Legislature: 75(R) - 1997

Sen. Michael Galloway

Annexation (Interim)
Cmte of the Whole on Leg & Cong Redistricting
Committee of the Whole Senate
Education (Interim)
Health & Human Services
Intergovernmental Relations (Vice Chair)
State Affairs

Conference Committees
Conference Committee on HB 381
Conference Committee on HB 1548 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 1856
Conference Committee on HB 2088
Conference Committee on HB 2850 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 2914 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 2964
Conference Committee on HB 3540 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 99
Conference Committee on SB 343
Conference Committee on SB 361
Conference Committee on SB 1425