Tuesday March 25, 2025 |
Committee referral on the following: |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation the total appraised value of real property used as a data center and the tangible personal property used by the data center to meet the data center's demand for energy. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation the amount of the appraised value of real property that arises from the installation or construction on the property of a generator that is primarily for the production and distribution of energy for on-site use. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment creating the workforce housing fund to facilitate the development of affordable workforce housing and transferring to that fund $2 billion from state general revenue. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment authorizing the legislature to provide for an exemption from ad valorem taxation of part of the market value of the residence homestead of a partially disabled veteran or the surviving spouse of such a veteran based on the disability rating of the veteran. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment increasing the amount of debt that may be secured by a homestead for purposes of refinancing a loan including those with an extension of credit guaranteed by the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Business & Commerce |
Proposing a constitutional amendment dedicating some of the interest in the permanent school fund to universal pre-kindergarten and the school safety allotment. Finance |
Proposing a constitutional amendment to authorize the legislature to exempt from ad valorem taxation a portion of the market value of tangible personal property a person owns that is held or used for the production of income. Local Government |
Proposing a constitutional amendment, to be submitted to the voters of Texas for approval, authorizing the legislature to strictly regulate and authorize casino gaming and sports wagering by general law and establishing certain requirements for such law, including establishment of a state agency with powers to regulate all lotteries and gift enterprises, imposition of a tax on casino gaming and sports wagering revenue, requiring licensing of casino gaming and sports wagering operators, and requiring license application fees. State Affairs |
Relating to the relocation, adjustment, and ownership of commercial signs. Transportation |
Relating to intelligence databases for combinations, criminal street gangs, and foreign terrorist organizations. Border Security |
Relating to the trafficking of a firearm to a foreign terrorist organization and to the unlawful transfer of firearms between this state and the United Mexican States; creating a criminal offense. Border Security |
Relating to rules providing for certification of issues to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in contested cases referred to the State Office of Administrative Hearings by the commission. Natural Resources |
Relating to the applicability of uniform grant and contract management standards to certain Texas Water Development Board programs. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the revocation of a driver's license for failure to pay a civil penalty imposed by the Texas Ethics Commission. State Affairs |
Relating to a franchise tax credit for, and the application of sales and use taxes to, certain research and development expenses. Finance |
Relating to prohibiting the Texas Medical Board from regulating certain physician advertising. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the procedures for the testing of voting system equipment. State Affairs |
Relating to the required use of hand-marked paper ballots for all elections. State Affairs |
Relating to the public inspection of election records. State Affairs |
Relating to a qualifying cogenerator that serves a large load and a colocated desalination facility. Business & Commerce |
Relating to procedures regarding certain persons who are or may be persons with a mental illness or intellectual or developmental disability. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the permitting by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality of solid waste facilities; authorizing the imposition of civil and administrative penalties. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the right of property owners to challenge municipal zoning regulations and boundaries. Local Government |
Relating to security of election system equipment. State Affairs |
Relating to certain election practices and procedures. State Affairs |
Relating to regulating charitable bingo and authorizing the establishment of a nonprofit corporation to advertise and promote charitable bingo. State Affairs |
Relating to certain procedures in connection with a bond forfeiture. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the removal of a student from public school for the possession, use, or delivery of e-cigarettes on or near public school property or at certain school events. Education K-16 |
Relating to the filing of a fraudulent financing statement in relation to certain secured transactions; authorizing the imposition of a fee. Business & Commerce |
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the total appraised value of real property used as a data center and the tangible personal property used by the data center to meet the data center's demand for energy. Local Government |
Relating to amendments to the Uniform Commercial Code, including amendments concerning certain intangible assets and the perfection of security interests in those assets. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the execution of a certificate of completion and to imposing certain requirements under a retail installment contract for the purchase of distributed renewable generation resources. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the creation of a spirit cooler certificate; authorizing a fee. State Affairs |
Relating to requirements for loans or grants provided by the Texas Transportation Commission to aviation facilities located in economically disadvantaged counties. Transportation |
Relating to notification by the secretary of state when a person convicted of a felony may register to vote. State Affairs |
Relating to the financial crimes intelligence center. Criminal Justice |
Relating to change of venue in certain criminal cases involving a peace officer. Criminal Justice |
Relating to requiring the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to waive fees for admission applications submitted to public institutions of higher education during certain periods. Education K-16 |
Relating to designating October 21 as Unplug Texas Day. Administration |
Relating to a prohibition on certain persons supporting terrorist activity at public institutions of higher education. Education K-16 |
Relating to the firefighters' relief and retirement fund of certain municipalities. Finance |
Relating to the authority of a political subdivision to impose a fee to fund a climate or environmental project. Local Government |
Relating to prohibiting certain preferences in a political subdivision contractor selection process. Local Government |
Relating to severance pay for certain political subdivision employees. Local Government |
Relating to the authority of a county or municipality to prohibit or restrict the use of a certain mode of transportation on a roadway. Local Government |
Relating to charitable raffles conducted by certain intercollegiate athletics teams; creating criminal offenses. State Affairs |
Relating to public meetings held by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality on requests for authorization to operate a composting facility. Natural Resources |
Relating to policies and procedures for addressing dating violence in public schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to school district policies on dating violence. Education K-16 |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles to require that a vehicle, trailer, or semitrailer have a vehicle identification number inspection. Transportation |
Relating to the eligibility of certain persons to provide services as an employee, volunteer, or contractor for certain agencies, including public school contractors, and access to the registry of persons who are not eligible for employment at public schools. Health & Human Services |
Relating to procedures for the issuance of a bonded title for a motor vehicle. Transportation |
Relating to motor vehicle titles for salvage vehicles. Transportation |
Relating to applications for title for certain salvage vehicles. Transportation |
Relating to automatic participation by certain county employees in deferred compensation plans provided by certain counties. Finance |
Relating to references to years in instructional material used in public schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to disclosure of a beneficiary to a funeral director under a life insurance policy. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the creation of the Montgomery County Municipal Utility District No. 259; granting a limited power of eminent domain; providing authority to issue bonds; providing authority to impose fees, and taxes. Local Government |
Relating to measures to support kindergarten readiness and early literacy and numeracy skills for public school students, including an early childhood parental support program, and to funding under the Foundation School Program for certain school districts and to support those measures. Education K-16 |
Relating to the preparation and certification of public school educators, and certain allotments under the Foundation School Program. Education K-16 |
Relating to the sale of charitable raffle tickets by certain nonprofit wildlife conservation associations. State Affairs |
Relating to the occupational licensing of military spouses. Veteran Affairs |
Relating to the definition of ectopic pregnancy. State Affairs |
Relating to the definition and provision of an abortion-inducing drug. State Affairs |
Relating to housing finance corporations. Local Government |
Relating to removing certain tax exemptions for leasehold or other possessory interests in public facilities granted by public facility corporations. Local Government |
Relating to reports on information regarding certain multifamily residential developments to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs. Local Government |
Relating to a restriction on the authority to disburse money paid into the tax increment fund for a tax increment financing reinvestment zone to pay certain project costs for the zone. Economic Development |
Relating to regulation by municipalities and certain counties of and certain prohibited state agency regulation of automated external defibrillators. Local Government |
Relating to certain duties regarding county jail prisoners confined in out-of-state correctional facilities. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the collection and reporting of information regarding mental health jail diversion. Criminal Justice |
Relating to preventing discrimination in foster care. Health & Human Services |
Relating to a seller's disclosure regarding real property located within a certain distance of a state or federal superfund site. Business & Commerce |
Relating to prohibited steering or directing use of certain facilities for emergency care under certain health benefit plans. Health & Human Services |
Relating to disbursement of initial funds under the Texas Energy Fund. Business & Commerce |
Relating to dispute resolution for and enforcement actions against certain long-term care facilities. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the renewal of certain air quality permits. Natural Resources |
Relating to the authority of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to authorize the transfer of an authorization to use a standard permit for certain concrete facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to air quality permits for concrete crushing facilities and concrete plants located in certain areas. Natural Resources |
Relating to the monitoring of the opacity of emissions from certain concrete facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to the response by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to certain complaints about certain concrete plants and crushing facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to the submission of public comments regarding air, waste, or water permits issued by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Natural Resources |
Relating to notice of and opportunity for hearing on applications for authorization to use certain permits for concrete batch plants and concrete crushing facilities. Natural Resources |
Relating to prohibiting a public school from retaliating against an employee for reporting certain misconduct. Education K-16 |
Relating to notice of certain misconduct committed by a public school educator. Education K-16 |
Relating to a wage increase for certain public school employees. Education K-16 |
Relating to the applicability of certain financial provisions to campus or campus program charter schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to measures to assist students enrolled at public institutions of higher education who are homeless or who are or were in foster care. Education K-16 |
Relating to authorizing school districts to provide funding using money received under the Foundation School Program to community-based organizations for purposes of reimbursing private employers for paid internships provided to certain students in career and technology education programs in the district. Education K-16 |
Relating to the rights of special forces veterans who hold a license to carry a handgun. State Affairs |
Relating to the authority of a municipality or county to regulate certain matters related to firearms, air guns, archery equipment, and other weapons and related supplies. State Affairs |
Relating to vegetation management by electric utilities and telecommunications providers. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the creation of an oversight advisory council on foster care placement. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of the child-care advisory council. Economic Development |
Relating to requiring the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement to study and report on incidents of racial profiling. Criminal Justice |
Relating to reports regarding county jail prisoners confined in out-of-state jails. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the eligibility of certain individuals for the children with special health care needs program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of the Texas Advanced Research Institute. Finance |
Relating to prohibiting the use of electric resistance as a primary heat source in certain residential buildings. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the carrying of certain weapons on the premises of a public library; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to a franchise tax credit for entities that establish a grocery store or healthy corner store in a food desert. Finance |
Relating to the authority of a municipality to authorize the creation or expansion of a political subdivision in the corporate boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the municipality. Local Government |
Relating to the development of a severe weather adaptation plan by certain entities. State Affairs |
Relating to the authority of certain municipalities to use certain tax revenue for hotel and convention center projects. Economic Development |
Relating to the use of municipal hotel occupancy tax revenue and certain tax revenue derived from a hotel and convention center project by certain municipalities. Economic Development |
Relating to authority of a home-rule municipality to adopt a charter, charter amendment, ordinance, or other measure affecting the municipality's governmental immunity. Local Government |
Relating to the termination and compensation of a city manager. Local Government |
Relating to municipal charters that set a minimum or maximum number of municipal employees. Local Government |
Relating to certain fees charged to tenants of residential properties. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the definition of holster for purposes of certain criminal offenses. State Affairs |
Relating to the age at which a juvenile court may exercise jurisdiction over a child and to the minimum age of criminal responsibility. Criminal Justice |
Relating to extreme risk protective orders; creating criminal offenses. State Affairs |
Relating to the provision of adoption cost information by a licensed child-placing agency. Health & Human Services |
Relating to creating the criminal offense of operating a premises for unlawful controlled substance consumption. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the establishment of a grant program to fund the United States Food and Drug Administration's drug development trials with ibogaine for the purpose of securing the administration's approval as a medication for treatment of opioid use disorder, co-occurring substance use disorder, and any other neurological or mental health conditions for which ibogaine demonstrates efficacy and the administration of that treatment. Health & Human Services |
Relating to election integrity and security of ballot boxes, including by preventing fraud in the conduct of elections in this state; authorizing a penalty. State Affairs |
Relating to transparency regarding requirements to complete a certificate or degree program at a public institution of higher education. Education K-16 |
Relating to the requirements for the operational plan for certain general residential operations licensed by the Health and Human Services Commission. Health & Human Services |
Relating to health benefit plan coverage of anxiety and pain management in connection with insertion or removal of prescription contraceptive devices. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of an electronic platform and submission portal, known as My Texas Future, to facilitate the awareness and application of public high school students into institutions of higher education using the electronic common admission application form. Education K-16 |
Relating to a cost overage exemption for interconnection of advanced nuclear reactors to the ERCOT transmission system. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the installation by the Texas Department of Transportation of highway signs for certain cultural attractions. Transportation |
Relating to the exemption from sales and use taxes for certain information provided by or on behalf of a homeowners' association. Finance |
Relating to the administration of a retirement health care plan for firefighters and police officers in certain municipalities. Finance |
Relating to automobile liability insurance requirements for transportation network company drivers. Business & Commerce |
Relating to increasing the criminal punishment for certain driving while intoxicated offenses. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the regulation of emissions by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality during an event affecting electric demand or grid reliability. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the applicability of the compelling factor test within the Texas Jobs, Energy, Technology, and Innovation Act. Economic Development |
Relating to the disclosure of certain information regarding a record of a collision or violation involving a person operating a railroad locomotive or train. Transportation |
Relating to the cessation of tolls by toll project entities in certain circumstances. Transportation |
Relating to the inspection or removal by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation of elevators, escalators, and related equipment after a delay for or waiver of compliance. Business & Commerce |
Relating to access to universal changing facilities in places of public accommodation and public buildings. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the generation of electric power for sale by a water supply or sewer service corporation. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the acceptance of and funding for certain forms of identification issued to persons unlawfully present in the United States; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to investment of local governments' money in banks located in this state. Local Government |
Relating to payroll deductions for certain state and local government employee organizations. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the Managed Care Consumer Choice Program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to resources for public school classroom teachers, including liability insurance. Education K-16 |
Relating to the storage of alcoholic beverages by an airline passenger transportation permittee. State Affairs |
Relating to a comprehensive review of the centralized accounting and payroll system by the Department of Information Resources. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the Texas Pharmaceutical Initiative. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the provision of proxy advisory services in connection with certain entities domiciled in this state. State Affairs |
Relating to the award of work-for-time credits to certain persons released on parole or to mandatory supervision. Criminal Justice |
Relating to approval of graduate medical education by the Texas Medical Board and medical care provided at certain health care facilities by physicians with that education or certain board certification. Health & Human Services |
Relating to examination of the records of filing entities and foreign filing entities by the attorney general; creating a criminal offense. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the establishment of a grant program to provide financial assistance to counties for transportation assistance to indigent litigants. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the application for appointment of a guardian and to requiring criminal history record information and other information in connection with the guardianship of a ward or the ward's estate. Jurisprudence |
Relating to online law enforcement reporting systems maintained or operated by or on behalf of a municipality or county. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the placement of telephone corporation facilities in the right-of-way of certain county roads. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the jurisdiction of county attorneys to prosecute the deceptive trade practice of price gouging during a declared disaster. State Affairs |
Relating to the process of establishing speed limits on a highway or road near a prekindergarten. Transportation |
Relating to Medicare provider certification and enrollment prerequisites to Medicaid and child health plan program provider enrollment. Health & Human Services |
Relating to notice requirements for a leased dwelling located in a floodplain. Business & Commerce |
Relating to establishment of maximum allowable ground level concentrations of hydrogen sulfide by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Natural Resources |
Relating to the construction, expansion, or modification of certain concrete plants under a standard permit. Natural Resources |
Relating to prohibiting transporting or funding the transportation of an unemancipated minor for an abortion; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to the creation of an environmental product declaration grant program for manufacturers of ready-mixed concrete. Natural Resources |
Relating to the authority of certain persons to obtain third-party review of plats and property development plans, permits, and similar documents, and the inspection of an improvement related to such a document. Local Government |
Relating to the designation of a portion of Farm-to-Market Road 969 in Travis County as the Senior Police Officer Lewis "Andy" Traylor Memorial Highway. Transportation |
Relating to hospital staffing report processes and to retaliation and mandatory overtime protections for nurses; providing administrative penalties. Health & Human Services |
Relating to a maternal health training program for certain health care providers. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the establishment of an electronic health record loan program for certain health care facilities. Health & Human Services |
Relating to notaries public; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to equalizing compensation for certain wrongfully imprisoned persons. Finance |
Relating to the transfer of the University of Houston--Victoria to The Texas A&M University System. Education K-16 |
Relating to unlawful solicitation and distribution of a voter registration application; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to the prosecution of the criminal offense of unlawfully publishing a vote. State Affairs |
Relating to a grant program to provide salary assistance for judicial and court personnel in rural counties. Finance |
Relating to the use of personal wireless communication devices by students during instructional time. Education K-16 |
Relating to a grant program to fund certain short line railroad projects. Transportation |
Relating to the authority of certain counties to enact certain park use rules. Local Government |
Relating to affiliation with certain foreign entities of certain persons working or participating in the electricity market; increasing an administrative penalty. Business & Commerce |
Relating to provisions of state law requiring diversity. State Affairs |
Relating to the duty of the comptroller of public accounts to provide certain information to a school district if the comptroller determines in the study of the total taxable value of property in the district that the local value for the district is not valid. Education K-16 |
Relating to skimmers on electronic terminals; authorizing a civil penalty; creating criminal offenses. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the creation of the criminal offense of fraudulent use, possession, or tampering with gift cards or gift card data. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the financial exploitation or abuse of persons using artificially generated media or phishing communications; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the establishment of a grant program for the provision of menstrual products at public schools. Education K-16 |
Relating to nonsubstantive additions to, revisions of, and corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to conforming codifications enacted by the 88th Legislature to other Acts of that legislature. Administration |
Relating to student access to certain academic records held by a public institution of higher education or career school or college; authorizing fees. Education K-16 |
Relating to the availability of certain working papers and electronic communications of certain administrative law judges and technical examiners under the public information law. Business & Commerce |
Relating to a report on governmental opioid antagonist programs to reverse and prevent opioid overdoses. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the applicability of certain laws regarding peer-to-peer car sharing programs. Business & Commerce |
Relating to immunity from criminal liability for certain health care practitioners. State Affairs |
Relating to limitations on the use of administrative segregation by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice |
Relating to requiring county use of the statewide computerized voter registration list. State Affairs |
Relating to the employment of certain peace officers of the Department of Public Safety. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the creation of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Regional Administrative Judicial Districts, the creation of the office of regional district attorney for each district, and the powers and duties of regional district attorneys. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the overnight parking of a commercial motor vehicle in or near certain residential subdivisions. Transportation |
Relating to the provision by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to the pertinent state representative and state senator of notice of certain administrative actions of the commission. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the creation of the office of independent oversight ombudsman for the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice |
Relating to managed care contracts, including the procurement of managed care contracts, under Medicaid and the child health plan program. Health & Human Services |
Relating to entities authorized to provide water or sewer service. Water, Agriculture and Rural Affairs |
Relating to the collection and reporting of data regarding race and ethnicity by the Texas Education Agency. Education K-16 |
Relating to a study regarding the cost of child care in this state in comparison to family income. Economic Development |
Relating to an exemption from ad valorem taxation of the amount of the appraised value of real property that arises from the installation or construction on the property of a generator that is primarily for the production and distribution of energy for on-site use. Local Government |
Relating to the information that must be included in a school district bond election proposition. Education K-16 |
Relating to general obligation bonds issued by school districts. Education K-16 |
Relating to certain duties of the owner or operator of a residential child detention facility. Local Government |
Relating to the establishment of the task force on disability policy. Health & Human Services |
Relating to certain accommodations for public school students diagnosed with a concussion or other brain injury. Education K-16 |
Relating to restrictions on the sale of obscene devices; providing a civil penalty. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the sunset review process and certain governmental entities subject to that process. Business & Commerce |
Relating to governmental entities subject to the sunset review process. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Lottery Commission. State Affairs |
Relating to the functions and duties of the Texas Ethics Commission. State Affairs |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Information Resources, including the composition of the governing body of the department. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Texas Board of Criminal Justice and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and to the functions of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the Correctional Managed Health Care Committee, the Texas Correctional Office on Offenders with Medical or Mental Impairments, and the Windham School District. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the Sabine River Authority of Texas, following recommendations of the Sunset Advisory Commission; specifying grounds for the removal of a member of the board of directors. Local Government |
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for game animals Finance |
Relating to business organizations. Business & Commerce |
Relating to an exemption from sales and use taxes for firearms, ammunition, and other related items sold during a limited period. Finance |
Relating to the applicability of certain laws to tiny homes and tiny home communities. Business & Commerce |
Relating to prohibiting the regulation of homeschool programs. Education K-16 |
Relating to the dissemination of certain school district ad valorem tax-related information. Local Government |
Relating to a preference against state resources being used to compete against private commercial sources. Business & Commerce |
Relating to investigations conducted and actions brought by the attorney general under the Texas Free Enterprise and Antitrust Act of 1983. State Affairs |
Relating to timely billing requirements for health care service providers. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the authority of a special district to exercise certain powers and duties following municipal disannexation of certain areas. Local Government |
Relating to the regulation of platforms for the sale and distribution of software applications for mobile devices. State Affairs |
Relating to electronic device filters for certain obsene materials; providing a civil penalty; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to investigations and disciplinary or punitive action by the Texas Medical Board regarding certain treatments or practices regarding COVID-19 and to the required expungement of certain records. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the imposition of a tax on certain entities that receive certain federal tax credits related to investing in and developing renewable energy projects in an amount equal to the federal tax credits received. Business & Commerce |
Relating to access by a member of the legislature or the lieutenant governor to certain governmental meetings or enforcement actions. Business & Commerce |
Relating to increasing the criminal penalty for certain conduct constituting the offense of dog fighting or the offense of cockfighting. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the use of impact fees by a political subdivision. Local Government |
Relating to diagnosis, maintenance, and repair of certain digital electronic equipment. Business & Commerce |
Relating to genetic information security for residents of this state; providing a civil penalty; providing a private cause of action. State Affairs |
Relating to measures to protect public institutions of higher education from foreign adversaries and to the prosecution of the criminal offense of theft of trade secrets; providing civil and administrative penalties; increasing a criminal penalty. Education K-16 |
Relating to requiring foreign language credit opportunities for students enrolled in study abroad programs offered by certain institutions of higher education in this state. Education K-16 |
Relating to periodic occupational cancer screenings for firefighters. Local Government |
Relating to negotiated rulemaking by the commissioner of insurance. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the prioritization of natural gas deliveries to certain electric power generation units. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the prosecution of the offenses of trafficking of persons and continuous trafficking of persons. Criminal Justice |
Relating to participation in, administration of, contributions to, and benefits under the Texas Municipal Retirement System. Finance |
Relating to requirements for notice advertising the sale of property to enforce a self-service storage facility lien. Business & Commerce |
Relating to conditions of community supervision for defendants convicted of certain criminal offenses involving animals. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the operation of off-highway vehicles. Transportation |
Relating to the regulation of code enforcement officers and code enforcement officers in training. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the regulation of preproduction plastic by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. Natural Resources |
Relating to educational requirements for licensing as an audiologist. Health & Human Services |
Relating to electronic delivery of documents sent or received by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Business & Commerce |
Relating to the regulation of sanitarians and sanitarians in training. Business & Commerce |
Relating to access to criminal history record information by certain legal services providers. Criminal Justice |
Relating to the governance of local mental health authorities and the composition of the governing bodies of local mental health authorities. Health & Human Services |
Relating to reporting requirements for assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization. Health & Human Services |
Relating to rural workforce development. Economic Development |
Relating to financial assurance requirements for operators under the jurisdiction of the Railroad Commission of Texas. Natural Resources |
Relating to the participation and reimbursement of and requirements affecting certain providers, including providers of eye health care and vision care services, under Medicaid. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of a grant program to assist local law enforcement agencies in testing certain substances suspected of containing delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol. State Affairs |
Relating to the compensation of the chief apprasier of an appraisal district. Local Government |
Relating to the memorial designation of certain portions of an international border wall and the use of grants related to homeland security for those purposes. Border Security |
Relating to the rights and responsibilities of a foster parent. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the creation of the Texas Energy Waste Advisory Committee. Business & Commerce |
Relating to religious programs and activities available to inmates of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice. Criminal Justice |
Relating to clarity and certainty in the administration and operation of Medicaid. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the audit of claims and recovery of overpayments by Medicaid recovery audit contractors. Health & Human Services |
Relating to the protection of personal identifying information of certain persons in the judicial system; creating a criminal offense. State Affairs |
Relating to rapid DNA analysis performed by certain law enforcement agencies and the content of certain DNA databases. Criminal Justice |