Legislature: 88th Legislature

Contact Information
Visit Home Page on Texas Senate Website
District: 6
Capitol Office: CAP 1E.9
Capitol Address:  P.O. Box 12068, Capitol Station
Austin, TX 78711
Capitol Phone: (512) 463-0106
District Address:  4450 Harrisburg, Suite 400
Houston, TX 77011
District Phone: (713) 926-6257

Committee Assignments

    Committee of the Whole Senate
    Hurricane & Tropical Storm Prep, Recov, & Electric, Special
    Natural Resources & Economic Development
    Redistricting, Special

Conference Committees for 88(R) - 2023
    Conference Committee on HB 4443
    Conference Committee on SB 1418
    Conference Committee on SB 1500

Legislative Information

88(R) - 2023
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

88(1) - 2023
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

88(2) - 2023
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

88(3) - 2023
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored

88(4) - 2023
    Bills Authored
    Bills Sponsored
    Bills Coauthored
    Bills Cosponsored
    Amendments Authored