Bill:  HB 4210 
Legislative Session: 88(R) Author: Lujan
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Relating to the appointment and terms of members of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district.

House Committee Report
Relating to the appointment and terms of members of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district.

Relating to the qualifications to serve as a member of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district and rules adopted by the State Board of Education for the governance of a special-purpose district.

Senate Committee Report
Relating to the qualifications to serve as a member of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district and rules adopted by the State Board of Education for the governance of a special-purpose district.

Relating to the qualifications to serve as a member of a board of trustees of a military reservation school district and rules adopted by the State Board of Education for the governance of a special-purpose district.