Bill:  HJR 104 
Legislative Session: 85(R) Council Document: 85R 14160 E-E
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Last Action:03/20/2017 H Referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select: Mar 20 2017 3:24PM
Caption Version:Introduced
Caption Text:Urging the Congress of the United States to propose for ratification an amendment to the United States Constitution which would prohibit, with one exception, the practice of abortion within the United States or in any place subject to their jurisdiction or, in the alternative, applying to Congress to call a convention, pursuant to Article V of that Constitution, for the specific and limited purpose of proposing such an amendment to that Constitution for ratification.
Subjects:Abortion (I0005)
Congress (I0085)
Legislature (I0520)
Resolutions--Constitutional Amendments (I0661)
Resolutions--Memorializing Congress (I0675)
Resolutions--United States Constitution (I0670)
House Committee:State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select
Status:In committee
Actions: (descending date order)
Description Comment Date       Time       Journal Page
 Referred to State & Federal Power & Responsibility, Select      03/20/2017   03:24 PM  747
 Read first time      03/20/2017     747
 Filed      03/08/2017