Appropriations Committee

            February 18, 2025 - 8:00 AM

            Behavioral and Mental Health


                                 Alletto, Michelle (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Lakey, David (Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium)

                                 Young, Cecile Erwin (Health and Human Services Commission)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ashworth-Mazerolle, Rachel (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Dionne-Vahalik, Michelle (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Elliott, Libby Camp (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Grady, Victoria (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Ita, Trina (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Kauffman, Sylvia Hernandez (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Mayes, Valerie (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 McCreary, Maurice (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Pahl, Stephen (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Ray, Karen (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Regan, Molly (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Schalchlin, Scott (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Starkey, Crystal (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Turner, Haley (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Williams, Laurel (Tcmhcc)

                                 Wood, Trey (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Zalkovsky, Emily (Health and Human Services Commission)

            Biennial Revenue Estimate and Economic Stabilization Fund


                                 Hegar, Glenn (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Currah, Tom (Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts)

            Family and Protective Services


                                 Muth, Stephanie (Department of Family and Protective Services)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Biggar, Lea Ann (Dept of Family and Protective Services)

                                 O’Neill, Audrey (Dept of Family and Protective Services)

                                 Sims, Jennifer (Dept of Family and Protective Services)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST


                                 Taccetta, Kaysie (Dept of Family and Protective Services)

                                 Windbigler, Grace (Dept of afamily and Protective Services)

            House Budget Recommendations and Spending Limits


                                 Henricksen, Aaron (Legislative Budget Board)

                                 Kavanaugh, Kevin (Legislative Budget Board)

                                 Lindsey, Julie (Legislative Budget Board)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Bolding, Lann (Legislative Budget Board)

            Overview of the Texas Medicaid Program


                                 Alletto, Michelle (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Mayes, Valerie (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Wood, Trey (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Young, Cecile Erwin (Health and Human Services Commission)

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Ashworth-Mazerolle, Rachel (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Dionne-Vahalik, Michelle (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Elliott, Libby Camp (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Grady, Victoria (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Ita, Trina (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Kauffman, Sylvia Hernandez (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 McCreary, Maurice (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Pahl, Stephen (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Ray, Karen (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Regan, Molly (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Schalchlin, Scott (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Starkey, Crystal (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Turner, Haley (Health and Human Services Commission)

                                 Zalkovsky, Emily (Health and Human Services Commission)

            State Auditor's Office


                                 Collier, Lisa (State Auditor’s Office)

            Texas Sunset Commission


                                 Beverly, Eric (Sunset Advisory Commission)


                                                                                    WITNESS LIST

                 Registering, but not testifying:


                                 Crawford, Amanda (Department of Information Resources)

                                 McConnell, Andrew (Sunset)

                                 McDivitt, Darren (Texas Sunset Advisory Commission)

                                 San Miguel, Senaida (Texas Sunset Commission)
