Bill:  SCR 35 
Legislative Session: 79(R) Council Document: 79R 14306 JLZ-D
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Last Action:05/04/2005 S Referred to Education
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Encouraging the State Board of Education to ensure that public schools teach students about Hispano contributions to the development of Texas and the United States and that all of the state's history and government textbooks include such information.
Subjects:Education--Primary & Secondary--Curriculum (I0228)
Education--Primary & Secondary--Textbooks (I0226)
Resolutions--Legislative Policy (I0685)
Companion:HCR 152 by Olivo, Identical
Senate Committee:Education
Status:In committee
Actions: (descending date order)
Description Comment Date       Time       Journal Page
 Referred to Education      05/04/2005     1585
 Read first time      05/04/2005     1585
 Received by the Secretary of the Senate      05/03/2005