Bill:  HB 1347 
Legislative Session: 85(R) Council Document: 85R 1129 ADM-D
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Last Action:02/28/2017 H Referred to Elections: Feb 28 2017 11:36AM
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Relating to requiring a voter to be affiliated with a political party to vote in that party's primary election or otherwise participate in that party's affairs; creating a criminal offense; amending provisions subject to a criminal penalty.
Subjects:Elections--Administration (I0277)
Elections--Candidates (I0280)
Elections--Political Parties (I0275)
Elections--Primaries (I0285)
Elections--Registration & Suffrage (I0265)
Companion:HB 1061 by Rinaldi, Duplicate
HB 1353 by Shaheen, Duplicate
House Committee:Elections
Status:In committee
Actions: (descending date order)
Description Comment Date       Time       Journal Page
 Referred to Elections      02/28/2017   11:36 AM  494
 Read first time      02/28/2017     494
 Filed      01/30/2017