mitigation program for certain highway construction projects.


SB 2093 Cook

Relating to expedited credentialing of certain federally qualified health center providers by managed care plan issuers and Medicaid managed care organizations.

Health & Human Services

SB 2094 Cook

Relating to the establishment of a higher education plan for human papillomavirus education and prevention.

Health & Human Services

SB 2095 Cook

Relating to the confidentiality of certain home address information in property tax appraisal records.

Business & Commerce

SB 2096 Cook

Relating to the time period for conducting a pretrial hearing after a criminal defendant has been restored to competency.

Criminal Justice

SB 2097 Hughes

Relating to tuition and fee exemptions at public institutions of higher education for certain peace officers.

Education K-16

SB 2098 Hughes

Relating to requirements for courses in the core curriculum adopted by public institutions of higher education.

Education K-16

SB 2099 Hughes

Relating to the definition of a cottage food production operation.

Health & Human Services

SB 2100 Hughes

Relating to public use of audio and visual materials produced by the legislative branch.

Business & Commerce

SB 2101 Hughes

Relating to the prohibition of access by minors to sexually explicit materials in municipal public library collections; providing a civil penalty.

State Affairs

SB 2102 Campbell

Relating to certain energy efficiency performance standards for residential construction.

Business & Commerce

SB 2103 Zaffirini

Relating to boil water notices issued by public drinking water supply systems.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2104 Blanco

Relating to the prohibition of military status discrimination.

Veteran Affairs

SB 2105 Blanco

Relating to the authority of a county attorney or district attorney to enforce human trafficking awareness and prevention in commercial lodging establishments.

Criminal Justice

SB 2106 Creighton

Relating to the creation of the Texas Commission on Teacher Job Satisfaction and Retention.

Education K-16

SB 2107 Creighton

Relating to a pilot program for outcomes-based contracts at public schools.

Education K-16

SB 2108 Hughes

Relating to the inclusion of direct primary care fees as qualified medical expenses applied toward insurance deductibles in certain state health benefit plans.


SB 2109 Hughes

Relating to the appointment of deputy constables.

Local Government

SB 2110 Bettencourt/ Creighton/ Hinojosa, Adam/ Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"/ King/ et al.

Relating to electric grid resiliency measures, including a study by the Public Utility Commission of Texas of the cost of burying overhead power lines.

Business & Commerce

SB 2111 Zaffirini

Relating to legal representation of indigent persons in this state and to proceedings before a magistrate including the appointment of counsel for an indigent defendant.

Criminal Justice

SB 2112 Kolkhorst

Relating to the punishment for certain criminal offenses related to cultivated oyster mariculture; increasing a criminal penalty.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2113 Hughes

Relating to a special right of access under the public information law for a member of a governing board.

Business & Commerce

SB 2114 Hughes

Relating to the removal of certain proposed reservoir sites from the state water plan.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2115 Hughes

Relating to the eligibility of certain engineering firms to participate in the construction of a reservoir.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2116 Parker/ et al.

Relating to the critical designation of certain natural gas facilities

Business & Commerce

SB 2117 Parker/ Campbell/ Kolkhorst

Relating to the establishment of the Texas Committee on Foreign Investment to review certain transactions involving certain foreign entities; creating a civil penalty.

State Affairs

SB 2118 Parker

Relating to the composition and authority of certain subregional boards of regional transportation authorities.


SB 2119 Sparks

Relating to an exemption from certain immunization requirements for medical and veterinary students.

Health & Human Services

SB 2120 Johnson

Relating to the Task Force on Eating Disorders Prevalence.

Health & Human Services

SB 2121 Johnson

Relating to the regulation of certain business entities that act as data brokers.

Business & Commerce

SB 2122 Zaffirini

Relating to imposition of application fees for certain permits and permit amendments for the disposal of oil and gas waste.

Natural Resources

SB 2123 Zaffirini

Relating to the authority of the Texas Water Development Board to provide financial assistance to certain counties for brackish water desalination.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2124 Zaffirini

Relating to publication of the Texas Groundwater Protection Committee's annual report.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2125 Zaffirini

Relating to a study to review the animal friendly account.

Health & Human Services

SB 2126 Johnson

Relating to the offense of passing certain vehicles on a highway.


SB 2127 Zaffirini

Relating to the assignment of certain retired and former justices and judges.


SB 2128 Campbell

Relating to the licensing and regulation of anesthesiologist assistants; requiring an occupational license; providing an administrative penalty; authorizing fees.

Health & Human Services

SB 2129 Johnson

Relating to the operation of vehicles at railroad grade crossings; increasing a criminal penalty.


SB 2130 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the regulation of certain transactions and activities involving the provision of veterinary services; authorizing civil penalties; creating criminal offenses.

Business & Commerce

SB 2131 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to funds reserved for certain construction materials.

Business & Commerce

SB 2132 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the Rural Pathway Excellence Partnership (R-PEP) program, including funding for that program under the Foundation School Program.

Education K-16

SB 2133 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to use certain tax revenue for hotel and convention center projects.

Economic Development

SB 2134 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to use certain tax revenue for certain qualified projects.

Economic Development

SB 2135 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to the creation of an additional county court at law and an additional statutory probate court in Hidalgo County.


SB 2136 Hinojosa, Juan "Chuy"

Relating to dual certification for water or sewer service in an area incorporated or annexed by certain municipalities.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2137 Menéndez

Relating to the allocation of low income housing tax credits.

Local Government

SB 2138 Creighton

Relating to prohibiting the investment of the permanent university fund, the Texas University Fund, or money held by a public institution of higher education in financial companies that boycott certain energy companies.

Education K-16

SB 2139 King

Relating to the authority of the Texas Military Department to negotiate the release of a reversionary interest and certain other interests of the state in certain property in Palo Pinto County owned by the Palo Pinto County Livestock Association.

Business & Commerce

SB 2140 Huffman

Relating to certain tobacco products for purposes of the cigars and tobacco products tax.


SB 2141 Zaffirini

Relating to issuance of specialty license plates for state and federal judges.


SB 2142 Perry

Relating to the creation of the consumable hemp products account in the general revenue fund and imposing fees for licensing manufacturers of consumable hemp products and registering certain retailers of consumable hemp products.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2143 Perry

Relating to the authority of a county to commission certain individuals as peace officers and establish certain law enforcement agencies.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2144 Perry

Relating to the authority of a reserve peace officer.

Criminal Justice

SB 2145 Perry

Relating to the authority of the advisory body of a public improvement district and the board of directors of a reinvestment zone to hold a meeting by a telecommunication device.

Business & Commerce

SB 2146 Huffman

Relating to the information reported by prosecuting attorneys to the Texas Judicial Council.

Criminal Justice

SB 2147 Hall

Relating to the ownership of breeder deer in this state.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2148 Hall

Relating to the reliability of the electricity supply chain.

Business & Commerce

SB 2149 Bettencourt/ Creighton/ King

Relating to the implementation of diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives by providers of electric service.

Business & Commerce

SB 2150 Bettencourt

Relating to coordination between teaching hospitals and medical schools regarding student field-based experience placements and to preference in those placements.

Health & Human Services

SB 2151 Bettencourt

Relating to countywide polling places.

State Affairs

SB 2152 Bettencourt

Relating to third-party software providers' ability to manage certain users' social media accounts.

State Affairs

SB 2153 Bettencourt

Relating to the membership of and qualifications for the Texas Lottery Commission.

State Affairs

SB 2154 Schwertner

Relating to the regulation of delivery network companies; requiring an occupational permit; authorizing a fee.

Business & Commerce

SB 2155 Perry

Relating to the regulation of veterinary professionals and facilities by the State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners and the temporary administration of the board by the Department of Licensing and Regulation

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2156 Eckhardt

Relating to firearm liability insurance for certain firearm owners; providing a civil penalty.

State Affairs

SB 2157 Eckhardt

Relating to deposits of funds into a court registry by a clerk of a justice court.

Local Government

SB 2158 Flores

Relating to taxes imposed on vinous liquor.

State Affairs

SB 2159 Flores

Relating to aquifer storage and recovery projects that transect a portion of the Edwards Aquifer.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2160 Flores

Relating to the jurisdiction of the Public Utility Commission of Texas over municipally owned utility water and sewer service outside the corporate limits of a municipality.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2161 Flores

Relating to expenses incurred in the appeal of rates for water or sewer service charged to certain customers.

Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs

SB 2162 Flores

Relating to the public retirement systems for employees of certain municipalities.


SB 2163 Parker

Relating to measures to assist students enrolled at public institutions of higher education who are homeless or who are or were in foster care.

Education K-16

SB 2164 Parker/ et al.

Relating to employer incentive payments for child care for employees, including creating an employer child-care contribution partnership program and a franchise tax credit for taxable entities that make certain employer child-care contributions; authorizing a civil penalty.


SB 2165 Parker

Relating to prohibiting the dismissal of certain suits affecting the parent-child relationship involving the Department of Family and Protective Services.


SB 2166 Parker

Relating to testing of voting tabulation equipment.

State Affairs

SB 2167 Paxton

Relating to the licensing and regulation of massage therapy.

Business & Commerce

SB 2168 Paxton

Relating to the eligibility of land for appraisal for ad valorem tax purposes as qualified open-space land.

Local Government

SB 2169 Menéndez

Relating to personal leave for wellness provided for school district employees.

Education K-16

SB 2170 Hall

Relating to the exemption from ad valorem taxation of property of a charitable organization that provides financial support for medical care at certain institutions of higher education.

Local Government

SB 2171 Parker

Relating to a public school's grievance procedure.

Education K-16

SB 2172 Parker

Relating to the authority of the chief appraiser of an appraisal district to require a person allowed an exemption from ad valorem taxation of a residence homestead to file a new application or confirm the person's current qualification for the exemption.

Local Government

SB 2173 Parker

Relating to the effect of a tax certificate accompanying a transfer of certain property.

Local Government

SB 2174 Parker

Relating to reporting and auditing requirements for digital asset service providers.

Business & Commerce

SB 2175 Parker

Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offenses of prohibited barratry and solicitation of professional employment.


SB 2176 Parker

Relating to the establishment of the Texas Cyber Command as a component institution of The University of Texas System and the transfer to it of certain powers and duties of the Department of Information Resources.

Business & Commerce

SB 2177 Hagenbuch

Relating to the creation of a grant program to assist local law enforcement agencies in solving violent and sexual offenses.

Criminal Justice

SB 2178 Hagenbuch

Relating to a restriction on the authority of a state agency to spend appropriated money to provide financial support to certain organizations and events.


SB 2179 Hagenbuch

Relating to the termination of a lease agreement of a servicemember's dependent.

Veteran Affairs

SB 2180 Hagenbuch/ Flores

Relating to requiring a certification for peace officers to conduct certain polygraph examinations.

Criminal Justice

SB 2181 Hagenbuch

Relating to the regulation of certain health professionals; providing an administrative penalty.

Health & Human Services

SB 2182 Hall

Relating to a franchise tax credit for taxable entities that employ certain apprentices in broadband utility engineering or construction jobs.


SB 2183 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to the periods during which a retail fireworks permit holder may sell fireworks to the public.

Local Government

SB 2184 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to the required age for a license or permit relating to the conduct of a public fireworks display.

Business & Commerce

SB 2185 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to the bilingual education allotment under the public school finance system.

Education K-16

SB 2186 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to compensatory time off for certain state employees.

Criminal Justice

SB 2187 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to the administration of assessment instruments to public school students.

Education K-16

SB 2189 Hinojosa, Adam

Relating to the rate of the hotel occupancy tax in certain municipalities and the use of certain revenue from that tax by those municipalities; authorizing an increase in the rate of a tax.

Economic Development

SB 2190 King

Relating to a grant program for nonprofit organizations supporting the Department of Public Safety; authorizing voluntary contributions.


SB 2191 Huffman

Relating to the creation and re-creation of funds and accounts, the dedication and rededication of revenue and allocation of accrued interest on dedicated revenue, and the exemption of unappropriated money from use for general governmental purposes.


SB 2192 Huffman

Relating to state fiscal matters.


SB 2193 Huffman

Relating to directing payment, after approval, of certain miscellaneous claims and judgments against the state out of funds designated by this Act; making appropriations.


SB 2194 Paxton

Relating to an early childhood integrated data system.

Health & Human Services

SB 2195 Johnson

Relating to the reporting of certain orders and convictions to the Department of Public Safety and Federal Bureau of Investigation for use with the National Instant Criminal Background Check System for the transfer of firearms.

State Affairs

SB 2196 Johnson

Relating to the period during which an order for emergency protection remains in effect.

Criminal Justice

SB 2197 Johnson

Relating to the filing fee for nomination by convention.

State Affairs

SB 2199 Birdwell

Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for loading certain overweight vehicles transporting hazardous materials at a weight that exceeds the weight limitations authorized for the vehicle.

Border Security

SB 2200 Birdwell

Relating to the creation of a criminal offense for operating or moving an overweight vehicle transporting hazardous materials on a route other than the designated permit route.

Border Security

SB 2392 King

Relating to notice to local law enforcement of certain offenses occurring on public or private school property or at school-sponsored or school-related activities.

Education K-16