Bill:  HB 629 
Legislative Session: 87(R) Council Document: 87R 608 JCG-D
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Last Action:03/01/2021 H Referred to State Affairs: Mar 1 2021 5:05PM
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Relating to the governor's power to control the sale, dispensing, transportation, storage, and use of alcoholic beverages, ammunition, explosives, combustibles, and weapons during a declared state of disaster or state of emergency.
Author:White | Slaton | Swanson
Coauthor:Biedermann | Cain
Subjects:Alcoholic Beverage Regulation (I0025)
Disaster Preparedness & Relief (I0211)
Governor (I0375)
State Agencies, Boards & Commissions (I0749)
Weapons (I0887)
Companion:HB 340 by Cain, Duplicate
HB 1690 by Tinderholt, Duplicate
House Committee:State Affairs
Status:In committee
Actions: (descending date order)
Description Comment Date       Time       Journal Page
 Referred to State Affairs      03/01/2021   05:05 PM  287
 Read first time      03/01/2021     287
 Filed      11/23/2020