COMMITTEE:    Delivery of Government Efficiency 

TIME & DATE:  10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 

PLACE:        E2.010 
CHAIR:        Rep. Giovanni Capriglione 


The Committee on Delivery of Government Efficiency will hear invited and public testimony on the following subject:


Elimination of inefficiencies in the provision of state services


The Committee will hear public testimony on the following bills:


HB 149         Capriglione                               
Relating to the regulation of the use of artificial intelligence systems in this state; providing civil penalties.

HB 252         Walle                                     
Relating to the payment of employment compensation by certain state agencies.

HB 643         Gervin-Hawkins                            
Relating to the requirement for payment bonds from certain public work contractors.

HB 1442        Howard                                    
Relating to the Internet broadcast or recording of certain open meetings.

HB 1500        Bell, Keith                               
Relating to the continuation and functions of the Department of Information Resources, including the composition of the governing body of the department.

HB 1672        Ashby                                     
Relating to application of the Administrative Procedure Act to certain actions by the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles related to the compliance review and safety audit program for commercial motor vehicles.

HB 1851        Morales, Eddie | et al.                   
Relating to the disposition of certain surplus motor vehicles and other law enforcement equipment by the Texas Facilities Commission to certain school districts.

HB 1893        Cook                                      
Relating to the disclosure under the public information law of a motor vehicle license plate number captured in a video recording obtained or maintained by a law enforcement agency.

HB 2028        Hickland                                  
Relating to the governmental bodies required to post on the Internet notices and agendas for meetings under the open meetings law.

HB 2768        Capriglione                               
Relating to the development of a state information technology apprenticeship credential offered by public junior colleges or public technical institutes to address shortages in the state information resources workforce.

HB 2818        Capriglione                               
Relating to the artificial intelligence division within the Department of Information Resources.

The length of public testimony and the number of witnesses may be limited at the discretion of the chair.


Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to

agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until

the hearing is adjourned by visiting:


For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here:


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here:


Instructions related to public access to the meeting location are available here:






Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.