Bill:  HB 2348 
Legislative Session: 83(R) Council Document: 83R 10011 T-T
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Last Action:03/11/2013 H Referred to Public Health
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Relating to the powers and duties of the Texas Medical Board and the regulation of certain persons licensed by the board.
Author:Zerwas | Callegari | Menéndez | Márquez | Anderson
Coauthor:Bohac | Capriglione | Davis, John | Davis, Sarah | Elkins | Fletcher | Flynn | Gonzales, Larry | Harless | Hilderbran | Huberty | Hughes | Isaac | Kacal | King, Phil | Kuempel | Laubenberg | Lavender | Leach | Miller, Rick | Murphy | Patrick, Diane | Riddle | Smith | White | Zedler
Subjects:Health Care Providers (I0387)
Occupational Regulation--Health Occupations (I0540)
Companion:SB 1193 by Campbell, Identical
House Committee:Public Health
Status:In committee
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 Filed      03/05/2013    
 Read first time      03/11/2013     682
 Referred to Public Health      03/11/2013     682