Legislature: 74(R) - 1995

Sen. Eddie Lucio, Jr.

Charitable Bingo (Interim) (Chair)
Cmte of the Whole on Leg & Cong Redistricting
Committee of the Whole Senate
Economic Development
Subcommittee II
Subcommittee on Veteran Affairs
Intergovernmental Relations (Chair)
International Relations, Trade & Technology
Juvenile DWI Laws (Interim)
Natural Resources
Subcommittee on Agriculture (Chair)

Conference Committees
Conference Committee on HB 546
Conference Committee on HB 752
Conference Committee on HB 958
Conference Committee on HB 1013
Conference Committee on HB 1127
Conference Committee on HB 1367
Conference Committee on HB 1593
Conference Committee on HB 1792
Conference Committee on HB 2256
Conference Committee on HB 2294
Conference Committee on HB 2349
Conference Committee on HB 2726
Conference Committee on HB 2754
Conference Committee on HB 2843
Conference Committee on HB 3003 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 3021
Conference Committee on HB 3101 (Chair)
Conference Committee on HB 3164
Conference Committee on SB 360
Conference Committee on SB 673
Conference Committee on SB 699 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 821
Conference Committee on SB 870
Conference Committee on SB 913 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 1445
Conference Committee on SB 1502 (Chair)
Conference Committee on SB 1509
Conference Committee on SB 1546
Conference Committee on SB 1646
Conference Committee on SJR51