COMMITTEE:    S/C on Family & Fiduciary Relationships 

TIME & DATE:  2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
Monday, March 31, 2025 

PLACE:       E2.016 
CHAIR:       Rep. Harold V. Dutton, Jr. 


HB 368         Landgraf
Relating to a prohibition on remotely controlling electronic devices of certain individuals and to the criminal prosecution of that conduct.

HB 3311        Swanson                                               
Relating to priority of payments for claims against a decedent's estate.

HB 1734        Orr                                                   
Relating to the transfer of court files in a suit affecting the parent-child relationship in which continuing, exclusive jurisdiction is transferred.

HB 2495        Dutton                                                
Relating to certain rights of the sole managing conservator of a child in relation to the child's enrollment in school.

HB 2716        Curry                                                 
Relating to the consideration of a history of family violence, child neglect or abuse, or sexual offenses in suits affecting the parent-child relationship.

HB 793         Thompson                                              
Relating to the confidentiality of certain personal information of an applicant for or a person protected by a protective order.

HB 3376        Capriglione                                           
Relating to training on dementia and Alzheimer's disease for certain guardians.

HB 2524        Cook                                                  
Relating to the recovery of fees, court costs, and expenses in family law proceedings.

HB 3421        Hayes                                                 
Relating to decedents' estates and other matters involving probate courts.

HB 3446        Hull                                                  
Relating to access to a child's health records by the child's parent, managing conservator, or guardian.

HB 3181        Dutton                                                
Relating to the enforcement of a court order for possession of or access to a child and related order modifications.

Texas residents who wish to electronically submit comments related to

agenda items on this notice without testifying in person can do so until

the hearing is adjourned by visiting:



For those persons who will be testifying, information for in-person witness registration, can be found here: https://mytxlegis.capitol.texas.gov/HWRSPublic/About.aspx


A live video broadcast of this hearing will be available here: https://house.texas.gov/video-audio/


Instructions related to public access to the meeting location are available here: https://house.texas.gov/committees/public-access-house-committee-meetings/





**         See Committee Coordinator for previous versions         **
of this notice.


Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need assistance, such as a sign language interpreter, are requested to contact Stacey Nicchio at (512) 463-0850, 72 hours prior to the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.