Bill:  HB 177 
Legislative Session: 88(3) Council Document: 88S3 250 ANG-D
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Last Action:10/19/2023 H Filed
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Relating to a bonus payment for certain public school employees and to the public school finance system.
Author:Hinojosa | Thompson, Senfronia | Raymond | Bryant | Talarico
Coauthor:Allen | Anchía | Bernal | Bhojani | Bowers | Bucy | Cole | Collier | Flores | Garcia | González, Jessica | Goodwin | Guerra | Howard | Johnson, Ann | Jones, Jolanda | Jones, Venton | Lalani | Lopez, Ray | Manuel | Martinez | Martinez Fischer | Meza | Moody | Morales Shaw | Morales, Christina | Morales, Eddie | Neave Criado | Ortega | Perez | Plesa | Ramos | Romero, Jr. | Rosenthal | Sherman, Sr. | Thierry | Turner | Wu | Zwiener
Subjects:Education--Primary & Secondary--Finance (I0250)
Education--Primary & Secondary--Other School Personnel (I0246)
Education--Primary & Secondary--Special (I0243)
Education--Primary & Secondary--Teachers (I0242)
Safety (I0740)
Salaries & Expenses (I0745)
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 Filed      10/19/2023