Legislature: 82(R) - 2011

Sen. Juan Hinojosa

Agriculture & Rural Affairs
Committee of the Whole Senate
Criminal Justice
Cruise Industry Development (Cochair)
Finance (Vice Chair)
Finance-S/C on Higher Education Funding
Finance-S/C on Medicaid
Finance-S/C on Public Safety
Human Trafficking
Intergovernmental Relations (Chair)
Natural Resources
Oversight of Criminal Justice
Public School Finance System
Redistricting, Select
Seacoast Territory Insurance
Transportation & Homeland Security

Conference Committees
Conference Committee on HB 1
Conference Committee on HB 414
Conference Committee on HB 1560 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 1732 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 2048
Conference Committee on HB 2499
Conference Committee on HB 2605
Conference Committee on HB 2608 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 2694
Conference Committee on HB 2734
Conference Committee on HB 2847
Conference Committee on HB 3109
Conference Committee on HB 3302
Conference Committee on HB 3328
Conference Committee on HB 3459
Conference Committee on SB 23
Conference Committee on SB 158
Conference Committee on SB 201
Conference Committee on SB 313
Conference Committee on SB 316 (Discharged)
Conference Committee on SB 516
Conference Committee on SB 652
Conference Committee on SB 655
Conference Committee on SB 660 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 1420 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 1489
Conference Committee on SB 1588
Conference Committee on SB 1600
Conference Committee on SB 1717