SB 11

              Senate Committee Report

              Education K-16

              March 4, 2025 - 11:00 AM or upon adjournment


                                          Barton, David    (Self; WallBuilders), Aledo, TX

                                          Barton, Timothy    (Self; WallBuilders), Aledo, TX

                                          Case Pickens, Liz    (Self) , Dallas, TX

                                          Covey, Jonathan   Director of Policy  (Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                          Gray, Brady    (Self; Texas Family Project), Brock, TX

                                          Kennedy, Joseph   Coach  (Self) , Pensacola, TX

                                          Krause, Matt    (First Liberty Institute), Plano, TX

                                          Lugo, Mark   Pastor  (Self; At His Feet Ministries), Lytle/TX, TX

                                          Saenz, Jonathan   Attorney & President  (Self; Texas Values), Austin, TX

                                          Schulte, Tara    (Self; Citizens Defending Freedom), Mckinney, TX

                                          Vega, Richard   Pastor - At His Feet Ministries and CT Church  (Self) , Houston, TX

                                          Wallace, Bonnie    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Llano, TX

                                          Wilson, Jake    (Self) , Fort Worth, TX


                                          Cain, Jessica   The Rev.  (Self) , San Marcos, TX

                                          Fiedler, Levi    (Self; Texas Freedom Network), Austin, TX

                                          Harrison, Jody   Rev  (also providing written testimony)  (Self; Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                          Hendrickson, Andrew    (also providing written testimony)  (ACLU of Texas), Dripping

                                          Springs, TX

                                          Hinkle, Dan    (Self) , Sugar land, TX

                                          Puente, Jaime    (Self; Every Texan), Austin, TX


                                          Swanson, Steve    (also providing written testimony)  (Self) , Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Ayres, Shannon    (Self; Citizens Defending Freedom), Frisco, TX

                                          Bentley, Christin   State Repulican Executive Committeewoman  (Self) , Winona, TX

                                          Brown, Ashlynn    (Self) , Greenville, TX

                                          Castilla, Cindi    (Self; Texas Eagle Forum), Dallas, TX

                                          Madrid, Jennifer    (Self) , Belton, TX

                                          Robbins, Jill    (Self) , Holland, TX

                                          Sanders, Richard    (Self; Christian life commission), Austin, TX

                                          Scott, Anita    (Self) , Arlington, TX


                                          Albert, David   Dr.  (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Bezner, Steven   Dr  (Self) , Spring, TX

                                          Bonilla, Grace    (Self; Texas Impact), Austin, TX

                                          Carlson, Pat    (Self) , Fort Worth, TX

                                          Cofield, Melanie    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Duggins-Clay, Paige   Chief Legal Analyst, IDRA  (Self; IDRA (Intercultural Development

                                          Research Association)), San Antonio, TX

                                          Easley, Jennifer   State President Texas PTA  (Texas PTA), San Antonio, TX

                                          Fox, Taylor    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Hallamek, James    (Texax State Teachers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Hughitt, Emily    (Self) , Energy, TX

                                          Kalthoff, Wendy    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Kling, Kelsey    (Self; Texas AFT), Austin, TX

                                          Kovach, Julia    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Laeky, Miriam   Government Affairs Director  (Equality Texas), Austin, TX

                                          Morris, Ren    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Morris, Tory    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Orr, Grey    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Petrakis, Rory    (Self) , Austin, TX


                                                                              WITNESS LIST

              SB 11

              Senate Committee Report

              Education K-16

                                          Samuels, Cameron   Executive Director, SEAT  (Self; Students Engaged in Advancing

                                          Texas (SEAT)), Katy, TX

                                          Toretto, Courtney    (Self; Anti-Defamation League), Austin, TX


                                          Hoffacker, Daphne    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Marin, Eric    (TEA), Austin, TX
