Legislature: 87th Legislature

Committee Assignments

    Committee of the Whole Senate
    Natural Resources & Economic Development
    Redistricting, Special
    Veteran Affairs (Chair)

Conference Committees for 87(R) - 2021
    Conference Committee on HB 5
    Conference Committee on HB 900
    Conference Committee on HB 1281
    Conference Committee on HB 1818
    Conference Committee on HB 2483 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 3282
    Conference Committee on HB 3648 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 3752 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on HB 4492 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 2 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 14
    Conference Committee on SB 15
    Conference Committee on SB 1263
    Conference Committee on SB 1281 (Chair)
    Conference Committee on SB 1588
    Conference Committee on SB 1816
    Conference Committee on SB 2038

Legislative Information

87(R) - 2021
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

87(1) - 2021
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

87(2) - 2021
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

87(3) - 2021
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored