Bill:  SB 1745 
Legislative Session: 88(R) Author: Perry
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Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.

Senate Committee Report
Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.

Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.

House Committee Report
Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.

Relating to the equalization of the rates of production fees charged on certain wells by the Barton Springs-Edwards Aquifer Conservation District; authorizing an increase in the rate of the fee.